Tooth decay and its prevention

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Tooth decay is a social disease that has been around since the beginning of time. It applies to all countries of the world and is closely related to civilization conditions. Its intensity is greatest in the population of countries where refined sugars are consumed in large amounts.

What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is a chronic, social infectious disease that may affect up to 90% of patients. people all over Poland. Its essence is the demineralization and damage to the tooth tissues, first – enamel and dentin, and then the pulp. The ailment is caused by the softening of the tooth enamel by acids and toxins. Acids are formed in the mouth by bacteria that attack plaque. Caries should not be underestimated, because decayed primary teeth easily infect permanent teeth. The first symptoms of the disease are light-colored carious spots that darken with time. In the prevention of tooth decay, oral hygiene is the most important thing. You should take care of proper brushing of teeth and the use of dental floss. Such treatments should be implemented already in the youngest children. Especially for them, you can order Sweet Orange Georganics natural dental floss for children at Medonet Market.

What are the causes of tooth decay?

The cause of tooth decay is dental plaque, bacterial, which sticks to the tooth and contains certain microorganisms. The occurrence of caries is also influenced, on the one hand, by general factors such as individual predisposition, some ailments and improper nutrition: deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and some micronutrients.

On the other hand, local factors are of great importance, including:

  1. lack of proper oral hygiene,
  2. eating carbohydrates, especially those kept in the mouth for a long time, in the periods between proper meals,
  3. avoiding eating hard food that cleans the teeth, the amount and composition of saliva.

The appropriate quality of the bacterial flora is of great importance in the formation of caries. LACTIBIANE Buccodental probiotic for oral cavity infections and caries supports the prevention and treatment of dental caries and inflammation of the oral cavity by supporting the maintenance of normal bacterial flora in the oral cavity.

Caries can affect both deciduous and permanent teeth. Carious lesions may arise in single teeth or several at once. The ailment usually consists of grooves and indentations on the chewing surfaces of the molars, the gingival surfaces of all teeth, and the contact surfaces of the molars and premolars.

Do you want to minimize the risk of caries? Regularly brush your teeth – you can try Sylveco natural toothpaste, which you can find at Medonet Market. Use sonic brushes, which are one of the most accurate and effective toothbrushes. Use ApaCare Liquid Remineralizing Mouthwash for Children and Adults between meals. Do not rinse your mouth with water after using it.

Where is caries most common?

The formation of caries in deciduous teeth is faster than in permanent teeth. It is influenced by morphological and chemical differences as well as weaker mineralization of milk teeth as opposed to permanent teeth. It can occur in children caries TZW. earlywhich forms as soon as the teeth erupt, and caries TZW. circular, in the course of which the rapid development of the disease in the cervical area soon causes the fracture of the tooth crowns.

Permanent teeth, freshly erupted, in which mineralization has not yet been completed, are also highly susceptible to caries. The permanent tooth, which appears first in the oral cavity and in which carious lesions are particularly often diagnosed, is the first molar, which is very dangerous. Parents are very often convinced that it is a milk tooth.

In young people, the course and spread of caries is rapid, the form predominates acute, moist caries. In adults, it is observed more often chronic, dry caries.

In older people, with the simultaneous loss of the alveolar bone and increasing the length of the crowns, the dental necks and tooth roots are exposed. On these surfaces, especially when stapling prosthetic restorations are placed on them, caries of the root cement often form, which develops towards the root apex, in the buccal and lingual area of ​​the teeth. The risk of root caries increases with the patient’s age.

Caries that initially appear on the teeth may appear as a discolored stain. This is accompanied by sensitivity to sweet foods. Along with the development of ailments, the hard tissues of the tooth disintegrate and a carious cavity is formed. Patients respond to both chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli when food enters the cavity. The use of a permanent filling can protect the teeth from further adverse consequences of caries. Currently, drills, air abrasion and a laser are used.

To prevent tooth decay, proper oral care is essential. To do this, reach for the Gusto Ice Whitening toothpaste against plaque and caries, which is available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Caries symptoms

The penetration of bacteria deep into the tooth causes toothache and tooth sensitivity to cold and warm stimuli. Reporting these symptoms to a dentist gives a chance that the tooth will be saved. If we ignore the ailment, caries begins to develop and penetrate the tooth pulp. Then, inflammation is formed, which is so advanced that it is impossible to stop it, and worst of all – to save the tooth. Tooth decay attacks the enamel at the very beginning, then carious spots are visible, which become darker with time. At this stage, it is still possible to save the tooth. The dentist performs the reminalization procedure.

The next stage of caries is characterized by the destruction of enamel by toxins, bacteria and acids. Cavities begin to slowly enlarge, and bacteria penetrate deep into the pulp. The most extreme stage of the disease is tooth necrosis due to the lack of timely dental intervention.

Tooth decay prevention

Caries prevention is very important and should be implemented already during pregnancy. In the fourth month of fetal life, mineralization of primary teeth begins, and in the second half of pregnancy – permanent teeth. The disease suffered by a pregnant woman significantly affects the condition of the child’s dental organ, and her digestive errors, especially the deficiency in the diet of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, micronutrients and vitamins, are very important for the formation of tooth buds, tooth growth and subsequent susceptibility to caries.

During pregnancy, a proper diet is very important, containing the right amount of protein and limiting the amount of carbohydrates and providing the body with food rich in vitamins, especially A, B, C and D, as well as minerals.

After the baby is born, especially until the mineralization of the hard dental tissues is complete, nutrition is also essential. For an infant, the most important thing is to nourish it with mother’s milk, which is a complete food during the formation of dentition. Later, the quality of meals must be varied and adapted to the needs of the growing organism.

Prevention is equally important in children, even over the age of 16, with a fully formed permanent dentition. It is recommended that:

  1. consuming dairy products and vegetables,
  2. chewing hard, fibrous and granular foods that force you to chew and clean your teeth at the same time,
  3. limiting the consumption of sweets that stay in the mouth for a long time (toffee, hard candy, lollipops) in the breaks between meals and before going to bed after the evening teeth cleaning.

Oral hygiene

In order to prevent tooth decay, proper oral hygiene is important, which should consist in systematic and thorough tooth cleaning. Teeth brushing should begin at the age of 2-3 years. You should brush your teeth in the morning, evening and, if possible, after each meal. The brush, kept clean, should be changed every 3-4 months. A new brush should be washed with warm boiled water before use. However, after use, the brush must be thoroughly rinsed under a strong stream of running lukewarm water, position the bristles vertically upwards to make it easier to dry. Teeth are brushed for an average of 2-3 minutes each time. An interesting solution are sonic toothbrushes equipped with timers, thanks to which it is easier to control the time of brushing your teeth. At you will find the best sonic toothbrush for you. Click and check.

You can buy Cannaderm cannabis oral care cosmetic set today at Medonet Market. The natural composition of the products carefully cares for the oral cavity and makes the teeth strong and fully clean.

The size of the brush should be adapted to the size of the oral cavity, so children’s brushes must be appropriately smaller. The brushes are made of synthetic material. The bristle bundles should be loose, preferably 2-3 rows of bristles in 6-8 rows. The bristles of the toothbrush must be soft and relatively flexible, not too thick, with rounded ends. With wide interdental spaces, you can use special small interdental, bundle or spiral brushes. Electric toothbrushes thanks to the vibrations they also massage the gums. They are especially recommended for people with manual disability. Currently, manufacturers advertise “more and more perfect” brushes. There are also special-purpose brushes, e.g. for people with implants.

Medonet Market’s offer includes the Tm-Sonic sonic toothbrush with several operating modes. The device thoroughly cleans the teeth and oral cavity and has 3 modes of operation: cleaning, whitening and massage – for the care of the gums. We also recommend:

  1. Sonic toothbrush Evorei Sonic 2,
  2. Sonic toothbrush Evorei Sonic One.

Choice brushing methods is not indifferent. Usually, people who do not receive proper instructions brush their teeth crosswise. These movements are not recommended, as there is a possibility of damaging the teeth and the gingival margin, as well as exposing the tooth roots. Children are especially recommended to use the method of brushing with vertical-circular movements.

For adults, the best method of brushing is the so-called sweeping method. Then the toothbrush in the jaw is set at an angle of 45 degrees, with the bristles up, in the jaw – with the bristles down. The brush is placed on the tooth crowns right next to the gums in such a way that the bristles enter the interdental space. The sweeping motion moves the brush along the crowns of the teeth to their edge. The brush should adhere to the entire surface of the tooth being cleaned and all tooth surfaces should be cleaned.

Dental floss and toothpicks

Dental floss varies in thickness and types, most commonly silk waxed or unwaxed, containing fluorine and impregnated with fragrances. Sawing movements are used to guide the thread at the point where the teeth meet in the interdental space, up to the gingival margin. Dental floss can be used by children from 10 years of age.

The task of dental floss is to remove soft plaque deposits that accumulate in the interdental spaces. Dental floss is purchased in special packages that ensure proper hygiene and convenient access.

You can find opinions about dental floss on

The interdental spaces can also be cleaned with toothpicks, also called interdental sticks. The best are with a triangular cross-section, wooden or plastic.

Various types can also be used to clean the teeth rinses. There are rinses on the market with only prophylactic, other also therapeutic effects. Acting mechanically, they rinse out food residues, soft deposits, and also numerous microorganisms. Most often, plant preparations or antiseptics are added to the rinses.

Gum for life

Currently, chewing gums are often advertised to help maintain proper oral hygiene and thus prevent tooth decay. Chewing gum stimulates the secretion of saliva, thus its flow is increased, which results in increased cleaning of the teeth from food debris. The addition of fluorine compounds to the gum has an additional anti-caries effect and increases the remineralization of the enamel. However, it is important to remember that chewing gum after eating should last about 15–30 minutes. Long-term chewing can lead to unfavorable changes in the temporomandibular joint.


Toothpastes are designed to facilitate the mechanical cleaning of teeth. In addition, toothpastes should strengthen the enamel surface and thus protect it against caries, and if necessary, eliminate dentin hypersensitivity, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and also refreshing and deodorizing properties. Therefore, various chemical compounds and biologically active substances (e.g. plant extracts) are added to them. They increase the resistance of the enamel and prevent the deposition of soft and mineralized plaque. We recommend, for example, ELMEX – toothpaste against caries.

Medonet Market offers a flavored fluoride-free toothpaste suitable for children and infants. We can choose from:

  1. BIO strawberry paste;
  2. BIO banana paste;
  3. BIO apple paste.

The importance of fluoride

One of the most important inhibitors of the development of tooth decay is fluoride. The mechanism of action of fluorine compounds on teeth is based on its influence on the optimal mineralization of hard dental tissues, on the ability to remineralise enamel, thus increasing its resistance to harmful factors. Moreover, fluorine ions inhibit the activity of the bacterial plaque. Fluoride compounds enter the body with drinking water or food.

In order to prevent tooth decay, fluoride compounds can be supplied to the body by:

  1. taking fluoride ablets,
  2. drinking water fluoridation,
  3. adding fluoride to milk, salt or flour.

The optimal content of fluorine compounds in the water is 0,8–1,2 mg per 1 liter. The most common method of daily tooth cleaning is the use of toothpastes containing fluorine compounds.

Sealing of furrows and varnishing of teeth

  1. Fissure sealing is the process of filling grooves and cavities in the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars, as soon as possible after eruption with fissure lacquers containing fluorine compounds.
  2. Teeth varnishing: Dental varnishes are used for short-term coverage of smooth tooth surfaces. Due to the content of fulor in them, the enamel is enriched with fluorine, which increases the resistance to caries. It is assumed that it is enough to cover the teeth with them twice a year.

In order to prevent the development of caries, the dentition should be checked every 6 months.

Tooth decay treatment

Among the methods of treating tooth decay, the following are mentioned:

  1. sealing – it consists in getting rid of the diseased tissue with a special laser, drill or gel; in turn, the dentist fills in the resulting cavities with the help of a filler;
  2. reminalization – is a method used only at the initial stage of tooth decay, which is characterized by the presence of slight decalcification (white / darker spots); during reminalization, the dentist thoroughly cleans the places of decalcification and then applies a special gel or varnish containing fluoride compounds. Reminalization should be repeated several times.

In turn, dental cavities are supplemented with:

  1. amalgam containing mercury – this agent is characterized by long durability and has bactericidal properties. Unfortunately, its disadvantage is the dark color of the material, which is why amalgam is used to treat molars or other invisible tooth surfaces;
  2. composites – they have been used in dentistry for over 30 years and show very high durability. Currently, light-cured materials are used more often, the advantage of which is the ability to perfectly match the color of the material to the shade of the patient’s tooth, which makes the seal virtually invisible;
  3. glass ionomer cements – they have the ability to chemically bond with tooth tissues and are a mixture of various substances. They prevent the development of caries because they contain fluoride.

It happens that bacteria penetrate deep into the tooth in the course of caries, which causes infection of deeper tissues. Then, patients not only have tooth sensitivity to various stimuli, but also their pain. In such cases, the dentist undertakes root canal treatment because pulpitis is a condition that develops. The pulp is cut out with a special device during anesthesia. The dentist “poisons” a sick tooth when it is unable to reach the root of the tooth. After a few days, the pulp is removed and the canal is cleaned. After cleaning, it is filled with dental paste and a filling is placed.

Remember! Caries must not be ignored and treatment should not be postponed, as it may lead to the development of gangrene, i.e. decomposition of tissues caused by putrefying bacteria. The occurrence of gangrene is an indication for tooth extraction or prosthetic treatment.

Read also: Tooth decay as a result of bacteria

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