Tooth cyst in adults
A tooth cyst in adult patients – this diagnosis sounds like a sentence, it seems that the tooth can no longer be saved. But there are those who will say that this is a harmless condition that you can live with for years. But as always, the truth is out there somewhere.

“Perhaps you have a root cyst of the tooth” – this is what dentists say after examination and examination. And this “possibly” is explained by a number of features and difficulties in diagnosis. After all, it is possible to make a diagnosis of a “tooth cyst” in adults, and even more so in children, only after a histological examination of a remote formation. But is surgery always necessary and is it possible to save the tooth?

What is a tooth cyst?

Cyst in Greek means bladder. A tooth cyst is an inflammatory formation of a rounded shape, which is a cavity in the bone tissue, from the inside it is lined with a fibrous capsule and filled with purulent contents.

Cyst formation is a defensive reaction. The fact is that when the infection goes beyond the root, a protective reaction is triggered. The body is trying to isolate the infection itself, the inflammatory fluid and dead cells, covering it with a dome. This is how a cyst is formed.

In dentistry, such formations are called root cyst or radicular cyst of the tooth. But this is far from the only type of cysts recorded in dentistry.

Causes of a tooth cyst in adults

The causes of a tooth cyst in adults almost always come down to complications of caries – periodontitis or periostitis, in which there is no full treatment, or mistakes were made.

If caries is not cured in time, then it turns into pulpitis – inflammation of the tooth pulp. Despite the acute pain, there are patients who are ready to endure it and not go to the dentist. Sooner or later, the pain will disappear, but this is not a reason for joy – this is a signal that the pulpitis has turned into complications. At best – in a chronic form, at worst – periodontitis, that is, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth in the thickness of the jaw. And just periodontitis is one of the possible and most common causes of cyst formation.

More often, a cyst is a natural consequence of the lack of timely treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis, or poor-quality root canal filling. Its development is slow, gradual and can take several years.

There are other reasons and predisposing factors for its formation:

  • traumatic lesions;
  • chronic diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx;
  • improperly placed fillings or crowns.
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Symptoms of a tooth cyst in adults

Perhaps due to the fact that this is a slow process, the symptoms of a tooth cyst in adults can proceed without symptoms for a long time. And the possible signs are not specific, they are mild, and patients prefer to ignore them.

In some cases, the color of the tooth may change: it becomes gray, the enamel loses its natural luster. Perhaps a slight displacement of the tooth, it seems to have grown, and when biting, a slight soreness appears.

But as soon as the size of the tooth cyst in adults reaches certain values ​​or an exacerbation forms, more pronounced symptoms appear:

  • aching, severe toothache;
  • swelling along the transitional fold in the oral cavity, may spread to the face;
  • increased pain when biting;
  • sensation of a grown tooth;
  • slight tooth mobility;
  • enlargement and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • possible increase in body temperature;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • in some cases, limited mouth opening is possible.


With the diagnosis of “tooth cyst” in adults, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. The fact is that it can be confirmed only after a histological examination of tissues. And the indication for histological examination is the presence of relevant symptoms and X-ray data. Removal of the cyst in this case takes place with the preservation of the tooth. The only case when this is impossible and impractical is the formation of a cyst near the wisdom tooth!

The picture shows an area of ​​blackout, which can be up to several centimeters in diameter. This area of ​​opacity indicates that the cyst is growing, destroying bone tissue in order to contain all the exudate and contain the spread of infection. Typically, cysts grow much faster in the upper jaw, as the bone is more porous here.

Even if a tooth cyst is suspected, the diagnosis of “granuloma” is statistically more likely to be confirmed. This is a no less dangerous condition in which a rounded formation forms in the root area. Despite the external similarity, there are differences:

  • a cyst is a hollow formation, but a granuloma is continuous, covered with connective tissue;
  • with a granuloma, mobility is not observed;
  • on an x-ray, a cyst with clear boundaries, but with a granuloma they are blurred;
  • There are also a number of histological differences.

Treatment of a tooth cyst in adults

Due to the fact that the symptoms of a tooth cyst may be absent for a long time, patients come to the dentist already with advanced inflammation. More recently, after an x-ray examination, the only treatment option was tooth extraction.

To date, there are methods of treatment that allow you to save the tooth, but it all depends on the clinical picture and the individual characteristics of the patient. When treating a tooth cyst, only surgical methods of treatment can be used, but this does not mean that the tooth will have to be removed.

In clinical practice, dentists can offer three main methods for removing a tooth cyst in adults, each has its own indications, contraindications, and features of the procedure:

Cystotomy. To be carried out only in the formation of large sizes. During the operation, the doctor removes only those formations that do not come into contact with the vessels. After a while, the remaining area ceases to be dangerous to the body. But constant supervision of the dentist and monitoring of the condition is necessary.

Hemisection. During the operation, the cyst, the root, which is part of the formation and part of the crown part of the tooth, is removed. The resulting void is filled with orthopedic methods: the installation of crowns and other structures. This method is traumatic, painful, and today is considered obsolete and is practically not used.

Modern treatments

If we talk about modern methods of treating tooth cysts in adults, then they include cystectomy. This technique allows you to remove the formation once and for all without damaging healthy tissues.

The operation itself is performed under local anesthesia and takes 15-40 minutes. It can be carried out exclusively in the conditions of a surgical office, and a dental microscope increases the chances of success.

The technique involves the formation of access to the cyst, its opening, removal of the contents and antiseptic treatment. A special medicine with an antiseptic focus is installed in the affected area. After some time, the bone tissue is restored on its own, no additional transplantation of bone materials is required.

Among the modern methods of treating tooth cysts in adults include the use of a laser. Its advantage is the ability to clean the treated area. However, the removal of a tooth cyst with a laser is not a particularly comfortable operation for the patient, because it is accompanied by a characteristic smell of burnt flesh.

Regardless of the chosen surgical method of treatment. The main condition for success is high-quality root canal treatment and complete elimination of infection.

Prevention of tooth cysts in adults at home

Prevention of a tooth cyst at home comes down to high-quality oral care, which prevents the development of caries. But in addition to teeth, you need to monitor the condition of the gums. Unfortunately, not a single toothbrush and paste can provide 100% removal of plaque and it is necessary to visit the dentist 2-3 times a year for the purpose of professional oral hygiene.

At the same preventive examinations, the dentist conducts an examination aimed at the timely detection of caries and its treatment.

Many dentists, regardless of the presence of complaints, recommend annually assessing the condition of the oral cavity using x-ray examination methods. Orthopantomogram – a panoramic image allows you to detect changes in the early stages, when symptoms are absent or not pronounced.

Popular questions and answers

A tooth cyst in adults is a rather serious disease, it is a time bomb, which sooner or later can exacerbate and cause serious consequences that pose a threat to the health of patients. Just about complications, alarming symptoms will tell dentist Yulia Selyutina.

What complications can occur with a tooth cyst?

The diagnosis of a tooth cyst can be made after a histological examination. When biological material is collected, a study is made, and already as a result, a diagnosis is made of “granuloma” (inflammation, which is characterized by the formation of nodules resulting from the proliferation and transformation of cells capable of phagocytosis) or “chronic periodontitis” (a protracted inflammatory process in the periapical region, accompanied by destruction of tissues surrounding the tooth).

A complication of granuloma is accompanied by pain when tapping on the tooth and biting.

Complications can occur when the bone tissue is destroyed, because the granuloma grows, and at the same time the bone tissue is resorbed.

In chronic periodontitis, swelling may accompany pain. If we are talking about chewing teeth in the upper jaw, then the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus may react. It can grow or thicken due to the fact that toxins and infection penetrate the mucosa.

When to see a doctor for a tooth cyst?

Anxiety symptoms usually appear in the fall and spring when the immune system is weakened or with a cold. The pain comes on suddenly, has a aching character. You may experience discomfort from several days to a week, pain when eating. It can pass by itself, and you forget about it, but this does not mean that the disease has cured itself. Most likely, he will return a little later with a double strength.

Often, patients themselves can feel that there is an even alveolar process on the side of the cheek, and on the other hand, a slight swelling.

The next symptom is the presence of a fistulous tract, it looks like a small “bump”, which can pass by itself, then return.

Is it possible to treat a tooth cyst with folk remedies?

You can’t, because the cause of the granuloma or cyst is due to an infection in the dental canals, which throws toxins outside the tooth. In order for the immune system to cope with the cyst, you need to remove the infection. Instead of folk remedies, solutions of sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine, with which the doctor should wash the canals of the causative tooth after pre-treatment, can help you.

Do not waste your time on self-treatment, contact a specialist in a timely manner who will save you from more severe and energy-consuming consequences.

Do not waste your time on self-treatment, contact a specialist in a timely manner who will save you from more severe and energy-consuming consequences.

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