Which specialist should I contact?
If your dentition does not close properly, your teeth grow crookedly or there are gaps between your teeth, then you need to contact an orthodontist. An orthodontist is a specialist in the problems of congenital changes in the dentition and associated changes in the configuration of the face.
Causes of dentoalveolar anomalies and the possibility of their correction
The causes of congenital anomalies can be hidden in heredity, in impaired development and eruption of teeth, in bad habits, various diseases, injuries. Currently, orthodontists use in their work such techniques that can correct most of the anomalies in the development of the dentition. And those anomalies that do not lend themselves to such correction are treated together with maxillofacial surgeons.
What are the congenital changes in the dentition
Anomalies of the dentoalveolar system are divided into anomalies of teeth, dentition and occlusion. Anomalies of the dentoalveolar system are often combined with changes in the configuration of the face and general disorders of the body.
Tooth anomalies: change in size (giant, small), position (various types of tooth displacement), timing of eruption (premature, late eruption), structure of hard tissues (increased and decreased abrasion of teeth), shape (spiny and ugly teeth) and number of teeth ( complete or partial absence of teeth).
Anomalies of the dentition are changes in the shape and length of the dentition, it is usually combined with anomalies in the position of the teeth, and causes changes in the bite.
Bite anomalies are deviations from the normal relationship of the dentition of the upper and lower jaw.
Features of the human dentition used in orthodontics
If there is a prolonged slight pressure on the tooth, then it shifts in a given direction, and the wall of its tooth socket gradually dissolves, giving the tooth the possibility of such movement. If the tooth stops moving (the pressure is relieved), a new bone forms next to it, which prevents it from loosening. This feature of the dentoalveolar system allows correcting anomalies of the dentoalveolar system using various orthodontic appliances.
First time in the orthodontist’s office
At the first visit, the orthodontist determines whether a person has an anomaly of the dentoalveolar system, which one, the degree of its severity and how best to correct it.
Some believe that correction can only be carried out in childhood, but this is wrong, it can be done at any age, just in childhood all processes in the body proceed faster. If there is a suspicion of an anomaly of the dentoalveolar system, then the child needs to be shown to the orthodontist as early as possible, and he will already decide whether he needs correction, what kind and at what age.
Devices that correct the position of the teeth
Orthodontic appliances, with the help of which the dentition is corrected, are divided into removable and non-removable.
Removable devices for correcting the dentition are mainly used in children and are removable plastic plates for the upper or lower jaw. They are held on the teeth using special wire hooks. The child can remove the record himself, and then put it on.
Non-removable orthodontic devices are glued to the teeth with special glue and are constantly in the mouth. For example, braces, which put a little constant pressure on the tooth, moving it in the right direction.
Oral hygiene while wearing orthodontic appliances
Orthodontic appliances installed for the purpose of correcting the dentition have to be worn for a very long time, which makes it difficult to carry out oral hygiene. And inadequate hygiene contributes to the onset of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, which can negate all treatment. Therefore, the orthodontist teaches the patient, who is undergoing dental correction, the correct oral hygiene.
Prospects for the development of orthodontics
Orthodontics is an exact science. In order to install the correct orthodontic device, you need a mathematical calculation, otherwise you can not only not correct the anomaly, but also harm even more. Since anomalies of the dentition are very common, orthodontics develops very quickly: new compositions of glue, plastics, metal compounds are invented, which are used for correction, mathematical calculations are carried out when correcting devices are installed, jaw movements and pressure on the teeth are studied.
If you have ugly teeth, the orthodontist will help you!
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