Too much iron

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Iron excess is a condition in which the element iron is accumulated in the body. The main organ that takes part in the storage of iron is the liver, which is why the failure of this organ may cause excessive retention of the described element. While iron deficiency is a common phenomenon and is relatively easy to cure, excess iron can cause a disease called haemochromatosis. What are the causes and symptoms of excess iron?

Iron excess – symptoms

The first symptoms of excess iron may appear relatively late, even around the age of 25-30. This is due to the fact that very often excessive iron retention in the body is caused by a genetically determined metabolic disease (haemochromatosis), the development of which is slow, and the symptoms themselves are usually highly nonspecific.

Symptoms that should draw our attention include: chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, daytime sleepiness, repeated low-grade fever or recurrent fever (above 38 degrees Celsius), hair loss, dry skin, splitting nails, joint pain. In addition, the symptoms of excess iron also include: nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite and the resulting weight loss, menstrual disorders in women, and erectile dysfunction in men. A slightly greyish skin tone may also appear. If the excess iron is significant, it is also possible to develop progressive liver failure and cause cirrhosis of this organ.

  1. Liver diet – what does it look like? Nutrition rules for damaged liver

You can check the level of iron and other minerals, as well as vitamins by examining the level of vitamins and minerals, which you can find in the offer of the private medical facility Arkmedic.

Iron excess – causes

A common cause of the accumulation of excess iron in the liver is an inherited predisposition caused by a mutation in the HFE gene. A change in this gene causes a disease called haemochromatosis.

It is based on the fact that iron is absorbed from food in the gut in an uncontrolled way. Under physiological conditions, the body itself regulates the amount of the absorbed element. In the presence of haemochromatosis, this mechanism is broken and the liver accumulates excess iron. A person with a mutation in the HFE gene is capable of absorbing as much as 100 percent. iron from food, while the intestines of a healthy person absorb only 1%. the element, and the remaining 99 percent. it is a non-digestible fraction excreted from the body. This type of excess iron in the body is known as primary hemochromatosis.

However, there is also an ailment known as secondary hemochromatosis. Then there is an excessive release of iron ions by red blood cells and liver cells. The released iron is then accumulated in the heart, pancreas, lungs, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys and bone marrow.

To confirm or rule out hemochromatosis, perform Hemochromatosis – a genetic test for the most common mutations. This is a mail-order test, so the genetic sample is collected by yourself and then sent to the appropriate laboratory. Results are expected to take 2 to 4 weeks.

Iron excess – treatment

The basis is a diet, during which you should limit the amount of red meat, liver, eggs, red beans or dried fruit. In addition, it is also worth taking those products that are rich in calcium, because this element antagonizes the iron, limiting its absorption in the intestines.

Often, just changing your diet is only a small part of your treatment. It is worth bearing in mind that untreated excess iron may increase the risk of developing liver cancer up to 200 times. However, the element is deposited not only in the liver, but also in the heart and pancreas in the form of a protein complex – hemosiderin.

The treatment of excess iron itself is very lengthy and a bit tedious. The old practice of bloodletting is the most common practice. This method is one of the most effective in getting rid of excess iron due to the fact that this element is bound to the blood pigment – hemoglobin.

Blood bleeding is performed a maximum of two times a week, the treatment itself requires at least a few weeks. This practice also relieves the liver and prevents the potential development of cirrhosis. When bleeding is used, the liver is “forced” to release iron ions to replenish the deficiency of the element in the circulating blood.

Sometimes, however, blood loss is not the best solution for getting rid of excess iron in the body. Then patients take medications that limit the absorption of this element from the intestines. These are usually deferasirox or deferoxamine. Unfortunately, these measures have a large number of side effects. Consultation with a family doctor under NFZ contracts today via the portal.

Iron excess – prognosis

Properly conducted treatment and removal of excess iron can bring tangible benefits. If it is suspected that the excess iron is due to a genetic disease (primary haemochromatosis), then a test for the presence of the HFE gene mutation should be performed. Since the symptoms of iron overload are non-specific, the correct diagnosis is often made too late, based on multiple damage to internal organs (heart, lung, pancreas, liver) or is confused with other diseases.

Iron excess – prophylaxis

If the excess iron is caused by a genetic disease, then there is no prevention. However, if there are no such premises, then you should follow an appropriate diet.


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