Too heavy menstrual bleeding may result in anemia

Too heavy and prolonged bleeding is stressful, reduces women’s productivity at work, and makes social life difficult. They can also lead to anemia. Therefore, it is worth reporting this problem to a gynecologist, doctors said on Wednesday at a press meeting in Warsaw.

As they emphasized, in many cases this disorder of the menstrual cycle, classified as one of the most common, can be effectively treated. A few months ago in the European Union (and therefore also in Poland) a contraceptive pill containing natural estrogen (in the form of estradiol valerate) and a progestogen (i.e. a synthetic equivalent of progesterone) with a chemical name of dienogest was registered for the first time for the treatment of excessive menstruation. Research shows that it reduces the abundance of menstruation by 80%.

Doctors may prescribe it for women who have no underlying bleeding problems such as endometrial hyperplasia (i.e. endometrial hyperplasia), uterine fibroids or endometriosis (i.e. abnormal presence of endometrial lesions outside the womb) and who intend to use oral contraception.

Research conducted around the world shows that the problem of too heavy menses affects approx. 9-14 percent. women of childbearing age. This disorder is the cause of approx. 10 percent. all visits to the gynecologist.

As explained by prof. Romuald Dębski, head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Postgraduate Medical Education Center in Warsaw, too heavy bleeding most often affects young girls who have started menstruating and premenopausal women. This is due to the fact that in these two groups the most common are the cycles of anovulatory progesterone deficiency. They are accompanied by an overgrowth of the endometrial mucosa, which later causes profuse bleeding.

Too heavy menstrual bleeding occurs when the volume of blood lost by a woman exceeds 80 milliliters. But diagnosing this problem is difficult, said the gynecologist.

For this purpose, methods such as measuring the content of the hemoglobin derivative in hygiene products used during menstruation may be used. However, this method is laborious and costly and is therefore rarely used in practice. Evidence that a woman has too heavy periods can be provided by testing the level of hemoglobin in the blood before and after the bleeding. If it drops, for example, from 13 g / dl (gram per deciliter) to 10 g / dl, it suggests that the woman is actually losing a lot of blood – said Prof. Debski.

According to him, a good indicator of too heavy bleeding is the presence of clots in the menstrual blood. Normally, blood along with exfoliated uterine mucosa is removed to the outside only after dissolution. If there are clots in it, it indicates that the rate of loss in the blood is too fast compared to the fibrinolytic capacity (i.e. dissolving clots – PAP) of the body – he explained.

Too heavy bleeding has not only mental consequences – as a source of strong stress, social – because it leads to reduced social contacts during menstruation, professional – regular absences from work or lower productivity, but also health. For some women they can lead to anemia.

In the treatment of excessive bleeding, both hormonal drugs, e.g. progestogens, gonadoliberin analogues (inhibit the release of gonadoliberin – a hormone that controls the menstrual cycle), the intrauterine endocrine system (intrauterine device) and non-hormonal drugs, e.g. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tranexamic acid, i.e. a drug that inhibits hemorrhages, in extreme cases, mainly in perimenopausal women – the so-called ablation (removal) of the endometrium or hysterectomy. You can also use vitamin B12 dietary supplements prophylactically, e.g. from the SOLHERBS brand, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

As assessed by prof. Dębski, the most effective of them is the intrauterine device, which reduces the amount of bleeding by approx. 90%. The contraceptive pill containing natural estrogen is not much less effective – in women who used it, monthly bleeding was by 80%. less abundant (PAP)

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  1. Almumin haila guda bayar

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