Too funny, the water games with Baby!

Around 18 months, it is the right age to begin to fully enjoy the joys of swimming. Between small chills and big bursts of laughter, with his friends or his parents, it’s always a party at the pool.

Laughter guaranteed at the water’s edge!

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Children under 2 need time to adapt. Usually brief because, once they feel confident, they just have one desire, to take the plunge. Noelly, who goes on an adventure in a big buoy, is super comfortable: she claps her hands, it splashes on her, and her little comrades also in the process. It makes her laugh a lot! Children are also fascinated by water jets and love to put their feet on them. That tickles ! THEwater is a privileged place for sensory and bodily discoveries, which helps the youngest to better understand their body.

The swimming pool: a space of freedom for Baby

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Each child explores this new environment at their own pace. Paul begins to cross the paddling pool. Cautiously, he moves forward, leaning on an inflatable mattress. Then he tries to climb it, but loses his balance and puts his head under the water. Not intimidated, however, he persevered and ended up succeeding. In specific pools for toddlers, they can be found almost everywhere, even if there are more or less deep places. This is of course reassuring and it allows them to be more independent, even if armbands remain essential as long as they cannot swim.

The pleasure of discovering

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In large swimming pools, the little ones may be more impressed by the depth of the pool, and also because they quickly lose their footing. 16-month-old Liam snuggles up in his daddy’s arms. To accustom the child to contact with water, it must be gradually wetted., not to mention his face and his head. Then, gradually, we give him more freedom of movement by moving him a little away from you and placing his hands under his arms. But there is no point in putting him absolutely in a lying position. At first, a little vertical rest and, little by little, realizes that he can move while pedaling. When your child is confident enough, offer him jumps in the water, show him how to blow bubbles by blowing hard … Even if toddlers never get bored in the pool, do not leave them too long, as they cool down quickly. Take the time to dry it well before dressing it, paying particular attention to the ears to avoid ear infections. After this aquatic session, a hug in the arms of mom or dad will be welcome!

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