Who said pets can’t have pets of their own? As much as he can.
This is incredible cuteness: toy stories shared by dog and cat owners on forums and on social media. But not their own toys, but those of their pets. Many do not part with their pets literally all their lives. For example, this handsome man made friends with a plush dog when he was three months old. They are still inseparable.
Animal behavior experts say that animals just need toys, just like children. After all, this is not just entertainment for boredom, it is also therapy: toys soothe if the pet is anxious, scared or lonely. Without them, the animal may even develop problem behavior: it will gnaw furniture, climb tables.
By the way, cats are more picky about toys than dogs. A dog on a walk is ready to play with anything – even with a branch, even with a ball, even with a frisbee, even with a toy taken from a smaller dog. However, cats can also show wonders of ingenuity: for them, a walnut shell can be more valuable than the coolest thing from a pet store.
There is one more nuance: toys can be dangerous. The ball may be too small or bite through, toys may have plastic parts that the dog bites off easily, and the filler may be toxic to the animal. Therefore, you need to choose toys very thoughtfully – read HERE how to do it.
The cat tore its favorite toy to shreds – now it is waiting for it to be repaired.
But cats are very fond of everything that resembles a string. Wires, twine, elastic, even a fishing rod are all in danger if this animal is nearby. In addition, cats love to chew on the styrofoam packaging. This cannot be allowed: the foam can cause intestinal obstruction, then the pet will need an operation.
The photos were taken four years apart.
But these are all small things. The main thing is with what love the pets treat their toys. “My cat thinks that his toy cat also wants to eat,” – the caption under the photo, where the cat brought his pet to the trough and tries to feed. “And my cat tore his toy to shreds. Sits and watches how grandmother fixes it, does not take her eyes off, ”- another photo. “My dog put the most precious thing in my suitcase – his favorite rag bird,” the author of the third photo almost sobbed.
We have collected the most touching hugs – leaf through the photo gallery.