Tonsillectomy – a treatment for chronic tonsillitis. Complications after tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure recommended for people with chronic tonsillitis. It is said to be the most frequently performed procedure in otolaryngology. The palatine tonsils are made of lymphoid tissue and they absorb respiratory and digestive pathogens. They become red and enlarged during infection. In most cases, the tonsils return to their normal state after infection. However, this is not always the case.

Tonsillectomy – contraindications

There are several methods of performing tonsillectomy. It is with a particular method that the most common contraindications are associated. In most cases, the classic method is used, but the procedure can also be performed using high-frequency radio waves and freezing the tissues. We perform this procedure under general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia is a last resort that doctors avoid. We do not use it if there are no specific indications. The operation usually takes no more than an hour. Tonsillectomy – like other procedures – has a number of contraindications. We will not perform it in the case of a cleft palate and in the case of a split tongue. Contraindications are also a short palate and coagulation disorders. Additionally, tonsillectomy must not be performed during menstruation or in acute infections with high fever. Tonsillectomy is most often used in young children who suffer from recurrent angina. This procedure is also performed in children who have too large tonsils, making it difficult to speak or breathe. Not everyone is aware that tonsillitis can lead to many more serious focal complications. Among them we can find inflammatory diseases of the joints, kidneys, iris and skin. Tonsillectomy is performed in people with diagnosed carriers of diphtheria and tuberculosis, and also in cases of suspicion of cancer.

Tonsillectomy – complications

Each procedure carries the risk of certain complications. Some are very serious and some are less so. They are extremely rare after tonsillectomy. The most common complication is bleeding from the operated site. This is why the patient should avoid exercise after the procedure. It is also necessary to introduce a liquid diet. If severe haemorrhage occurs, it may require medical attention. Vomiting is quite common as a consequence of the administration of anesthesia or anesthesia. Vomiting may also occur when blood from the wound drips into the stomach. Inflammation and hypertrophy of the elements of the lymphatic system can also occur. It also happens to damage the palatine arches. After the surgery, the patient may have a slightly changed timbre of his voice. Upper respiratory tract infections may also occur more frequently. The surgery is always decided by a doctor who carefully examines the case and analyzes the risk of complications. Tonsillectomy is quite a controversial topic in the medical community. Some doctors avoid it altogether, and others recommend it to anyone struggling with recurring infections.

Tonsillectomy – after surgery

Tonsillectomy is not a complicated procedure. In most cases, it can be performed without any complications. Usually, after its execution, the patient has to stay in the hospital for two days. The patient cannot eat any food on the day of the procedure. Drinking is only possible in the evening. From the first 4 hours, semi-liquid foods are eaten. Additionally, painkillers are given all the time. After discharge, the patient must stay at home until the control visit at the ENT clinic. Such a visit takes place on the seventh day after the procedure. The patient has to avoid spicy foods and sour juices, which will additionally irritate the operated area. Greater physical effort is inadvisable up to a month after the procedure. It takes about three weeks to fully return to a normal lifestyle. Currently, tonsillectomy is being abandoned more and more often. It is said that cut almonds are a threat to the entire body, as all microbes penetrate further. Hence, it can lead to more serious diseases. This is why this type of procedure should be a last resort, used when other treatments have failed. It is important that tonsillectomy is not performed on children under XNUMX years of age, as premature removal of the tonsils may lead to a disruption of the body’s immune function. In fact, this procedure was known in ancient Egypt, but then the tonsils were only partially removed. Today, this procedure can be performed both at the National Health Fund and privately. In both cases, the procedure must be performed on the recommendation of a doctor. We will pay about three thousand zlotys for the procedure performed privately. However, the exact price depends on the place where you intend to perform the tonsillectomy. In large cities, it may be slightly higher.

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