Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions

Those gardeners who prefer not to buy tomatoes on the market, but grow them on their own in a greenhouse, of course, are interested in the question – which varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are best to choose? After all, you want your vegetables to be not only beautiful, but also juicy and tasty. Experts divided all types of tomatoes into determinate and indeterminate, depending on growth and some other parameters. It is among them that we will help you choose the best.

Determinant Varieties

Such undersized (compared to the second type of tomatoes) or, as they are more commonly called, medium-sized tomatoes got their name due to the fact that they tend to stop growing after the ovaries of 4 or 5 brushes have appeared. In some cases, the brushes may be slightly smaller or larger. Such low-growing varieties of tomato must be formed by yourself, that is, stepchild bushes at the right time in order to prevent excessive fruit load on the culture.

This variety of tomato is very much appreciated by gardeners because they are early ripening and very sweet. It is possible to grow low-growing varieties of tomatoes today both in the southern and northern parts of our country; they grow well in the conditions of the Moscow region and in other regions. Next, we will consider in more detail individual varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses that every summer resident from the Moscow region or any other region of Our Country can grow in his greenhouse.

Low-growing tomatoes of the Dubok variety are one of the best representatives in their group. They have sweet beautiful fruits that can reach a weight of 110 grams. Such very meaty tomatoes with spicy sourness are great for making salads that are healthy for the body, and are also used for preservation.Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptionsAnother type of greenhouse undersized tomato is the Sultan. Fruits with such an interesting name can weigh no more than 200 grams. They have a characteristic regular shape, perfectly stored under all conditions, very sweet and fragrant. Another of the best varieties for planting and growing in greenhouses near Moscow and other areas can be called Yamal. This type of undersized tomato can grow up to only 35 cm, and the weight of its fruits usually does not exceed 115 grams. Such round neat sweet tomatoes calmly withstand the difficult weather conditions of our region.

Cameo tomatoes have a fairly early ripening period, since the first harvest can already be obtained 93 days after planting in the greenhouse. Tomato variety Doll F1 is also characterized by a rather early ripening period – these tomatoes can be harvested after 85 days.

An excellent variety for planting in a greenhouse is Benito F1. The appearance of the first crop from such a plant should be expected 15 days earlier than the previous one. Also, the fruits of the following varieties of determinant tomatoes ripen quite quickly – Amur Shtamb, Aphrodite F1, Big Brother, Arbat, Bolshevik, Shustrik, Don Juan, White Explosion.Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions

And this is far from a complete list of new high-yielding best varieties of tomatoes, which belong to undersized or medium-sized crops, and grow well in the conditions of the Moscow region, as well as other regions of Our Country. Also, among the usual determinant tomato varieties, superdeterminant tomato varieties for greenhouses should be distinguished. Experts call their distinguishing features the ability to early yield, and they also do not need pinching, which makes it very easy for gardeners to take care of vegetable crops. Below we give a description of only individual representatives of this beautiful group.

White filling – a variety of tomatoes, the fruits of which have a round or semicircular shape, are able to feel normal in the beds of any type, and are widely used by summer residents to prepare delicious salads and marinades. Agata variety – tomatoes feel great in greenhouse conditions, have a beautiful regular round shape, are very juicy and are loved by summer residents for the opportunity to use them in healthy salads. Tomatoes of the Rocket variety are quite compact, they are characterized by the presence of oval-shaped fruits. Tomatoes of the Nevsky variety allow you to harvest from the beds after 85 days from the date of planting. The weight of such vegetables does not exceed 50 grams, they have a beautiful red color and a round shape.Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions


This concept is called relatively new tall varieties of tomatoes, a feature of which experts call the growth of the main stem unlimited in time frames. In other words, the best representatives of this group are able to grow for more than one year, while the crop can be harvested from 40 – 50 brushes. Unlike determinant, indeterminate tomato varieties for greenhouses need a timely pinching procedure, as well as a mandatory garter.

Indeed, due to their tall stature, the brushes cannot withstand the load in the form of many fruits, so they will need additional support. These types of tomatoes are characterized by late yield. What varieties should gardeners choose for planting in their greenhouse? Today, Octopus, Major, Happiness, Happiness , Mikado, Orange Miracle, Cardinal, Mechta, Biysky Rozan are considered one of the best high-yielding varieties of tomatoes. Let’s take a closer look at just a few of them.Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions

Octopus is a variety of tomatoes, the fruits of which have a beautiful red color, and also have a wonderful sweet taste. This variety of tomato is especially appreciated by gardeners because, with proper care, they are able to please their owners with a harvest all year round. In addition, they perfectly resist various kinds of diseases and react normally to temperature changes.

Major – a type of tall tomatoes with a characteristic pink color, pleasant aroma and exquisite sweet taste. Good for making nutritious salads. It tolerates various weather changes and has good immunity to diseases. Happiness – tomatoes of this species are characterized by intensive growth and good yields. They have large red fragrant fruits. Happiness can grow in smaller greenhouses, as it differs slightly in size from the previous variety. There are many more varieties of tomatoes already familiar to experienced summer residents and quite new varieties of tomatoes that, with proper planting and care, can bring a good harvest.Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions

How to choose a variety

In order to competently approach the choice of a variety of tomatoes for your greenhouse, you need to know the main characteristics that you should pay attention to first.

It is important that greenhouse tomatoes tolerate various changes in indoor temperature well.

Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions Since the conditions created in the greenhouse are, of course, close to natural, but still it is quite difficult to create ideal ones. Indeed, in the hot season, the greenhouse is able to heat up, and at night, at any time of the year, it can cool to critical temperatures.

The second indicator that should be considered when choosing a variety is the high degree of yield formation. Since the greenhouse is open almost all day in summer, the ambient temperature favors the growth and development of crops. But along with the air, fungal spores enter the greenhouse, which can cause irreparable damage to plants. Therefore, it will be better if the harvest is formed before the start of this period. Also important is the quick return of the crop. Early ripe varieties enable gardeners to harvest fruits already three months after the emergence of seedlings. And the products obtained at the very beginning of the season are considered especially valuable not only in terms of taste, but can also be sold at a better price when sold. Increased yield is another argument in favor of choosing one or another variety of tomatoes.Tomatoes: the best varieties for greenhouses with photos and descriptions

Strong immunity to viruses and diseases is important for any variety of vegetables that you are going to grow in greenhouse conditions. If tomatoes have good genetics, then you can safely purchase such species for your greenhouse. Presentation and good transportability are important for those tomatoes that are grown for profit. We are sure that following all the tips and recommendations, you will certainly find the best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes in order to grow them in your own greenhouse with pleasure.

Video “Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse”

After watching the record, you will learn about all the nuances of growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse are a great crop. All the subtleties of growing

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