Tomato Sugar pudovichok (Solanum lycopersicum) is a mid-season vegetable variety recommended for cultivation in the southern regions and the middle lane in open ground and in Siberian conditions in a protected area. Vegetable growers fell in love with the impressive size of the fruit and their sweet taste. When growing a variety, you may encounter some difficulties that it is advisable to know about in advance.

Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok: variety description, photos, reviews

Sugar Pudovik is resistant to transportation, does not squeeze during transportation

The story of

Tomato variety Sugar Pudovichok appeared thanks to the work of Novosibirsk breeders of the Siberian Garden company. The variety was bred in the 90s and entered into the State Register of Crops in 1999. The plant can be cultivated in almost all regions of Our Country and even in areas with the most severe climatic conditions.

Description of the variety of tomato Sugar pudovichok

Tomato bushes Sugar pudovichok are indeterminate, when grown in greenhouse conditions, their height can reach one and a half meters, in open ground they grow on average up to 80-90 cm. The plant has powerful stems, needs a mandatory garter to a support and pinching. The leaves on the bushes are medium in number, their color is dark green, the size is large. On each seedling, about five fruitful brushes with fruits are formed, the average number of which is about six pieces, they begin to ripen on the 110-120th day from the moment of planting.

Tomatoes are quite large in size, weighing from 200 to 400 g, sometimes there are specimens of 600 g each. Their shape is round, slightly flattened at the top, the color is rich, red-pink, with a dark spot at the stalk, the surface is slightly ribbed. The taste of the Sugar Pudovichok is sweet, with a slight sourness characteristic of a tomato, the assessment of the tasters is five points. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, fleshy, dense, the seeds are small, present in small quantities.

Comment! The plant is not a hybrid, so you can collect seeds from tomatoes yourself and use them later for planting seedlings.

The variety can tolerate light frosts, is not of particular interest to pests, but is often subject to fungal diseases.

Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok: variety description, photos, reviews

In the greenhouse, the Sugar Pudovichka is grown only in the north

Characteristics of tomato Sugar pudovichok

Most often, the variety is preferred by residents of the northern regions, since the variety perfectly tolerates adverse weather conditions and sudden changes in temperature. Due to the dense peel, the crop can be transported over long distances in flat boxes, stacking the fruits in several layers.

Tomato yield Sugar pudovichok

The Sugar Pudovichok variety shows very good yield results. It is noted that with proper care from one bush, it is possible to collect about 30 ripe tomatoes, from 7 to 15 kg per square meter.

Important! No more than four crop seedlings should be planted on such an area.

Harvesting begins 3,5 months after sowing the seeds. They take off the fruits as they mature, which unloads the bushes.

Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok: variety description, photos, reviews

Overripe tomatoes Sugar pudovich prone to cracking

Disease and pest resistance

Sugar pudovichok is a rather weak variety, has a low immunity to diseases. Without the organization of the necessary care and regular preventive measures, it is often damaged by late blight, brown spot, and tobacco mosaic.

Warning! Before planting the culture, the soil and seeds must be disinfected.

Of the pests, the scoop and spider mite can attack the variety.

Methods of Use

Sugar pudovichok is a universal variety of tomato. Its fruits are equally well suited for both fresh consumption and processing. Most often, housewives prepare tomato juice, ketchup, sauces and adjika from them for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Sugar Pudovichok tomato has earned very conflicting reviews from gardeners, some people like the variety, and some, after trial planting, stopped planting this type of vegetable crop.

Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok: variety description, photos, reviews

Sugar pudovik is very demanding in care


  • high yield;
  • good taste;
  • suitability for transportation;
  • long-term storage;
  • adaptation to weather conditions;
  • opportunity to collect seeds.


  • weak immunity;
  • exactingness in garter and pinching.

Features of planting and care

Sowing tomato seeds Sugar pudovichok for seedlings is carried out, starting from the climate in the growing region. Usually, work is performed 2-2,5 months before landing in a permanent place.

Advice! Self-collected planting material, as well as the soil before sowing, must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, the seeds should be soaked in a growth stimulator.

Seedlings are grown in boxes (with subsequent picking) or in separate containers. Be sure to provide her with a daylight hours of at least 13 hours and organize standard care: watering, loosening, fertilizer if necessary.

In May-June, hardened seedlings are planted in light, breathable soil with a high content of nutrients, according to a 50 by 50 cm scheme. The place should be sunny, calm, without stagnant moisture. Two weeks before planting, wood ash is added to the ground and the site is dug up. Seedlings are buried in the soil to the first sheets. Elongated sprouts can be planted lying down, gently bending the stem. A peg is immediately placed near each sprout for subsequent tying of branches.

Important! The temperature of the soil at the time of planting tomato seedlings Sugar pudovichok should be +16 ° C and above.

A week after planting, rooted bushes begin to care for:

  1. Watering. Moisten the bushes with settled water, under the root, preventing drops from falling on the foliage. They do this as needed, since abundant watering makes the tomatoes watery, negatively affects the taste and provokes cracking.
  2. Loosening. The next day after moistening, the beds are pushed and spud.
  3. Mulching. To preserve moisture, the ground around the bushes is covered with sawdust or straw.
  4. Fertilizer. About five times a season, the Sugar Pudovik is fed. For this, complex mineral compositions and organic fertilizers are used. During flowering, boric acid is added and preparations with a high content of phosphorus are used, and during the fruiting period, potash mixtures are used.
  5. Formation. The variety should be kept in two stems, for which it is necessary to get rid of all stepchildren located above the first flower brush, except for one lower process. To limit the growth of bushes, pinch their tops. Cut off the lower leaves.
Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomato seedlings Sugar pudovichok adapt to a new place in 7-8 days

Pest and disease control

The sugar pudding is not known for its disease resistance and can be infected with both viral and fungal diseases. Late blight is considered the most dangerous for the variety. To protect plantings from illness, it is important to observe crop rotation, do not plant crops where eggplants, potatoes or peppers grew before it, follow irrigation rules, do not overmoisten the soil, and process it before planting. If the infection overtook the tomato Sugar pudovichok, then immediately you need to treat all the bushes with Fitosporin or Hom.

If a plant has caught a viral disease, then it is impossible to save it, the bush is pulled out of the ground and burned. To prevent infection, you should water the beds with potassium permanganate every ten days and spray with a solution prepared from 1 liter of boiled water and 100 ml of whey.

Comment! Tomatoes grown indoors are more susceptible to diseases. They require more careful care.

Insecticides and traps help in pest control. Some gardeners plant a sharp-smelling grass next to the tomatoes, the aroma of which repels the caterpillars. To get rid of spider mites, greenhouses are ventilated daily.

Tomatoes Sugar pudovichok: variety description, photos, reviews

Shredded egg shells scattered along the beds help well against the invasion of the scoop.


Tomato Sugar Pudovichok, also known as Sevruga or Pudovik, is known to many summer residents. It satisfies vegetable growers with its generous harvest, large fruit size and sweetness. The variety cannot be called unpretentious, but it is also not considered particularly demanding. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology, there are no problems with it.

Reviews of gardeners about tomato Sugar pudovichok

Nikishina Tatiana, Samara
I planted a sugar pudovik last year for the first time, because I just liked the look of the tomato on the package. Harvest, one might say, did not collect any. In July, a disease attacked the plants, and I took no more than ten fruits from ten bushes. I will not plant this tomato again.
Vinogradnikov Alexey, Tula
I read negative reviews about the Sugar Pudovichok tomato and am surprised how easy it is for people to get everything. Yes, this variety requires attention, but what a return. I have been planting it for about five years and have never complained. If you organize the proper care of the culture, then it thanks a very generous harvest. And the taste of tomatoes is great.
Alexandrova Maria, Krasnodar
Sugar pudovichok is one of my favorite varieties of salad tomatoes. I plant it a little, 8-10 bushes each, enough for a family, we also share it with our neighbors. I don’t let the fruits of the variety go to harvesting, it’s a pity, we eat only fresh. Very tasty tomatoes, fleshy, juicy, sweet, fragrant. And one more plus – if you pick them from the brown branches, then they ripen perfectly at home under the bed. Every summer I look forward to the harvest time.

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