Tomato San Marzano (San Marzano) is an Italian variety of crop that is suitable for home and professional cultivation. It is valued for its high and consistent yields during seasons when other species show poor performance. Gardeners also note the excellent taste of the tomato and its suitability for transportation and long-term fresh storage. In order for the crop to meet the declared characteristics of the variety, it is necessary to properly plant and provide care, taking into account the basic requirements of the crop.

San Marzano tomatoes are used in Italy to make Vera Pizza Napoletana
The story of
Who brought this type of tomato is unknown. But there is an assumption that the seeds of this variety arrived in Naples in 1770 as a gift from Peru. The tomatoes were planted in the small town of San Marzano sul Sarno in volcanic soil near Mount Vesuvius. As a result, this variety has become famous all over the world.
But breeders over time have significantly improved its characteristics. This made it possible to grow this species in many countries. San Marzano was officially registered in 1926. But it, like its varieties, is not included in the State Register of Our Country.
Description of the variety of tomato San Marzano
This species is a cultivar. And this means that its seeds are suitable for further sowing, and the seedlings fully retain their species properties. San Marzano is an indeterminate variety. Its fruiting period is long, until autumn.
The height of the bushes reaches 1,2-1,5 m, and in closed ground conditions up to 2 m. The plant needs to be tied to a support as it grows. Shoots are thickened, strong, medium leafy. San Marzano regularly forms stepchildren that need to be removed.
Leaves of standard shape, medium size. Their shade is light green. Inflorescences are simple. The first fruit brush is laid over the 5-6th plate, and then after two. Each of them produces 6-8 tomatoes.
San Marzano is a mid-season variety. The first tomatoes on the plant ripen 107-115 days after the appearance of friendly shoots. Tomatoes are longo-shaped, that is, in the form of an elongated cream. Tomatoes in one brush are almost the same size. The average weight ranges from 120-130 g, and the length is 10-12 cm. In total, 10-12 fruit clusters are formed on the plant per season.
When ripe, tomatoes acquire a rich, uniform red hue. There is no green spot in the stalk area. The pulp is fleshy, moderately dense, juicy. When you cut a tomato, the juice does not flow out. The seeds are small. The taste is sweet, with a rich tomato aroma. But with a lack of sunny days, the fruits acquire sourness. The peel is dense, thin, when eaten, it is practically not felt. Ripe tomatoes do not fall off the branches.
Based on this variety, other varieties were bred that have certain differences.
Among them:
- Tomato San Marzano Nano (San Marzano Nano). Low growing early variety. The first fruits ripen after 80 days. The height of the bushes is 50 cm. It does not require pinching and tying. Tomatoes in the form of an elongated red cream. The average weight is 80-100 g.
In San Marzano Nano, the tip of the fruit is rounded and sharp
- Tomato San Marzano Redorta or Retort (San Marzano Redorta). Large-fruited, tall variety, medium ripening. The mass of pepper tomatoes reaches 350 g. Variety of salad destination. Tomatoes San Marzano Retort up to 15 cm long. They are fleshy, sweet, with a pleasant tomato flavor.
San Marzano Redorta has a long fruiting period
- Tomato San Marzano 2 (San Marzano 2). An early indeterminate variety. Tomatoes ripen in 80-85 days. High yielding look. The bushes are powerful, strong, 180 cm high. 8-10 tomatoes are formed on each fruit cluster. Tomatoes are pepper-shaped, red, weighing 80-100 g.
Shoots of San Marzano 2 with short internodes
- Tomato San Marzano giant 3 (San Marzano Gigante 3). An indeterminate variety, the height of the bushes of which reaches 1,2-1,5 m. The fruits have the shape of an elongated cream, when ripe they acquire a dark red uniform color. The average weight of tomatoes is 90-150 g.
San Marzano giant 3 has a balanced, pleasant fruit taste
Characteristics of the San Marzano tomato
To get a complete picture of the classic look of this tomato, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. This information will also allow you to compare the performance of San Marzano with other varieties.
The yield of tomato San Marzano
This species is characterized by high productivity. The variety is not susceptible to temperature changes, thanks to this it bears fruit stably. From the bush you can collect 8-10 kg of marketable tomatoes.
Disease and pest resistance
The variety is not affected by top rot, Fusarium. But he does not have increased resistance to anthracnose and phytophthora. The Colorado potato beetle can cause damage to seedlings at the initial stage of development.
Methods of Use
The variety is ideal for fresh consumption and processing. The size of the fruits allows them to be used for whole-fruit canning. Tomatoes are also suitable for making sauces, pasta, winter preparations. Harvest can be used for drying and freezing.
Advantages and disadvantages
This variety of tomatoes has many advantages, for which it has become widespread not only in Italy, but also in other countries of the world. However, it also has certain disadvantages that you need to pay attention to.

The output of marketable tomatoes in the San Marzano variety is 85-95%
The main advantages:
- stable yield;
- immunity to temperature changes;
- excellent taste;
- the crop easily tolerates transportation;
- tomatoes do not crack, do not crumble;
- resistance to fusarium, top rot.
- needs pinching;
- requires tying to a support.
Features of planting and care
It is recommended to grow San Marzano in seedlings. By the time the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, their age should be 60-65 days. With this in mind, sowing should be carried out in mid-March.
On the 5th-7th day, at a temperature of + 23-25 ° C, friendly shoots appear. When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they need to be planted in separate containers.
Seedlings can be transplanted into the greenhouse at the end of April, and into the open ground – in mid-May, when the threat of return frosts passes and the soil warms up well. The recommended landing pattern is 50 by 50 cm.
The species is not susceptible to short-term lack of moisture in the soil. Tomatoes need to be watered when the soil dries to a depth of 5 cm. For this, settled water with a temperature of +20 ° C should be used.

Watering should be carried out at the root so that moisture does not fall on the leaves.
Tomatoes need to be fed four times. First, fertilizer should be applied when the seedlings take root in a new place, and then ten days after that. At this time, organic or nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are relevant. The third and fourth feeding should be carried out during flowering and fruit ripening. During this period, it is important to use phosphorus-potassium mixtures.
Pest and disease control
To prevent the defeat of San Marzano tomatoes by fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat the seedlings two weeks after rooting with a systemic fungicide: Ridomil Gold, Quadris, Revus. And then, as a preventive measure, re-spray the bushes every ten days, but no later than three weeks before harvesting.
You can protect tomatoes from the Colorado potato beetle if, before planting in a permanent place, put the seedlings for half an hour in a solution of Aktara or Previcur Energy.
Tomato San Marzano is a variety that has not lost popularity even despite the huge number of new species. This is due to the stability and high yield. At the same time, its cultivation does not cause any particular difficulties, and the resulting crop, when provided with cool conditions of detention, can be stored for up to two months without loss of consumer qualities.