Tomatoes Royal temptation: characteristics and description of the variety

It is difficult to imagine any novelty in the modern variety of tomatoes that would arouse great interest in many gardeners and win their hearts almost the first time. It seems that the Royal Temptation tomato claims the title of such a novelty. Having appeared relatively recently, he managed to attract the attention of both amateurs and professionals, with his productivity, relative unpretentiousness and versatility in the use of grown tomatoes. Next, a detailed description of the Royal Temptation tomatoes with photos and reviews of gardeners will be presented.

Tomatoes Royal temptation: characteristics and description of the variety

Description of tomato Royal temptation

It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of all interested parties to the fact that the described tomato variety is a hybrid. That is, from seeds obtained from its fruits, during subsequent sowing, it will no longer be possible to grow plants with the same indicators of ripening time, yield, taste and other characteristics.

The Royal Temptation tomato was bred just a few years ago by breeder Nikolai Petrovich Fursov, who collaborated with the Partner company. In 2017, the hybrid was officially listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country with recommendations for cultivation in all regions. Since the same year, the Partner company (aka TK Leader) has been actively engaged in the distribution and sale of tomato seeds f1 Royal Temptation.

The hybrid belongs to indeterminate varieties of tomatoes, which means its almost limitless growth. Typically, these tomatoes are more productive, but caring for them cannot be called too simple.

The bushes of this hybrid tomato variety are quite powerful in growth, in suitable conditions (with sufficient heat and light) they grow up to 3 m in height or more. Leaves of the usual form for tomatoes, green. Internodes are shortened, and the first inflorescence is formed only after the formation of 7-8 leaves. Inflorescences are simple. The stalks are articulated, and the sepals are characterized by an elongated oblong shape.

Tomatoes are formed in the form of long brushes, each of which can contain up to 9-10 weighty fruits. The subsequent fruit brush is formed only after 3 sheets. This allows the tomatoes to have quite a bit of room to ripen.

Tomatoes Royal Temptation from the Partner company are early ripe. The period from the beginning of the growing season to the appearance of the first ripe fruits is about 100-110 days. But at the same time, fruiting is very extended in time, which allows you to constantly collect ripe tomatoes for almost 2 months. This is not very convenient for industrial cultivation, but it is ideal for summer residents. They have the opportunity to have ripe tomatoes on their table for a long time.

Description of fruits

Tomatoes of this hybrid variety have a rather attractive elongated pepper-shaped shape with a small nose at the end opposite the stem. They can reach 9-10 cm in length.

The color of the fruit in the unripe state is light green, and in the mature state it is intense red. The dark spot at the stem is completely absent.

Despite the thin, smooth skin, the tomatoes are very dense, have a rather fleshy sugary pulp with very small seed chambers in the amount of no more than two or three. There are also few seeds in the fruit. The ribbed shape of the tomatoes may vary slightly or be more or less regular, but the fruits are even in size. On average, their weight is about 120 g.

Inside individual tomatoes of the Royal Temptation variety, voids may appear. But for some gardeners, this is even an additional bonus – such tomatoes are ideal for preparing stuffed dishes.

Tomatoes Royal temptation: characteristics and description of the variety

The taste qualities of tomatoes are rated excellent by experts, which is really a special positive moment for hybrid varieties. Tomatoes are sweet, almost acid-free, quite juicy. They are ideal for all types of preservation, but will also look good in salads and in a variety of first and second courses. There is also no doubt about their suitability for drying, drying and even freezing.

Due to the good density, tomatoes are stored very well and are quite suitable for long-term transportation. The presentation of tomatoes also deserves all kinds of praise.

Characteristics of tomato Royal temptation

Although the Royal Temptation f1 tomato can be grown both in greenhouses and on the street, most gardeners in the middle lane note in their reviews that it is more suitable for greenhouse conditions. The yield declared by the originators can be obtained in open ground only in the southern regions of Our Country. But in film greenhouses from 1 sq.m you can get from 20 to 25 kg of tomatoes.

According to many reviews of gardeners, which are supported by relevant photos, from one tomato bush, the Royal Temptation is obtained for the entire growing period from 5 to 8 kg of tomatoes. In the open ground of the middle zone, the yield of fruits decreased significantly. Apparently, due to the lack of heat and cold nights, only up to 2-2,5 kg of tomatoes per bush could ripen. Of course, many other factors influence the yield of tomatoes. Among them:

  • proper pruning and pinching;
  • hilling and mulching;
  • composition and frequency of feeding;
  • sufficient sunlight and warmth.

But the great value of this hybrid variety is its resistance to a variety of adverse weather conditions and even to not quite competent care. In addition, the Royal Temptation hybrid is able to withstand diseases such as:

  • fusariosis;
  • verticillosis;
  • tomato mosaic virus;
  • Alternaria;
  • nematodes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the many positive aspects of the hybrid variety of tomatoes, the Royal Temptation should be noted:

  • high productivity;
  • early and at the same time prolonged ripening of tomatoes;
  • good resistance to many diseases characteristic of nightshade;
  • harmonious taste and versatility of using tomatoes;
  • attractive trade dress and high transportability.

Tomatoes Royal temptation: characteristics and description of the variety

There are also some disadvantages:

  • due to intensive growth, plants require pinching and garter;
  • tomatoes grow weakly and bear fruit in the open ground of the middle lane;
  • if not taken care of, tomatoes are prone to blossom end rot;
  • a rather high price for the seed material of this hybrid variety.

Rules of landing and care

In order for the tomatoes of the hybrid variety Tsarskoye Temptation to please with a good harvest, some of their growing features should be taken into account.

Growing seedlings

Seed germination of these tomatoes is usually high, reaching 100%, but not always uniform. They should be sown for seedlings in the first decade of March. Place containers with seeds in a warm place under the film. They do not need light to germinate.

Separate shoots appear within 3-4 days after sowing, the rest may linger up to 8-10 days.

Important! Immediately after germination, the sprouts need the highest possible level of light and a decrease in temperature by 5-7 ° C for good root formation.

After the full disclosure of two true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots so as not to delay the development of the roots. During this period, the most important thing is good lighting and not too high temperature. Since failure to comply with these two conditions leads to excessive stretching and weakening of tomato seedlings.

Seedling transplant

Depending on the weather conditions and the condition of the greenhouse, tomato seedlings of the Royal Temptation can be moved there from the end of April or at the beginning of May. If significant temperature drops are expected, then the planted seedlings are protected with a film on the arcs or with a non-woven covering material.

Plants of the Tsarskoe Temptation hybrid are transplanted into the open ground only when the threats of night frosts are gone – at the end of May, beginning of June in the middle lane.

Since the tomatoes of this hybrid variety have some predisposition to blossom end rot, it is advisable to immediately add a certain amount of fluff lime or any other calcium-containing fertilizer to the soil during transplantation.

For 1 sq. m. planted no more than 3-4 bushes of this tomato.


The main requirement for obtaining a good crop of tomatoes of the Royal Temptation hybrid is correct and timely pinching. In the southern regions, these tomatoes lead in two stems. In the north, it is better to limit yourself to leaving one stem, since all the others may simply not ripen. However, in the greenhouse you can try to grow these tomatoes in two stems. Tying tomatoes of this variety to the trellis is a must.

Tomatoes Royal temptation: characteristics and description of the variety

Top dressing is produced:

  • After planting seedlings in the ground – with any complex fertilizer;
  • During flowering and the formation of ovaries – a solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 l of water) and calcium nitrate (from top rot);
  • If desired, you can still use the ash solution for watering and spraying during the fruit pouring period.

Watering should be regular, but not too plentiful. To preserve moisture in the soil and protect against weeds, it is advisable to use organic mulching: straw, sawdust, peat, a layer of 3-4 cm.


Tomato Royal Temptation is attractive from many points of view. Its yield, decent taste, resistance to diseases put it on a par with the most popular varieties of tomatoes.

Reviews of tomato Royal temptation

Oksana Ryabushko, 38 years old, Borovsk
About tomatoes The royal temptation was such a tempting advertisement that I could not stand it and bought a bag of seeds. Of the 10 pieces, all sprouted, but then they did not have enough sun outside the window, and the plant lamp burned out. All in all, only 3 survived. But on the other hand, they began to grow very actively, and already in April I planted them in a greenhouse, covering them with an additional film. The harvest has been excellent. From each bush I removed a total of, probably, about 8 kg of tomatoes. Tomatoes taste good too, but I basically let them spin. They are very beautiful in jars.
Elena Severogorskaya, 45 years old, Perm
This summer I grew a hybrid variety of tomatoes called the Royal Temptation for the first time, but I really liked them. Very good germination of seeds, although there are few of them in the package. In the seedlings they behaved very unpretentiously. Didn’t particularly stretch. I grew them in a greenhouse, fed them three times during the whole season with organic matter – the harvest was very impressive. Such powerful beautiful brushes of elastic tomatoes. Care was required to a minimum. Of course, they had to be tied up, because they were pulled up to the ceiling. But nothing really hurt. Although I only once treated them with calcium nitrate both for top dressing and for the prevention of blossom end rot.
TOMATO ROYAL TEMPTATION F1 the name speaks for itself

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