Tomatoes Raspberry Miracle: reviews of gardeners, characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes are a crop that is grown in almost all gardens. Raspberry miracle tomatoes receive a lot of positive feedback. This is a high quality hybrid variety with many advantages. In today’s article we will talk about the features of growing this variety of tomatoes.

Characteristic of the variety

Tomatoes Raspberry Miracle: reviews of gardeners, characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes Raspberry Miracle have the following characteristics:

  • mid-season variety – the ripening period is approximately 150 days;
  • unpretentiousness to climatic and soil conditions;
  • not standard grade;
  • high growth rate. In height, the bush can grow up to 2 m;
  • according to the type of growth – an indeterminate variety.

Tomatoes of this species can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open soil. Therefore, the variety is considered universal. The bush forms the first fruits very large. Then they start to shrink. The average weight of one tomato varies from 200 to 600 g.

The fruits have the following description:

  • rounded, slightly elongated shape;
  • the skin is smooth, has an average thickness. Depending on the subspecies, the surface may have moderate ribbing;
  • the color of the peel is in the range from pale pink to bright crimson;
  • the pulp contains seeds in small seed chambers. The seeds themselves are also small.

The yield from one bush is approximately 4-5 kg. A record was set when farmers harvested 18 kg of tomatoes from one plant. Tomatoes are meaty and sweet.

Video “Details of the variety of tomatoes Raspberry Miracle”

From this video you will learn about the features of Raspberry Miracle tomatoes and how to grow them.

Raspberry miracle from “Gardens of Our Country”!

Raspberry Miracle Series

Within this variety, there are three series, each of which contains five hybrids. Each series of Raspberry Miracle tomatoes has its own characteristics:

  • first. It is characterized by reliability and unpretentiousness. It can grow under any weather and climatic conditions in Our Country and the CIS countries;
  • second. When creating this series, breeders focused on the shape of the fruit and their taste;
  • third. With proper care and optimal growing conditions, it gives the greatest yield, which consists of very large fruits.

These parties are called the Golden Raspberry Miracle. The series is selected depending on the expectations of the gardener and his preferences.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomatoes Raspberry Miracle: reviews of gardeners, characteristics and description of the variety

The Raspberry Miracle variety received numerous positive reviews due to its advantages. The advantages of the variety include:

  • excellent taste characteristics of tomatoes;
  • fruits are fleshy and very large;
  • attractive appearance of tomatoes;
  • during ripening, the fruits do not crack;
  • the variety is highly resistant to late blight and other diseases of this crop.

Also, the advantages of the variety include resistance to various weather conditions and high yields. Bushes due to their high growth take up little space, but bear fruit well. You can plant bushes in any region of our country. Tomatoes have extensive gastronomic uses. They make delicious salads, tomato puree or various types of preservation.

The collected seeds are stored for 10-15 years. During this time, they will not lose their germination.

As such, this variety has no disadvantages. The disadvantages include the need to tie up plants. Also, with a late planting of seedlings, there are high chances that the bush will begin to form small fruits. But such tomatoes are better suited for conservation.

Peculiarities of growing

Tomatoes Raspberry Miracle: reviews of gardeners, characteristics and description of the variety

Experts recommend growing this variety in seedlings. Sowing seeds should be done within the first 10 days of March. Sowing dates may be slightly delayed depending on weather and climatic conditions.

Before planting, tomato seeds must be disinfected. It is best to use one-percent preparations “Baikal EM-1” or “Ecosil”. In this case, the germination rate is 100%. But some plants may form weak and crooked. Such defects will subsequently lead to growth arrest. Therefore, crooked plants should be removed immediately.

Prepared seeds are laid to a depth of 5–8 mm. The picking of grown sprouts is not provided, although it can be performed. The optimal timing of its implementation is the stage of the appearance of the third true leaf.

When the plants have grown stronger, they are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. In the first case, the landing is carried out earlier. In order for the plants to be able to give a plentiful and tasty harvest, they need to be planted on fertile and well-fertilized soil. On poor soils, tomatoes will be small and tasteless.

For intensive growth, seedlings in a greenhouse are recommended to be additionally illuminated with phytolamps. Optimum temperature range: +18…+25 during the day and +12…+15 °C at night.

After watering, the ground around the sprouts must be loosened to prevent the appearance of a crust. It is best to use a drip irrigation system.

For good fruiting, the bushes are fed with fermented grass or rotted manure. Fertilizing with specialized fertilizers is also carried out.

Since some series are indeterminate, they must be tied to supports, stretched wire or trellises. The garter is performed throughout the growing season. Be sure to form a bush. It should consist of 1-2 shoots. Constantly need to perform pinching and pinching.

The Raspberry Miracle variety is undemanding and even a novice gardener can handle it. It will decorate not only the garden, but also the garden.

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