Tomato Pink Garant appeared relatively recently, but many gardeners who prefer to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse have already been able to appreciate it. After all, this is the first parthenocarpic variety of culture. Due to this, it is characterized by high productivity, as it is able to form fruits even with sudden temperature changes, as well as with drought and excess moisture. But in order to achieve maximum results when growing this variety, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements of the culture.

Tomatoes Pink Garant F1: variety description, photos, reviews

The yield of marketable products for the Pink Garant variety is 99,9%

The story of

The originator of the variety is the Japanese company SAKATA VEGETABLES EUROPE SAS, which specializes in breeding and selling high-quality planting material. Work on the creation of a self-pollinating species has been carried out for several years. And as a result of careful selection, the desired variety was obtained.

At the end of 2017, the State Register of Our Country received an application for registration of a new species. And over the next three years, variety tests were carried out, which confirmed the declared characteristics of the hybrid. In 2020, Pink Garant was included in the list of varieties approved for cultivation. Recommended for the North Caucasus region.

Description of the Pink Garant F1 tomato variety

Pink Garant belongs to the category of hybrids. And for its successful cultivation, it is necessary to purchase seeds annually.

Pink Garant F1 is an indeterminate variety, that is, the growth of its main shoot is unlimited. The tomato during the season reaches a height of 2-2,5 m. The shoots are strong, they need to be tied to a support. The leaf plates of the Pink Garant tomato are of a standard size and appearance, light green in color. They are unpaired and arranged alternately. Foliage is average.

The hybrid regularly forms stepchildren, which must be removed in a timely manner. The manufacturer recommends to form a plant in 1-2 shoots. The inflorescence is simple. The first fruit cluster grows above the fifth leaf, and subsequently they form in 1-2. Each of them forms 8-10 fruits.

The hybrid is early maturing. Fruit ripening occurs 120 days after germination. Tomatoes are flat-rounded. When ripe, they acquire a uniform rich pink color. There is no light spot in the peduncle area. The base of the tomatoes has a slight ribbing. The number of nests in the fruit is six or more.

Tomatoes Pink Garant F1: variety description, photos, reviews

Each Pink Garant tomato bush forms ten or more fruit clusters per season

Tomatoes have a pleasant sweetish taste with an unsaturated aroma. The pulp is fleshy, juicy. The skin of tomatoes is thin, but strong, when eaten it is not felt. The average weight of tomatoes is 170-180 g, but with proper care, the fruits can reach a weight of 300-350 g.

Important! The Pink Garant variety is resistant to fruit cracking.

Characteristics of Pink Garant tomato

To compare this variety with other species, you need to know its main characteristics. This will allow you to get a complete picture of the hybrid and the feasibility of growing it in your backyard.

Disease and pest resistance

Pink Garant is characterized by high immunity to common crop diseases. The conducted variety tests revealed its increased resistance to Fusarium, Cladosporiosis, Verticillium, Tobacco Mosaic Virus.

Of the pests, the whitefly can cause damage to the plant, but the variety is not defeated by the gall nematode.

Methods of Use

Pink Garant is a salad variety. It is ideal for fresh consumption of fruits, preparation of summer salads in combination with herbs.

On the basis of Pink Garant tomatoes, you can do:

  • lecho;
  • paste;
  • sauces
Important! It is not recommended to prepare juice from the fruits of the hybrid, as the drink turns out to be too thick and resembles mashed potatoes.

Yield and fruiting period

The first tomatoes ripen at the end of July. The fruiting period of Pink Garant is long and lasts until late autumn, as long as conditions allow. During the period of variety testing, the yield of the hybrid was fixed at the level of 15,5 kg per 1 sq. m.

The harvested crop easily tolerates transportation without loss of commercial qualities. Also, when harvested at the stage of technical maturity, you can save the crop for up to 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato Pink Garant has many advantages, thanks to which it has become popular in such a short time. But the hybrid also has certain disadvantages.

Tomatoes Pink Garant F1: variety description, photos, reviews

The fruits in the brush of the Pink Garant tomato ripen at the same time

The main advantages:

  • self-pollination;
  • a high percentage of marketable products;
  • excellent taste;
  • fruit uniformity;
  • long fruiting period;
  • absence of a white spot at the base of the stem;
  • immunity to temperature changes;
  • increased resistance to diseases;
  • possible storage and transportation.


  • needs to be tied to a support;
  • requires regular removal of stepchildren;
  • not suitable for juicing, preservation;
  • seed must be purchased annually;
  • demanding for feeding.
Important! When cutting Pink Garant tomatoes, no liquid is released.

Peculiarities of growing

It is recommended to grow a hybrid in seedlings. By the time the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, their age should be 55 days. With this in mind, sowing in containers at home should be done at the end of February, at the beginning of March. Landing is carried out according to the standard scheme. Seeds are buried 0,5 cm into moist soil. Before germination, containers should be kept in a dark place at a temperature of +22 °C. And then transfer to the windowsill, lower the mode to +18 ° C and provide a ten-hour daylight hours.

It is necessary to transplant strengthened Pink Garant tomato seedlings into a greenhouse or greenhouse when the soil warms up enough, which usually happens in late April, early May. Two weeks before the transplant, you should dig up the ground and add humus at the rate of 5-7 kg per 1 sq. m. When planting in each hole, add a pinch of wood ash. You need to plant seedlings in 2-3 pieces. per sq. m and at the same time deepen to the first pair of leaves.

As the development of the bushes grows, they need to be regularly tied to a support. When forming a plant in two shoots, the lower well-developed stepson should be left, and the others should be removed.

Water when the topsoil dries out. For humidification, use settled water with a temperature of +20 °C. During the heat period, peat or straw mulch should be laid at the base of the bushes to prevent the root system from drying out.

Feeding Pink Garant tomato should be started two weeks after transplanting to a permanent place. Initially, you can use nitroammophoska (30g per 10 liters of water). And during flowering and fruit formation, apply superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfide (30 g) for the same volume of liquid.

Tomatoes Pink Garant F1: variety description, photos, reviews

Lack of nutrition leads to reduced yields

Important! Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers leads to excessive growth of green mass to the detriment of fruit formation.

Pest and disease control

For the successful cultivation of Pink Garant tomato, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of bushes with fungicides. This will help maintain plant resistance to diseases at a high level.

You can use the following drugs:

  • Ridomil Gold;
  • Ordan;
  • Quadris;
  • Hom.

It is recommended to spray the bushes every two weeks, alternating fungicides. In this case, you need to take into account the waiting time before harvesting.

Throughout the growing season, it is necessary to control the humidity of the air. It is recommended to regularly ventilate the greenhouse to prevent whiteflies. If signs of a pest are found, the plants should be simultaneously watered with Aktara’s solution and sprayed with Fitoverm. Repeat the treatment every seven days until the complete destruction of the whitefly.


Tomato Pink Garant is a crop variety that even a novice gardener can handle growing. After all, he does not need pollinators, but at the same time bears abundant fruit even despite temperature changes. The only thing that this species requires is enhanced nutrition, otherwise the fruits are reduced in size, and their number is reduced.

Reviews of gardeners about Pink Garant tomato

Tamara Stepnova, Stavropol
I grow this hybrid two seasons in a row. I can say that Pink Garant is an ideal variety for greenhouses, since the fruit set is regular. I form bushes in two shoots, and on each of them six fruit brushes are formed per season. In the first year, I collected about 4 kg of selected tomatoes from the plant, and a little more in the second. The taste of tomatoes is sugary, pleasant.
Sergey Gorbunov, Pyatigorsk
I first purchased Pink Garant tomato seeds last year. I noticed that the hybrid does not need pollinators, and this is unusual for this culture. But the species does set fruit regularly and without insects. Adhered to the standard rules of care. Grown in one shoot. About ten fruit clusters with uniform tomatoes were formed on each plant. The fruits are pleasant and sweet in taste.
Pink Garant – the first parthenocarpic among tomatoes!

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