- Description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Nepas
- Varieties of tomato Nepas
- Tomato Nepas 2 (non-stepping raspberry)
- Tomato Nepas 3 (non-stepping pink)
- Tomato Nepas 4 (non-stepping orange, heart-shaped)
- Tomato Nepas 5 (orange with spout)
- Tomato Nepas 6 (non-stepping red)
- Tomato Nepas 7 (non-stepping giant)
- Tomato Nepas 8 (non-stepping carrot)
- Tomato Nepas 9 (non-stepping elongated)
- Tomato Nepas 10 (non-stepchildren striped)
- Tomato Nepas 11 (non-stepping indoor)
- Tomato Nepas 12 (non-stepping large)
- Tomato Nepas 13
- Tomato Nepas 14 (non-stepping sugar)
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to choose a variety
- Features of planting and care
- Pest and disease control
- Conclusion
- Reviews of gardeners about tomato Nepas
A few years ago, breeders created a series of tomatoes that have become a real gift for beginners and experienced gardeners. Bushes do not need to be formed, they are unpretentious in care. It is precisely these properties that the Nepas tomato possesses, in the name of which a pleasant feature is hidden – there is no need to stepson the plant.
Description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Nepas
Tomatoes are determinate, that is, they are limited in growth. The height of the bush is 60 cm. The foliage is dark green, of medium size. The inflorescence is simple, the buds are yellow. The immature fruit has a light green color, in the stage of technical ripeness it is red. The mass of each is about 70 g. The number of nests is from six to eight. The taste is good, with a slight sourness.
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. lycopersicum) Nepas early ripe. It is used fresh and for the preparation of blanks for the winter. The first fruits ripen 90 days after germination. Bushes do not require pinching, they can do without support. There are few shoots on the tomato, so the plant is well ventilated and rarely affected by late blight.
The originator of the variety is SeDeK agricultural company. It was included in the State Register in 2017 and is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground in most regions of the Federation. In 2019, SeDeK LLC registered a patent for it.

The average yield of tomatoes is 6,5 kg/m2
Varieties of tomato Nepas
Breeders have developed a whole series, which included 14 subspecies of determinant tomatoes that do not require pinching. Gardeners can choose the one that suits their taste, appearance, size, shape.
Tomato Nepas 2 (non-stepping raspberry)
The variety is medium early, it takes about 100 days for the ripening of tomatoes. Plant height – 60-70 cm. The fruits are rounded, with a smooth raspberry skin. The weight of tomatoes is from 40 to 110 g. The maximum yield is obtained in regions with a hot climate and regular watering. Resistant to weather changes, the average yield is about 5 kg per square meter.

Tomato Nepas 2 is especially good in pickled form
Tomato Nepas 3 (non-stepping pink)
One of the earliest subspecies. The ripening period is 90 days. The bushes are very compact, no more than 50 cm high. Tomato fruits are round, juicy, fleshy, with pink skin. The taste is pleasant, weight – 100-140 g. The variety is not susceptible to weather changes, so it can be grown in regions belonging to risky farming areas.

Harvest Nepas 3 ripens massively, up to 1 kg of tomatoes are harvested from 2 m7
Tomato Nepas 4 (non-stepping orange, heart-shaped)
Judging by the photos and reviews, the yield of Nepas 4 tomato is higher than usual. Despite the fact that the mass of fruits is 70-80 g, up to 10 kg of high quality tomatoes can be harvested per square meter. Tomatoes are heart-shaped, after ripening the skin acquires a bright orange color. The pulp is pleasant to the taste, dense, juicy. The variety is most often used for harvesting for the winter. Another advantage is its resistance to late blight and gray rot. So that the crop yield does not fall, top dressing is applied several times per season.

Nepas 4 tomato bushes are compact and do not require a large area when grown
Tomato Nepas 5 (orange with spout)
According to the description and characteristics, the tomato variety Nepas 5 has a standard bush appearance. The plant is undersized, height is not more than 50-60 cm. Vegetation lasts 105 days. Tomatoes are orange, slightly elongated, with barely visible ribs. A distinctive feature of the fruit is the presence of a spout. Rigid skin allows you to store tomatoes for a long time and transport them over long distances without loss of quality.

Nepas 5 is suitable for whole fruit preservation
Tomato Nepas 6 (non-stepping red)
The photo and description of the tomato variety Nepas 6 allow us to conclude that it is one of the most unpretentious. Plants do not need to be tied up, stepchildren removed, they develop equally successfully in greenhouses and in the open field. The variety is resistant to fungal attack, tolerant of heat and low air temperatures. At the same time, the yield is high – up to 9 kg / m2. The fruits are red, oval, with a small spout. Each bunch ripens up to six tomatoes weighing about 80 g each.

Tomatoes do not burst from changes in temperature and humidity
Tomato Nepas 7 (non-stepping giant)
When describing tomato Nepas 7 (photo), the maximum emphasis is placed on the size of the fruit. In a mature state, their weight reaches 200 g. Tomatoes are round, even in shape, the skin is bright purple, dense, shiny. The variety is medium early, the first harvest is taken after 100-110 days. Based on the description and characteristics of the tomato Nepas 7, its bush reaches a height of 80 cm, yield – 7-8 kg / m2.

Taste of ripe tomatoes Nepas 7 sweet and sour
Tomato Nepas 8 (non-stepping carrot)
One of the best varieties for outdoor cultivation. It tolerates dry and rainy periods perfectly, has a high immunity to most fungal diseases. The plant is determinate, its maximum height is 60-70 cm, the yield is 6-7 kg/m2. The fruits of Nepas 8 tomatoes are shaped like plums with a sharp spout. Their size is small, weight is about 60 g, the color in the phase of full ripeness is bright orange. Up to six tomatoes are tied in each brush.

It takes 8-3 months to get Nepas 4 tomatoes
Tomato Nepas 9 (non-stepping elongated)
An early ripening variety. From the first shoots to getting ripe tomatoes, no more than three months pass. Most often, tomato Nepas 9 (pictured below) is chosen according to several characteristics – productivity, early maturity, high immunity, versatility of use. Tomatoes form low compact bushes (75 cm), which do not require the removal of stepchildren, and in the ripening phase they are literally dotted with small (50 g) elongated red fruits.

The pulp of the tomato Nepas 9 has a dense structure
Tomato Nepas 10 (non-stepchildren striped)
A distinctive feature of the variety is early maturity (about 100 days) and an unusual color of the fruit. In a mature state, they are small (about 75 g), rounded in shape. The skin color is pink with yellow stripes. The pulp is sweet and sour, juicy. Small bushes (up to 70 cm) can be used as decor to decorate the site.

The average yield of Nepas 10 variety is 6 kg/m2
Tomato Nepas 11 (non-stepping indoor)
Tomatoes Nepas 11 is quite realistic to grow in pots on the windowsill. Their height is only 35 cm, the fruits are numerous, scarlet, weigh no more than 20 g. The main advantage of the variety is its ultra-early ripening time (up to 95 days).

Nepas 11 is tolerant of lack of lighting, can grow in the shade
Tomato Nepas 12 (non-stepping large)
The description and characteristics of Nepas 12 tomato make it possible to grow it without seedlings, sowing directly into the soil. This is possible due to unpretentiousness and fast maturation (about 95 days). Despite the short stature of plants (up to 50 cm), the fruits of Nepas 12 tomatoes gain weight up to 150 g and give 7-8 kg / m2.

The variety easily tolerates weather vagaries and is immune to major diseases.
Tomato Nepas 13
According to the description and photo, the Nepas 13 tomato variety differs from others in its sweet rich taste, keeping quality and ability to be transported over long distances. Plum-shaped tomatoes, red, weighing up to 90 g. Plentiful fruiting (5-6 kg / m2).

Nepas 13 is often grown in southern regions because it is heat tolerant
Tomato Nepas 14 (non-stepping sugar)
One of the main characteristics of the Nepas 14 tomato is the high sugar content of the fruit. Their color is red, the structure of the pulp is dense, the weight is about 100 g. If necessary, the bush is formed by pinching. Based on the description of the tomato variety Nepas 14 (photo), its bush (80 cm) adapts well to weather changes and adverse climatic factors.

Fruits reach full ripeness 100 days after germination.
Advantages and disadvantages
The undoubted advantage of the Nepas tomato is the self-formation of the bush, since the removal of stepchildren takes a lot of time from gardeners. For this and other reasons, many of them choose it for themselves.

When the necessary conditions are created, the variety gives an impressive yield.
- compactness;
- resistance to damage by pests and diseases;
- unpretentiousness in care;
- early ripening;
- good taste;
- endurance to weather changes;
- Possibility of seedless cultivation.
- small size of fruits;
- not rich enough flavor.
How to choose a variety
The choice of a particular variety for cultivation on the site depends on taste preferences and growing goals. Fresh tomatoes should be used in the second, seventh, third and fourteenth species of the series. They are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have a pleasant, sweetish taste. And the seventh has another advantage – the large size of the fruit.
Tomatoes with a dense core and skin that are not prone to cracking are most suitable for canning. For this purpose, tomatoes of the fourth and sixth species are used, especially since their color is bright orange and deep red.
Indoor view, grown in winter on the windowsill, can be used to decorate dishes. The ninth and tenth are valued for their visual appeal, so they are often used in cooking to create delicious salads. The fifth type has high transportability and keeping quality.
Features of planting and care
For all types of the Nepas variety, agricultural technology is the same. You can grow tomatoes using seedlings or sowing in the ground. To get a crop earlier, use the first method. It takes no more than two months to grow strong, healthy seedlings. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, the sowing date is calculated and, if necessary, corrected.

Ready seedlings have a healthy appearance, a height of about 15 cm and buds
Bushes are planted tightly to each other, placing up to six plants per square meter. Stepsons should be removed only if they have thickened, which often happens with an increased nitrogen content in the soil. Watering tomatoes is carried out regularly, avoiding waterlogging or drying out of the soil. Tomatoes are fed twice a season – before budding – nitrogenous, in the phase of fruit formation – potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
The seed method is used in regions with a warm climate and long summers. Landing starts after May 14th. They prepare the soil, make holes or grooves, where humus and sawdust are added. Seeds are used more than necessary, since germination may be low. Later, seedlings in the phase of 2-3 leaves are thinned out.
Before the emergence of seedlings, watering is not carried out, otherwise a crust forms on the soil, which is extremely difficult for a young sprout to overcome. Further care consists in weeding, watering, loosening, feeding plants.

Hilling allows you to get additional roots to feed tomatoes
Pest and disease control
Tomatoes of the Nepas variety series are distinguished by resistance to late blight and white rot, but with prolonged rains and a decrease in air temperature, the likelihood of damage by a harmful fungus increases. To combat the pathology, spraying the foliage with copper sulphate is used. At the first symptoms of rot infection, diseased bushes are removed, disposed of, and the rest are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Tomatoes can be harmed by a bear, Colorado potato beetle, whitefly. You can destroy insect pests with the help of insecticides (Karate, Thunder).
Tomato Nepas is a real lifesaver for gardeners who cannot devote much time to caring for plants. Unpretentiousness, disease resistance, excellent taste and technical characteristics are a good reason to opt for this variety.