Many gardeners grow exclusively salad varieties of tomatoes. Tomato Lorraine beauty was created for just such purposes. Tomatoes are famous for their excellent taste, unusual shape. They are often called decorative and gift items.

Tomatoes Lorraine beauty: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomato Lorraine beauty does not belong to a high-yielding crop, the fruits are grown as decoration

History of breeding

Tomato Lorraine beauty (Beauty Lotringa) was created in North America. US breeders came up with a plant specifically for decorating the garden. The inhabitants of the continent grow the variety because it has delicious fruits. In Our Country, an exotic species is still rare. At first it was red tomatoes, then varieties with yellow, orange and raspberry fruits appeared. They were created a little later.

Description of the variety of tomato Lorraine beauty

The variety belongs to indeterminate self-pollinated crops. In southern latitudes, it can be grown outdoors. But vegetable growers in the middle lane and the north will have to use greenhouses, otherwise the plant will not have time to give the crop.


The tomato is not a standard variety, according to the characteristics and description, and the red, and orange, and yellow Lorraine beauty are distinguished by thin stems. The plant is strongly branched, up to 2 m high, with a large number of leaves. Saturated green plates of large size, with a pronounced corrugation.

When growing, you will have to tie the culture to a support. On each tomato bush Lorraine beauty at the level of 7-8 internodes, a flower brush is formed with 2-3 tomatoes. As a rule, up to nine pieces are obtained for their entire height.

Attention! Agricultural companies are not engaged in the cultivation of this variety, as they are not satisfied with the yield.

Fruits: taste, weight, size

The Lorraine beauty tomato has fruits of an unusual shape for s. They are slightly rounded, flattened. Already on the ovary, ribbing is clearly visible. If you look closely, the tomato is somewhat reminiscent of a flower with closed petals.

Fruits weigh from 200 to 450 g, although there are also giants weighing over 600 g; the skin is thick and dense. The color of the fruit depends on the variety, it can be yellow, orange, red or ruby-raspberry. There is practically no dry matter in the pulp, it is moderately juicy. A lot of chambers without seeds, which allows you to stuff tomatoes like peppers.

Attention! The Lorraine beauty tomato tastes sour-sweet, but this indicator depends on the color. Yellow and orange fruits have more sugar than red ones.
Tomatoes Lorraine beauty: variety description, photos, reviews

Huge “flowers” can ripen on a tomato Beauty of Lorraine

Not only the color of the variety is responsible for the taste. In hot weather, the fruits are sweeter. You can collect brown tomatoes, they ripen perfectly, do not crack. At home, they are stored for a long time.

Characteristics of the tomato Lorraine beauty

According to the description and characteristics, the Lorraine beauty yellow tomato, like its other varieties, is best grown in protected ground in Our Country. Fruiting is long, the last tomatoes are removed in the first decade of October.

Advice! The better the care of the tomato, the more abundant the fruiting.
Tomatoes Lorraine beauty: variety description, photos, reviews

The fruits of the tomato Lorraine beauty are different in mass, but this does not detract from their originality

Tomato yield Lorraine beauty

The yield of a crop depends on compliance with the rules of care and weather conditions. When all the norms are met, a favorable climate is created, usually about 3-4 kg of tomatoes are obtained from a bush. The first full-weight fruits are harvested 125-130 days after germination.

Disease and pest resistance

If the Lorraine beauty tomato is grown in protected ground, then it gets sick less. After all, he has a weak immunity to vertex rot and late blight. In wet weather, plants grown outdoors are heavily affected by these diseases. This, in turn, reduces productivity.

With regards to pests, they are the same as those of other representatives of the culture.

Methods of Use

Tomatoes Lorraine beauty are unsuitable for canning. They are consumed only fresh: in salads, sliced. Stuffed tomatoes look interesting.

Tomatoes Lorraine beauty: variety description, photos, reviews

Yellow Lorraine beauty in form and purpose is no different from other varietal varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato Lorraine beauty red, like other varieties of the variety, is not particularly popular with gardeners. Therefore, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of the species.

Those who are involved in culture note the following advantages:

  • exotic form of fruits;
  • long-term storage and the possibility of transportation;
  • do not crack when ripe;
  • do not lose taste and useful properties during ripening;
  • pleasant taste;
  • good immunity.

The downsides are:

  • dryish taste and lack of pulp in fruits;
  • restriction of culinary use;
  • the impossibility of canning;
  • clear dependence on weather conditions.

Peculiarities of growing

Tomato Lorraine beauty with raspberry, orange or yellow fruits is easy to grow, according to gardeners. Agrotechnics for the care of nightshade culture is almost the same. Although there are differences. In particular, without regular feeding and watering, it will not work to get a decent harvest.

Growing seedlings

Variety tomatoes are grown through seedlings, otherwise the crop cannot be harvested. Seeds are sown in April in the usual way. Seedlings do not require special care. So 3-5 bushes can be safely planted. The picking is carried out when 3-4 leaves have already formed on the plant, they are hardened before planting in a permanent place.

Tomatoes Lorraine beauty: variety description, photos, reviews

After planting seedlings, it is useful to cover the roots with straw mulch.


Since the Lorraine Beauty variety is tall, strongly leafy, it is better to grow it in one stem. It will be more convenient to remove stepchildren, take care of large fruits. In addition, you need to cut off the leaves from below, but not more than 3-5 at a time.

Warning! Work on removing stepchildren and leaves should be planned on a sunny morning so that the wounds dry quickly.


The bushes are tied to the cut after planting and with further care. It is best to install a strong stake, to which the stem and fruits are then attached. The fruits are very heavy, without a garter they can break off, damage the plant. You need to attach the shoots often, after 25-30 cm along the entire length of the stem.

Watering and top dressing

Watering with cold water reduces the yield of the crop, will lead to the occurrence of diseases. Therefore, a filled container should always be in the greenhouse. The Lorraine beauty does not tolerate drought, so the condition of the soil must be monitored. At the same time, do not forget about the ventilation of the greenhouse. A layer of mulch will help retain moisture.

With regards to top dressing, the tomato needs to be fed with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. No less important for the variety are substances such as sulfur, zinc, manganese, iron.

Tomatoes Lorraine beauty: variety description, photos, reviews

Many gardeners use nettle infusion to feed tomatoes.

Advice! As a preventive measure and top dressing, it is useful to spray tomato bushes, including the Lorraine beauty, with a solution of iodine (seven drops per bucket of water).

Pest and disease control

The Lorraine Beauty variety has good immunity. But gray, white or root rot is not always avoidable. As a preventive measure, before planting seedlings, the soil should be shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate, and then the aisles should be mulched.

To get rid of pests, such as aphids, whiteflies, thrips, slugs and others, you can plant spicy plants in the greenhouse and spray them with an aqueous solution of ammonia from time to time.

Warning! Any chemicals to control diseases or pests can be used before the tomatoes start flowering.


Tomato Lorraine beauty is still a rarity for gardeners. But those who grow these unusually shaped tomatoes note the unpretentiousness of the culture.

Reviews of gardeners about tomato Lorraine beauty

Matveeva Ekaterina Ilyinichna, Trans-Baikal Territory
I have been growing the Lorraine beauty with orange fruits for three years. An interesting variety, especially since I managed to grow a tomato weighing 850 g. The bushes grow powerful, they have tassels with 2-3 ovaries along the entire length of the stem. The fruits are uneven in size, but it does not matter. I have never had such tasty and unusually shaped tomatoes in my “arsenal”. Guests are always surprised.
Svetlova Anna Evgenievna, Yekaterinburg
Every year I buy new varieties of tomatoes to conduct my tests. Last year, we managed to purchase the Lorraine beauty with ruby ​​​​fruits. Everyone liked the variety: it did not require special care, the fruits turned out to be large, tasty. On each of the three bushes, 8-10 tomatoes were tied up. But there was one serious problem: the stepchildren simply overcame. Yes, by the end of the growing season, top rot appeared.

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