Tomato Legend Tarasenko is a tall variety of vegetative type. Culture throughout the season intensively increases the green mass. In warm regions, it is cultivated in an open way, in a temperate climate – in a closed way. The yield is high, the agricultural technology is standard, the fruits are suitable for all types of processing.
History of occurrence

Variety Legend Tarasenko – the result of amateur selection
The originator is a physics teacher from the Sumy region (Ukraine), who specialized in creating tall, liana-shaped tomatoes. On the account of the breeder Tarasenko F.M. more than 50 varietal and hybrid forms of culture. The Legend tomato was bred in 2015. The variety is only gaining popularity among vegetable growers in the Southern, Central regions and the Middle Strip.
Description of the tomato variety Legend Tarasenko
Tomatoes are classified as varietal representatives of the culture. From fruits grown on their own, you can collect seeds. Subsequent generations completely retain the characteristics of the parent plant. Tomato bush Legend Tarasenko indeterminate type. The length of the stems is adjusted according to the height of the supporting structure. In greenhouses – 2 m, in an open area – 1,5-1,8 m.
What does the variety look like:
- The stems are liana-shaped, of medium thickness, stiff, light brown with a small sparse edge.
- The leaves are simple, entire, elongated, with finely serrated edges, dark green, corrugated, pubescent. They grow in a spiral.
- The flowers are yellow, small, self-pollinated.
- 4-5 complex inflorescences are formed on each stem.
- The fruits are plum-shaped, weight – 120-140 g. The weight of all tomatoes is the same.
- The peel is thin, bright red, with a dark yellow pigment near the stalk.
- The pulp is dense, uniform, without hard white areas. There are four seed chambers, no voids.
- The root system is superficial, powerful, overgrown. The trunk circle is 35-40 cm in diameter.

Cluster-shaped fruit clusters Legends of Tarasenko are long, completely covered with tomatoes
Characteristics of tomato Legend Tarasenko
Medium late variety. Tomatoes of the lower brush reach biological ripeness in early August. Fruits from the last branch are plucked before the first frost. In an open area, tomatoes are often removed while still green; they ripen well in stationary conditions. At the same time, the taste qualities are not inferior to those ripened naturally.
Tomato yield Legend Tarasenko
Tomatoes are small, but a high fruiting rate is achieved due to their number. From one plant take an average of 10-12 kg. Given the fact that the bush is tall, more than three plants per 1 m2 do not plant. The yield with this placement is 25-30 kg.
Disease and pest resistance
The resistance of the culture to parasitic insects is weak. With the mass distribution of pests, they will also appear on the Legend Tarasenko variety. The main damage to the plant is caused by: spider mite, Colorado potato beetle, whitefly.
Resistance to infections is good, the tomato practically does not get sick with root and top rot, brown spot, leaf mold, phomosis.
With a lack of nutrition and incorrect agricultural technology (excessive watering), the tomato may suffer from late blight and tobacco mosaic.
Where applicable
The variety is grown not only in private courtyards, but also in farm fields for industrial purposes. The density of the pulp and sufficient juiciness of tomatoes Legend Tarasenko allows you to produce pasta, ketchup, juice from them. Small tomatoes. At home, they go for whole-fruit canning in a marinade or in their own juice. Eat tomatoes fresh, include in vegetable salads or stews.
Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Legend Tarasenko
The density of fruit brushes is not the same, up to 30 tomatoes can be on the lower one, on the next ones there are fewer ovaries. No more than eight pieces are formed on the last bunch, and they ripen much later.

Variety Legend Tarasenko is distinguished by good transportability
- balanced taste;
- stable high yield;
- drought resistance, from moisture deficiency, the ovaries do not crumble, the peel does not crack;
- versatility in use;
- suitable for open ground and greenhouses;
- resistance to infections;
- leveled mass of fruits;
- standard agricultural practice.
- tendency to bake in the sun;
- poor resistance to pests;
- uneven maturation;
- it is necessary to form a bush, garter and pinching.
Features of agricultural technology
In order for the tomatoes to ripen in accordance with the terms indicated in the characteristic, seedlings are pre-grown. Sow seeds in March or April, the period depends on the climate of the region.
Seeds of the Legend Tarasenko variety, collected from the site, are pre-disinfected with any antifungal drug and germinated in a humid environment:
- A nutrient substrate is prepared from peat, compost and sand, the mixture is subjected to heat treatment.
- Fill the containers with soil and pour abundantly with a solution of manganese, leave for a day.
- Make shallow grooves at a distance of 5 cm, lay out the seeds, observing an interval of 1,5 cm.
- Plentifully watered with a solution of “Energen” and covered with a film or glass.
- After the appearance of sprouts, the covering material is removed.
- Create conditions: temperature regime 22-25 0C, lighting duration – 16 hours.
- When three normal leaves appear, they are seated in small containers.

Two weeks before transferring to the site, Legend Tarasenko tomatoes are recommended to harden
Seedlings are planted after the soil warms up to 10-150 C. Approximately planting work is carried out in the first decade of May:
- The area allotted for the tomato is dug up, organic matter is added.
- Furrows or holes are made to the depth of the lower leaves, row spacings of 65-70 cm are left. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm.
- A mixture of ash and nitrophoska is placed at the bottom.
- Tarasenko’s legend is a tall plant. To form a powerful root system, seedlings are placed at a right angle.
Two weeks later, the bushes are spudded and mulched with peat or compost.
Agrotechnics variety:
- For better aeration, the aisle is loosened, weeds are removed.
- In the greenhouse, the embankment is molded if necessary. In an open area from rain, it may become smaller, so it is advisable to re-spud the bushes.
- Water the tomato in a closed structure under the root twice a week. In the garden, they are guided by the frequency of precipitation. Water stagnation must not be allowed.
- Form a bush with two stems. As they grow, they are fixed to the support.
- The Legend of Tarasenko is fed during budding with a nitrogen-containing agent, then phosphorus, potassium. Three weeks before picking tomatoes, superphosphate is used.
The entire growing season is removed stepsons, lower leaves and brushes, from which the fruits were removed.
Pest and disease control
The stability of the immunity of the tomato Legend Tarasenko directly depends on the observance of the conditions of agricultural technology: moderate watering, timely feeding, and the exclusion of thick planting. Under favorable growing conditions, the tomato does not get sick. If the recommendations for care are not followed, infection with tobacco mosaic is possible.

The fungus affects the green mass and fruits
For prevention in the spring, tomatoes are treated with copper sulphate. In the event of a disease, “Hom” or Bordeaux liquid is used.
If peppers, eggplants or potatoes grow next to the garden, the risk of damage to the bushes by late blight increases. Fungal infection progresses during fruit ripening, quickly spreading to the entire bush.

Tomatoes with signs of phytophthora are unsuitable for use
Tomato Legend Tarasenko is a tall culture with grape-shaped fruit tassels. Tomatoes are characterized by high nutritional value. The fruits are leveled, maturation is stretched. The variety gives planting material suitable for further breeding. The fruits are small in size, versatile in use.