Tomato Ladies’ man can be called a universal variety of vegetable crops. The physical characteristics of these tomatoes please both experienced farmers and ordinary housewives. The variety is considered relatively unpretentious, high-yielding, early ripening. It is grown for the purpose of fresh use and for conservation.

Tomato Ladies’ man belongs to indeterminate varieties of culture
History of breeding
The ladies’ man is a variety of tomato, bred by the Aelita agricultural company in 2008. Since that time, the variety has been listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Federation. Suitable for cultivation both in open areas and in greenhouse conditions.
Description of the variety of tomato Ladies’ man
The tomato variety Ladies’ Man is not a hybrid. It is easy to grow it from both store-bought and self-collected seeds. The bush of the variety grows to large sizes, one and a half meters or more, it needs a mandatory garter to a support. Tomato leaves are large, slightly corrugated, dark green in color. Inflorescences of an intermediate type, begin to appear after 12 released leaves. Up to eight ovaries are formed in one brush. The fruits of the Ladies’ Man variety have an interesting appearance, they grow into a cylindrical elongated shape with a pronounced “nose”, similar to pepper. Medium in size, weighing approximately 50-60 g. Although some gardeners note that individual specimens may weigh 100-150 g. The surface of the fruit is smooth, the skin is thin with a beautiful glossy tint. When unripe, the tomato is pale green, by the time of harvest it acquires a bright red color. There are no overflows and extra spots on the surface. The flesh is tender but fleshy. Inside the tomato has two small chambers with enough seeds. The taste of the ladies’ man is moderately sweet, with a slight sourness. According to GOST, the taste characteristics of the variety are excellent.
Characteristics of tomato Ladies’ man
The Ladies’ Man tomato is considered a mid-ripening variety, but in some regions it is noted for its early ripening. This fact is strongly influenced by the natural conditions of the landing area. If the variety is grown in the southern regions, then they start harvesting half a month earlier than in the northern ones. According to average statistics, the first fruits begin to sing in the second half of July, early August. Also, this period depends on the conditions of detention and landing time. Usually, 100-110 days should pass from germination to ripening.
This variety can be grown in almost all climatic zones; it shows good resistance to temperature changes. The main conditions for fruit ripening are:
- good illuminance;
- timely application of fertilizers;
- regular watering.
The distinctive features of the tomato are keeping quality and high resistance to cracking. Tomatoes can be transported over long distances, after which they will not lose their original shape. The variety is suitable for cultivation on farms for the purpose of subsequent sale on the vegetable market.

Tomatoes on the bushes of the Ladies’ man variety sing at the same time
Tomato yield Ladies man
Judging by the numerous reviews, the Ladies’ Man tomato is a high-yielding variety. According to statistics, about 10 kg of ripe and tasty tomatoes are harvested from one square meter of the garden. But it is worth noting that such a result can be achieved only if the agrotechnical rules for planting and caring for the crop are observed.
Disease and pest resistance
The originator of the variety stated that the Ladies’ Man is resistant to diseases common among nightshade crops. It has an average resistance to late blight and tip rot, it can rarely be affected by mosaics.
As for pests, when taking preventive measures, they are not afraid of the plant.
Ways to use
Due to the low content of solids, the Ladies’ Man tomato retains its shape and juiciness when cut, and does not release excess liquid. It is ideal for preparing fresh salads, vegetable plates, eating raw. In addition, it can be pickled, frozen, used for preparations for the winter in the form of conservation. Small fruits are rolled into jars as a whole, and snacks and sauces are made from large specimens.
Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Ladies’ man
Like any vegetable crop, the Ladies’ Man variety has its pros and cons, which are important to consider when planting a plant.

To accelerate the ripening of fruits, potassium supplements should be applied.
- high yield;
- disease resistance;
- excellent taste qualities;
- universal application;
- transportability and keeping quality;
- ease of cultivation;
- adaptation to different climates.
- dislike for bright sunlight;
- the presence of voids.
Peculiarities of growing
The ladies’ man tomato seedlings are planted from February to April, the time interval depends on the growing area. Since the variety is natural, you can sow both purchased seeds and collected ones yourself. In the latter case, before planting, they are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin and dried. Planting is carried out in a standard way: moisten the soil, sow the seeds, cover the boxes with foil and put them on a bright windowsill. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed, when a pair of true leaves grow, the seedlings dive. In May-June, when she turns 50-60 days old, the moment comes for her landing in a permanent place.
A plot for a tomato Ladies’ man is prepared in the fall: they disinfect the soil, fertilize it with compost, droppings or mullein. The soil should ideally be slightly acidic. When grown in greenhouse conditions, seedlings are planted on the sunny side or under additional lighting, since tomatoes require a lot of light to ripen. The procedure is performed when the temperature of the earth is not less than +12 ° C, and the air is about +20 ° C. In addition, throughout the entire growth of the crop in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature regime – not lower than +25 and not higher than +30 ° С.
Warning! With frosts for more than three days, the beds with tomato are covered with a film.
During planting, the seedlings, together with a clod of earth, are transferred to pre-prepared holes dug at intervals of 30-40 cm. The stem is tied to a peg. Irrigate with warm water. Further, the bushes are moistened as needed. It is undesirable to allow both too high humidity and drying of the soil. Before each watering, the soil is loosened.
Form a tomato Ladies’ man in one stem, but gardeners with experience can leave two or three stems. The lower foliage is removed during the growth of the bush, the culture is pinched, that is, the extra shoots are removed, and three weeks after planting they are tied to a support.
Fertilize the plant with minerals and organic matter. Top dressing alternate, make every half a month. The variety responds well to fertilizer with bird droppings, humus, compost, peat.

Excellent predecessors of tomato in the garden are cucumbers, cabbage, onions, legumes
Pest and disease control
Judging by the description, the Ladies’ Man tomato is endowed with strong immunity to diseases, but sometimes troubles happen to it. With improper care, excess moisture or low temperature, the bush can become ill with late blight, mosaic, and vertex rot. To prevent the occurrence of ailments, preventive measures should be taken, for which it is recommended to use ash, blue vitriol, Trichopolum, Fitosporin.
Of the insects, the spider mite, the bear, the whitefly can cause harm to the plant, but if the cultivation technology is observed, their attacks can be avoided.
Tomato Ladies’ man is able to satisfy the requirements of summer residents and gardeners. With decent care, the culture will thank with a solid harvest of sweet and large fruits. At the same time, the vegetable is not only universal in use, but also perfectly transported, stored for a long time.