Tomatoes Kumato: variety description, photos, reviews

Kumato tomato was bred at the end of the 10th century in Europe. In Our Country, they have been grown for about XNUMX years, but the variety is not widely used, so there is no planting material on mass sale. The culture was bred by crossing a wild-growing species and an early-ripening Olmec tomato, the genetic material of a blackberry was added to the hybrid, which gives the fruits an exotic color. The variety has been patented by the Swiss company Syngenta, which supplies fruits and vegetables worldwide. Kumato comes to the distribution network in branded packaging, as it is a brand of Swiss agribusiness.

Tomatoes Kumato: variety description, photos, reviews

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Kumato

The mid-early variety of tomato Kumato ripens in 110 days from the moment of germination. The plant is not intended for mass cultivation. Tomatoes are grown only in a protected area with constant temperature, humidity and enhanced lighting.

The microclimate is created as close as possible to the historical homeland (Spain). Therefore, the region of cultivation does not matter, more often the Kumato tomato variety is found in greenhouses in Siberia. If agricultural technology is not followed, the tomato produces fruits of various masses and shapes. The surface is dominated by green pigmentation.

The Kumato tomato variety is an indeterminate type, therefore, without height correction, it can grow more than two meters. The height of the tomato is limited in accordance with the size of the support at the level of 1,8 m. The plant is not a standard type, but it also gives little side shoots. They form a bush with 2 trunks, the main and the first strong stepson. The remaining shoots throughout the growing season are removed.

Tomato undemanding to soil moisture, refers to drought-resistant. Subject to the temperature and lighting conditions, the variety gives a stable harvest. The plant has a powerful root system that has grown to the sides by about 1 m. 1 m2 plant no more than 2 bushes. Dense planting affects the fruiting of the tomato. Fruits reach biological ripeness by the beginning or middle of July, up to 8 kg are harvested from one bush, from 1 m2 within 15 kg.

In the process of hybridization of the Kumato black tomato, the main direction was to improve self-defense against diseases. The variety is resistant to fungal infection that develops in conditions of high humidity in greenhouses: Alternariosis, late blight. It is not affected by the leaf mosaic virus. Preventive measures are taken against pests; insects do not parasitize the crop.

External description of the Kumato tomato variety:

  1. The central stem is thick, light green, with an uneven structure. Intensely pubescent with fine pile.
  2. The foliage of the bush is medium, the leaves are small oblong with jagged edges. The surface of the dark green leaf plate is corrugated, with sparse pubescence.
  3. It blooms with bright yellow single flowers, the variety is self-pollinating, each flower produces a viable ovary.
  4. Bookmark the first brush under the 11 sheet, the next every three sheets. Brushes are long, hard, fullness of 6-8 fruits.
  5. The root system is superficial, widely grown to the sides.
Attention! Contrary to popular belief among consumers, the Kumato tomato variety is non-GMO.

Brief description and taste of fruits

The business card of black Kumato tomatoes is the exotic color of the fruit and gastronomic advantages. The taste of the tomato is well balanced, the concentration of acids is minimal. Sugars predominate in the chemical composition, their level is optimal so that the tomato does not seem fresh. Tomatoes with a pronounced aroma and taste of blackberries.

Fruit Description:

  • black-fruited Kumato tomato changes color as it grows, from dark green to brown with a burgundy tint;
  • fruits are leveled, rounded, do not differ in size from the first circle and the last one, weight 95–105 g, diameter 5–6 cm;
  • the peel is dense, thin, not prone to cracking, on the surface near the stem, slight green pigmentation is possible;
  • the pulp is juicy, dense texture, without voids and white fragments, the color is one tone lighter than the peel.

Kumato tomato fruits are used fresh for salads, slicing, assorted vegetables. They are rarely used for preservation, although the fruits tolerate heat treatment well.

Tomatoes Kumato: variety description, photos, reviews

Pros and cons of the variety

According to vegetable growers, the Kumato tomato variety shown in the photo is characterized by the following advantages:

  • high yield;
  • uniform maturation;
  • the same weight of fruits and the fullness of the upper and lower brushes;
  • does not require constant watering;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • high gastronomic assessment;
  • long shelf life (up to 14 days after collection retains its presentation);
  • good transportability. During transportation, it is not subject to mechanical damage.

The disadvantage of the variety is: intolerance to lower temperatures, growing only in a greenhouse.

Useful properties of Kumato tomatoes

Kumato tomato can be attributed to a dietary vegetable. The fruits do not contain allergens inherent in red varieties, so tomatoes are not contraindicated in children prone to allergies. The chemical composition of the variety contains a high concentration of anthocyanin substance, which stains tomatoes in a dark color. This active substance is responsible for cell regeneration. The tomato contains an order of magnitude more vitamins A, B, C than other varieties. The fruits are rich in fructose and serotonin (the “hormone of joy”).

Rules of landing and care

Tomato varieties Kumato are bred with seeds, grown in seedlings.

Attention! Seeds collected independently lose their varietal characteristics after 2 years.

Planting material can be collected from the mother plant if it is really Kumato. If in the previous season the seeds were collected from a tomato that had pollinated from other varieties, in the first year of the growing season, the plant will not differ externally from varietal fruits, but the planting material from it will give tomatoes of unexpected color and shape. If you collect material from branded vegetables, the seeds will sprout, but you need to monitor the purity of the variety and not plant other types of tomatoes nearby.

Seeding for seedlings

Before laying in the ground, the planting material is soaked for 2 hours in a solution of manganese, then washed and placed for 1,5 hours in a growth-stimulating preparation. Disinfection of tomato seeds will eliminate the development of fungal and viral infections. Work sequence:

  1. A nutrient mixture is prepared from peat, compost and river sand (in equal parts).
  2. Pour the soil into containers or wooden boxes.
  3. Make furrows 2 cm deep, lay out the seeds.
  4. Watered, covered with soil.
  5. Top cover containers with glass or polyethylene.

The container is cleaned in a lighted room with an air temperature of +250 C. Remove cover after germination.

Tomatoes Kumato: variety description, photos, reviews

The seedling grows until the third leaf appears, then it is dived into plastic glasses. Sowing work is carried out in mid-March.

Seedling transplant

The Kumato tomato is planted in the greenhouse in mid-May. First, they dig the soil and apply phosphorus fertilizer. Make a landing hole 25 cm deep, 30 cm wide, put the tomato vertically, cover it with earth. 1 m2 2 plants are placed, the distance between the bushes is 50 cm. A trellis is built for the subsequent fixation of the bushes.

Care of tomatoes

Tomato Kumato at the time of flowering is fed with ammonia fertilizer. The next top dressing with a phosphorus agent is given to the plant during the formation of fruits. Watered every 10 days. Loosen the top layer of soil, weeds are removed as needed.

Form a tomato bush with two stems. The plant must be fixed to a support. The entire growing season remove the formed stepchildren, cut off the lower leaves and brushes, from which the ripe tomatoes were removed. After the first garter, the root circle is mulched with straw.


Kumato tomato is a mid-early indeterminate variety intended for growing in a greenhouse. The culture is drought-resistant, but demanding on temperature and lighting conditions. Due to the unusual color of the fruit, the variety belongs to the exotic type. In Our Country, the culture is not grown in large volumes, the copyright holder company is not interested in the mass sale of seed material so that the brand does not lose its relevance.


Nonna Zakharova, 33 years old, Moscow region
The Kumato variety is a professionally promoted brand and nothing more. Tomatoes are tasty, unusual in color, but there are more affordable varieties with better characteristics. They tolerate heat treatment well, canned yellow, red, blue tomatoes and Kumato in a jar, the workpiece looks beautiful. They didn’t differ much in taste. It is also not easy to grow them, the plant is very demanding and does not tolerate the neighborhood of other varieties.
Timur Tokarev, 55 years old, Krasnoyarsk
This year I decided to experiment with Kumato tomatoes. Previously, I collected seeds from different varieties and tried to grow them, something worked out, but more failed. He collected seeds from a Kumato tomato, grew seedlings, and planted them in a heated greenhouse. I had to tie it up, as the bushes were too high. When the fruits began to ripen, the picture was fascinating, there were a lot of tomatoes, they are all even, the color of the tomato is unusual. I think my tomatoes taste better than store-bought ones. I plan to plant the same variety next year.

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