Tomato Babushkin’s kiss is a mid-early fruitful variety of selection. Suitable for greenhouse and open field cultivation. A distinctive feature of the variety is the color – the fruits have a juicy yellow color.
History of breeding
Tomato Grandmother’s kiss was bred by the agricultural company “Seeds of Altai” in the early XNUMXs. The variety is registered in the State Register of Our Country. Suitable for outdoor cultivation.
Description of the variety of tomato Grandmother’s kiss
Variety Grandmother’s kiss does not apply to hybrids. In height, the bush reaches from 60 cm to 1 m (depending on growing conditions). The plant requires garters and pinching. The leaves of a potato type tomato.
The berries are large, slightly ribbed, flat-round shape. Fruit color is yellow. The weight of tomatoes ranges from 200 to 500 g. The pulp is sweet, juicy, gives a feeling of fruity aftertaste. The peel is thick, does not crack.
Characteristics of tomato Grandmother’s kiss
Tomato of this variety shows a high yield both under the film and in the open field. A feature of the Grandmother’s kiss is resistance to low temperatures, it develops well in conditions of extreme cold.
Tomato yield Granny’s kiss
From the appearance of seedlings to the removal of the first ripe fruits, up to 100 to 110 days pass. Productivity is high, from 1 m2 collect more than 4,5 kg of berries.

A bush formed into 2-3 stems produces 30-36 fruits weighing from 200 to 550 g
Disease and pest resistance
Since Grandma’s Kiss is not a hybrid variety, it does not have good immunity and is prone to a number of diseases. The ailments that gardeners most often face:
- Phytophthora. The fungal disease is manifested by dark brown spots on the stems, brown on the fruits and grayish on the leaves. In wet weather, the plant rots, in dry weather, the affected bushes dry out.
- Blossom end rot of the fruit is caused by a lack of calcium, which manifests itself during the pouring of tomatoes. You can prevent its occurrence by adding wood ash to the soil.
- Dry blotch of tomatoes. The causative fungus infects the plant completely. The characteristic signs of the disease are spots of brown or dark brown color, with clearly defined boundaries.
Of the pests, tomatoes are especially bothered:
- Tomato moth. Causes damage to plantings both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Parasites are not limited to biting into the stem and leaves, often penetrate into the fruit.
- Whitefly. Hiding under the leaves, it is considered the most dangerous pest. The colonies are located on the bottom of the leaf, so it is impossible to notice them immediately.
Carrying out preventive measures helps to minimize the harm caused to plantings.
Ways to use
Thanks to the juicy pulp, Grandma’s kiss is in demand. Salads are made from fruits, added to vegetable slices. Tomato juice from yellow specimens makes the taste of adjika and lecho unique. For preservation and pickling in general, the fruits of the uppermost brushes are used.

Granny’s kiss tomatoes are suitable for fresh salads
Advantages and disadvantages
Many gardeners who have already discovered the variety note its merits. Grandmother’s kiss tomatoes are used for summer salads and winter preparations. Before planting a crop, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Tomatoes Grandmother’s kiss is valued for its high yield both in open ground and under film.
- universal purpose of tomatoes;
- excellent taste;
- attractive look.
The disadvantages of tomatoes include the need for a garter to a support, pinching, lack of immunity to diseases that affect cultures of the nightshade family.
Features of planting and care
For seedlings, seeds of the Babushkin kiss variety are recommended to be sown 55-60 days before transplanting into the soil.
After soaking the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, they should be washed with clean water.
Soil preparation
For sowing seedlings, it is recommended to use soil with a minimum content of useful components. The best option is to prepare a soil mixture with the addition of sand and sawdust.
For growing seedlings, it is recommended to use small peat glasses. This will facilitate the process of transplanting the plant to the beds. The germinated seed material is buried in the soil by no more than 2 cm. Watering is carried out with warm water. The container is covered with a plastic film, the room temperature is set to + 23 … + 25 ˚С. When sprouts appear, the cellophane is removed. The temperature is reduced to +16 ˚С.
Dive, hardening
If the seedlings were sown in a common container, after the appearance of 2-3 leaves, it is recommended to dive into separate glasses. In addition, transplantation helps to strengthen the root system of seedlings.

When the dived seedlings take root, they are transferred to a bright, well-ventilated place.
Before planting on the beds, seedlings must be hardened. First, in the room where the seedlings stand, a window is opened. You should start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time. 2-3 days before transferring to the beds, seedlings should be around the clock in an open space under a canopy or on a balcony.
Seedling transplant
When the threat of night frosts has passed, the tomatoes have reached a height of 25-30 cm, they are transplanted into the ground. Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, so you need to choose a sunny place, it is desirable that it be closed on all sides from through winds. Southern slopes are best suited for planting seedlings.
The site is recommended to be prepared in the fall. Remove the remains of weeds and vegetation. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. The earth is being dug up. In the spring, before planting, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers, loosen the soil again.
The row spacing between tomato bushes is maintained within 55 cm, the distance between seedlings is 35-50 cm. The most favorable time for transplantation is morning or evening hours.
Irrigation is carried out strictly under the bush. For watering tomatoes use warm settled water.
Loosening, pinching
Removing excess greens on large-fruited tomatoes is a necessary procedure. Those processes that appear under the brushes are subject to pinching. They draw food onto themselves, prevent the fruits from developing and ripening.
Loosening the soil is carried out after each watering. At the same time, weeds are removed from the garden.
Tomatoes Grandma’s kiss during the growing season must be fertilized at least twice. The first top dressing is applied during the formation of the crop, when the fruits are actively gaining weight. The second time the plants are fed after 3-4 weeks.

Gardeners recommend feeding tomatoes with folk remedies, such as humus, ash, herbal infusions.
Gardeners recommend feeding tomatoes with folk remedies, such as humus, ash, herbal infusions.
Pest and disease control
Timely preventive measures, compliance with the rules for alternating crops on the site, can protect bushes and fruits from infection.
The first preventive spraying with fungicides is recommended to be carried out 3-5 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Further processing of the beds should be done every two weeks. 21 days before the start of harvesting, spraying of tomatoes is stopped.
To protect plants from pests, twice a season it is necessary to treat tomato bushes with Kemifos, Karbofos, Fufanon, Actellik. The second spraying is advisable to do a month before the expected harvest.
Tomato Grandmother’s kiss is characterized by unpretentiousness, endurance. The variety is suitable for cultivation in all climatic zones of the country, Siberia and the Urals are no exception. Crop rotation and timely preventive spraying help fight diseases.