Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Among the many varieties of multi-colored tomatoes, offered in abundance every day by breeders, pink tomatoes are deservedly considered the most delicious. These varieties of tomatoes are usually high in sugars, vitamins, and lycopene, an antioxidant that can help solve a variety of health problems.

It is for this reason that every gardener who respects his work wants to have pink varieties of tomatoes in his tomato collection. In addition, pink-colored tomatoes also have lower acidity, which can play a decisive role for many people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. The Fidelio tomato, whose characteristics and description of the variety you can find below, is a classic representative of pink-fruited tomato varieties.

Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Variety description

The tomato variety Fidelio was obtained by famous breeders from Novosibirsk Dederko V.N. and Postnikova O.V., from whose hands came out many of the most delicious and productive varieties of tomatoes, most of which are successfully grown far beyond the Siberian region.

In 2007, the Fidelio variety was approved for registration in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country. With equal success, it can be grown both in open ground conditions and under various shelter structures – from greenhouses to greenhouses in various regions. Judging by the reviews of those who planted this variety, the geography of cultivation of the Fidelio tomato has already crossed the borders of Our Country – it is successfully grown and bears fruit both in neighboring countries, in Ukraine and Belarus, and in far abroad countries, in Germany.

According to the manufacturer, such an interesting name given to this variety of tomatoes is not at all accidental. Initially, the variety was imported from the island of Cuba and passed a long-term selection of the most resistant plants in Siberia. After such adaptation to very severe weather conditions, a new variety was bred, which was named after the leader of the Cuban Republic. But its southern roots still make themselves felt, the Fidelio tomato is also distinguished by excellent fruit set at the hottest temperatures. Therefore, it will be a good choice for growing in hot regions. Yes, and in greenhouses, where in summer the temperature can sometimes go over + 30 ° C and there are big problems with fruit set in most tomato varieties, Fidelio is able to show his best side.

Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Comment! Fidelio tomato seeds are produced mainly by the Siberian Garden agricultural company.

Fidelio tomato belongs to real indeterminate varieties, according to some reviews, in greenhouses it can grow up to two meters or more in height. But according to the description of the Fidelio variety, given by the manufacturer, it is rather medium in height, reaches a height of only 100-150 cm. In any case, to obtain good yields, especially in the Siberian conditions of a short summer, it needs pinching, tying stems and formation. Forming for this variety makes sense to carry out in two stems. The leaves are large in size, the shape traditional for tomatoes. The bush has a somewhat “weeping” shape, because under the weight of tomatoes the branches bend down and can even break off if the garter is of poor quality.

Tomatoes of the Fidelio variety begin to ripen 110-115 days after germination, so this tomato belongs to the middle ripening period.

In terms of yield, the Fidelio tomato may well take its rightful place among many large-fruited tomatoes. Under favorable greenhouse conditions, up to 6 kg of tomatoes per bush can be obtained from this variety per season. But even without special care, it is quite possible to get 3-3,5 kg of fruit from each tomato plant.

Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Thanks to the Siberian hardening, the Fidelio tomato tolerates a variety of adverse weather conditions well. His disease resistance is also above average. Although the manufacturer does not have official data on this matter, judging by the reviews, the Fidelio tomato is able to successfully withstand the main set of diseases characteristic of the nightshade family.

Characteristics of tomatoes

The beautiful fruits of the Fidelio tomato are able to impress any tomato lover. What characteristics are inherent in the fruits of this variety?

Attention! The shape of the Fidelio variety of tomatoes causes the most controversy among those who grew it, regardless of where it grows, in open or closed ground.
  • Growers describe the shape of this variety as heart-shaped and ribbed. But most gardeners agree that the lower brushes are, although strongly ribbed, but rather flat-round. But on the upper branches of this tomato, the fruits really acquire a pronounced heart-shaped shape and often even without ribbing.

    Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

  • By the way, tomatoes on the lower brushes are large, their weight can reach 800-900 grams. On average, the mass of one tomato is 300-400 grams.
  • The color of the tomatoes is very beautiful, the shades can vary from light pink to dark pink and almost raspberry with a slight pearly sheen.
  • The fruits have a dense, fleshy, sugary pulp at the break with a high content of dry matter. According to some reviews, the flesh of Fidelio tomatoes is even too dry.
  • There are many seed chambers in tomatoes – more than six, but there are very few seeds, especially in the lower, largest fruits.
  • The taste is very good, tomatoes have a lot of sugar and little acid.
  • By appointment, Fidelio tomatoes are most suitable for fresh consumption, in salads or for making juices, tomato paste, adjika and lecho. They are not suitable for whole-fruit canning because of their large size.
  • Tomatoes keep pretty well. They can only be transported over short distances.

Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

The Fidelio tomato has many advantages that allow it to enjoy the special love of summer residents and gardeners:

  • It has large fruits.
  • Differs in good tastes.
  • Shows good resistance to unsuitable weather conditions and to various sores characteristic of tomatoes.
  • It is characterized by excellent fruit set even in the hottest weather.
  • Has a high yield

Among the shortcomings, the need for regular stepsoning, shaping and garter is usually noted. However, this must be done for all indeterminate, large-fruited varieties.

Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Testimonials from truck drivers

Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Gardeners often leave the most positive feedback about the Fidelio tomato, since its fruits belong to the group of large-fruited pink-raspberry tomatoes most beloved by many.

Oksana, 42 years old, Ulyanovsk region
For a long time I was looking for a variety of large tomatoes, so that they were both sweet and productive, and would survive in the conditions of my garden. Accidentally caught the eye of the seeds of the Fidelio variety from the Siberian Garden. Siberian-hardened tomatoes should be unpretentious, but just in case, I planted the grown seedlings on high warm ridges, seasoned with a large amount of organic material since autumn. And this summer they made me very happy. True, they demanded high supports, and I had to tie them up all the time, but on the other hand, I collected about two eight-liter buckets of tomatoes from each bush. And the tomatoes were so sweet that I couldn’t even believe that such a miracle could grow in the open field.
Galina, 46 years old, Chelyabinsk
I bought and sowed Fidelio seeds three years ago. Already at the seedling stage, it became clear that the plant would be very powerful. Of all the varieties were the highest. After landing in the greenhouse, it rushed to grow in height so quickly that I was afraid that it would break the roof in the greenhouse. And at the same time, the first flower brush was formed only after 11 leaves. Development at the beginning was very slow, and I already thought that this variety can be safely attributed to late-ripening, when suddenly it began to grow rapidly and even overtook some of its neighbors. The taste of summer tomatoes during the heat was somehow too sweet, the fruits were somehow even dry inside. But by autumn, everything returned to normal with both taste and juiciness of tomatoes. In general, a very worthy variety, I collected seeds from the largest fruits and now I grow it every year.
Ekaterina, 37 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I plant many different varieties of tomatoes every year and constantly compare them with each other. I have a feeling that almost all large-fruited heart-shaped tomatoes are descended from the Bull’s heart. It’s just that breeders in different regions improve the characteristics of this variety and give them their own names. At least the tomatoes Pink honey, Mazarin and Fidelio practically did not differ from each other. But compared to the Ox’s Heart, they all have a much higher yield, the tomatoes are larger in size (up to 600-800 grams) and the taste of the fruit is richer and sweeter. And the tomato plants themselves will be more resistant to various diseases.
Alexander, 43 years old, Barnaul
I liked Fidelio’s tomato for its beautiful heart-shaped fruits, and the taste was also on top – excellent honey tomatoes. Their skin is dark pink, and the flesh is just raspberry, without any whitish streaks, as happens with some tomatoes. On my site, he showed himself to be medium-early, all August he harvested from 10 bushes. The bushes themselves were medium in height, but it is necessary to tie them up, and not only the stems, but also some fruits. In the first year of cultivation, I led it into two trunks, so the second stem could not withstand the load of the crop and broke off. Since then I have been tying it more carefully. The mass of the first tomatoes usually reaches 600-700 grams, later the fruits already weigh an average of about 350 grams.


Tomatoes Fidelio: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomato Fidelio will appeal to many lovers of large-fruited pink tomatoes, as it will not disappoint them with either yield or special whimsicality. Despite the excellent appearance and taste of tomatoes, growing them is not so difficult and you will always have a harvest if you choose this remarkable variety.

Tomato ordinary Fidelio. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seeds

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