The lazy dream tomato belongs to the mid-early determinant varieties for growing indoors. The culture is included in the State Register of the Federation, attracts gardeners with taste, good immunity, early maturity and a number of other advantages.

The story of

Tomato Dream lazy breeders received at the beginning of the millennium. In September 2006, an application for admission was submitted. The variety has successfully passed state tests. In 2008, it was included in the State Register of the Federation. The originator is the Belogorka Agrofirm (Leningrad Region), which specializes in the wholesale trade in seeds. The authors of the variety are Sedyakov M.V. and Kuznetsova O.A.

Planting material is sold by different companies. Often there are seeds from the English company Johnsons (Johnsons Seeds), which are produced in the UK. The packaging indicates that tomatoes are suitable for open ground, which contradicts the characteristics of the State Register of the Federation. English and varieties are different.

Description of the variety of tomato Lazy dream

The Lazyman’s Dream tomato is a cultivar, not a hybrid. The plant belongs to the determinants, since its growth is limited. The bushes of the Lazyman’s Dream look like this:

  • height 0,4-0,45 m (in some sources up to 0,6 m);
  • compactness;
  • the leaves are long, the width is medium, the color is light green;
  • inflorescences simple;
  • the foliage is carved, reminiscent of a carrot.

When fully ripe, the Lazyman’s Dream tomatoes are bright red without a characteristic spot at the stalk. Unripe tomatoes are light green in color.

The main characteristics of the fruit:

  • flat-round shape;
  • weak ribbing;
  • color monophonic;
  • fruit weight 80-130 g;
  • the skin is smooth and even;
  • the taste is excellent;
  • the pulp is juicy;
  • 4-6 segments with seeds;
  • average dry matter content;
  • contains a lot of sugars, lycopene.
Comment! The fruits of this variety ripen at the same time, three months after germination. Specific dates depend on the time of landing at a permanent place.
Tomatoes Dream of a lazy person: variety description, photos, reviews

The fruits of the dream of a lazy person have a dense, crack-resistant skin – the presentation of the crop is preserved during transportation

Characteristics of the tomato Lazy dream

In the State Register of the Federation, the regions of admission for the Lazyman’s Dream are not indicated. Tomato can be grown indoors in different parts of the country, but in the north it is better to use heated greenhouses to ensure temperature stability throughout the growing season.

Tomato yield Lazy dream

Harvest Lazyman’s Dreams are harvested in June-September. About 1 kg of tomatoes are obtained from 5 m². In the northern regions, when grown in greenhouses without heating, the yield may decrease.

Variety Lazyman’s Dream has plasticity. This means that the tomato provides a stable yield when grown in different conditions.

Disease and pest resistance

Tomato Dream of a lazy person has good immunity. The variety is resistant to such diseases:

  • late blight;
  • fusariosis;
  • verticillosis;
  • tobacco mosaic.

The variety has no particular resistance to pests. To protect against them, standard preventive treatments are carried out.

How to apply

The dream of a lazy person is a universal tomato. This variety is grown for fresh consumption, cooking by heat treatment. Due to its small size and dense skin, the tomato is perfect for whole-fruit canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Lazy dream

The name of the tomato Dream of a lazy person is fully justified by its unpretentiousness in care. Growing a variety in a sunny and fertile area allows you to fully reveal all its advantages.

Tomatoes Dream of a lazy person: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomato Dream Lazyman is not a hybrid, because it can be grown from self-harvested seeds


  • precocity
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility in use;
  • immunity to a number of diseases;
  • plastic;
  • friendly maturation;
  • pinching is not required to limit growth;
  • good transportability, keeping quality.


  • the soil must be highly fertile;
  • cultivation only in closed ground;
  • tying required.

Peculiarities of growing

For seedlings, the Lazyman’s Dream is sown from the end of January to March. Its cultivation takes about two months. Seeds in planting boxes are rarely placed. Algorithm:

  1. Fill containers with soil.
  2. Distribute seeds.
  3. Sprinkle the crops with soil.
  4. Compact and moisten the earth.
  5. Cover landing with glass.
  6. Provide temperature 15-20°

Shoots appear in 1-2 weeks. Glass must be removed. When the tomato seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, they are transferred to individual pots (the optimum diameter is 8 cm). The optimum temperature for growing is 15°C. For top dressing, ready-made complex compositions are used. Bring them in twice. Moisten crops as the topsoil dries out.

Comment! Before transferring seedlings to a permanent place, they are hardened off for several days. The duration of the session is increased gradually.
Tomatoes Dream of a lazy person: variety description, photos, reviews

So that the seedlings of the tomato Dream of a lazy person do not stretch out, it is necessary to provide it with additional lighting

Tomatoes are planted indoors in April-May. The threat of frost must be over. The optimal planting pattern is 0,3×0,7 m. The beds are generously fertilized with humus, wood ash is added to the seedling holes or 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Good lighting and high soil fertility are important for growing the variety.

When planting a tomato Dream of a lazy person, supports are immediately organized. It is necessary to tie up the bushes so that the branches do not break under the weight of the fruit. The rest of the culture care includes the following activities:

  1. Systematic watering. Its frequency is oriented to the drying of the top layer of the earth.
  2. Regular weeding. So that there are fewer weeds, and the soil retains moisture better, the plantings are mulched.
  3. Loosening the soil.
  4. Feeding every two weeks. It is recommended to use liquid complex formulations.

When growing the Dream of a lazy person, regular stepsoning is necessary. They start it after the appearance of 4-6 inflorescences. Pinch the side shoots, leaving one stepson under the flower brush. Form a bush in 1-2 stems. This option is optimal, but you can choose another scheme. In addition to the side stepchildren, deformed flowers are removed.

Pest and disease control

Tomato Dream Lazyman has good immunity to the main diseases of the crop, but the situation may change if the recommendations for planting and care are not followed. A shaded place or excessive watering, even with good immunity, is fraught with fungal diseases.

Often tomatoes and other plantings suffer from aphids that feed on plant juices. To combat and prevent it, the following drugs are used:

  • Aliot;
  • Spark;
  • Confidor-Extra;
  • Fufanon-Nova.
Tomatoes Dream of a lazy person: variety description, photos, reviews

From folk remedies against aphids, infusions of garlic, mustard, ash, yarrow, tobacco leaf are effective.

Another problem of tomato is thrips, which also feed on vegetable juices. Against them, you can use the same drugs as for aphids.

Tomatoes Dream of a lazy person: variety description, photos, reviews

Thrips on tomatoes are brown, gray, black, and their body length is no more than 2 mm


Lazyman’s Dream tomato is a mid-early determinant for growing under film cover. The variety is attractive with small bright red fruits with sweet and juicy pulp. Their purpose is universal, keeping quality and transportability are high.

Reviews of gardeners about tomato Lazy dream

Yana Savicheva, Tikhoretsk
For several years I have been growing tomatoes Lazyman’s Dream. This variety is really unpretentious in care and resistant to major diseases. Watering is not often necessary, pinching is not required. The fruits are tasty and juicy, I use them fresh and marinate whole.
Ekaterina Vavilova, Balashov
I planted the dream of a lazy person the year before last, last summer I grew it from my own seeds. Tomatoes are delicious, some are eaten fresh, the rest are salted and frozen. I immediately grow seedlings in separate pots, germination is high and simultaneous. No special care is required. The bushes did not hurt anything, but they treated it from pests for prevention.
Vladimir Gagarin, Stary Oskol
I grow the Dream of a lazy person specifically for whole-fruit canning. Tomatoes are small, neat, rich red in color with a thick skin and sweet taste. I really like this variety because of its unpretentiousness – I don’t go to the dacha every day, because this quality is especially valuable.
Tomato Dream lazy freeloader summer 2020

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