Vegetable growers always face a choice when they decide to plant a new variety of tomato on their plot. Unfortunately, there is no one that suits absolutely everyone. Therefore, information about the variety is very important for tomato lovers. According to summer residents, the Cio-Cio-San tomato is a variety deservedly loved by many with its own characteristics.
Characteristics and features of a tomato
For vegetable growers, any parameters are important, starting with the appearance of the plant and fruits, and ending with the nuances of agricultural technology. After all, in order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to place the plant in favorable conditions for it. Description and photo of the Cio-Cio-San tomato will be a necessary help for gardeners.
First of all, you need to know that the variety of amazing tomato Cio-Cio-San belongs to indeterminate. In other words, the bush grows non-stop. The height of one plant exceeds 2 meters. This is an important characteristic of Cio-Cio-San tomatoes, which determines the nuances of plant care.
You will need to install supports and tie up the tomato. Although the need for supports is dictated by another condition – the variety of pink tomatoes Cio-Cio-San is very productive, and up to 50 fruits of excellent quality ripen on one bush. The stems will not be able to withstand such a weight without help.
The second characteristic that dictates the features of care is the ripening period. Cio-Cio-San – mid-ripening tomatoes. This means that the variety is grown in seedlings and the ripened fruits are harvested no earlier than 110 days after the first shoots appear.
The description of the appearance of a tomato must begin with the fruit. After all, they are the main goal of gardeners.
According to reviews, high bushes of the Cio-Cio-San tomato variety are decorated with tassels of oblong fruits of amazing taste. On one brush, up to 50-70 fruits can ripen simultaneously, each weighing at least 40 grams. Therefore, one bush is able to provide the owner with six kilograms of tomatoes.
Tomatoes are cream-shaped and pink in color. The pulp is dense, juicy, fleshy and sweet. Hostesses are happy to use such tomatoes for juice. And this is despite the fact that its color turns out to be pale, but the taste suits all lovers of tomato drink. Cooked fresh salads and canned tomatoes of this variety are very tasty. When salting in jars, the fruits do not need to be cut, they fit perfectly in containers and look appetizing. And gourmets highlight the spicy taste of sauces and seasonings made from ripe tomatoes of the mid-season Cio-Cio-San variety. The only type of processing for which the variety is unsuitable is fermentation.
These wonderful fruits grow on tall bushes with an attractive appearance. Thanks to the description and photo of Cio-Cio-San tomatoes, you can see how decorative the plants on the site look. The bush is decorated with fan brushes of small oblong fruits. The bright pink color of the tomatoes goes well with the greenery of the foliage, and the shape gives the bush an extraordinary appeal.
The height of the bush is large, the plants stand out on the ridges and in the greenhouse. They require standard actions that tall tomatoes need – garters, shaping and pinching.
Judging by the description of the variety and the reviews of summer residents, Cio-Cio-San tomatoes are characterized by good keeping quality.
It should be noted the resistance of the Cio-Cio-San tomato to diseases and weather factors, which is extremely important for vegetable growers. The hybrid variety is almost not affected by fungal infections. It sets fruits well even during the period of intense summer heat, bears fruit until frost – as a result, several bushes provide fruits for the whole season. All these parameters are clearly confirmed by the video about the tomato:
Step by step description of cultivation
The mid-season variety of tomatoes Cio-Cio-San is grown in seedlings. Depending on the region, seedlings begin to be planted in a permanent place in May – June. And the sowing of seeds begins no later than March. The stages of growing seedlings include standard items:
- Rejection of unsuitable seed material. Purchased seeds are visually inspected and sorted out. According to the description of the mid-season tomato variety Cio-Cio-San, the seeds in the fruits ripen small. All the same, you need to select whole ones from them, without damage and damage.
- Soak. Provides seeds with disinfection and accelerates germination. For soaking prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds are washed with clean water.
- hardening. The procedure is important and necessary, especially in regions with a cool climate. At home, a kitchen refrigerator is used for hardening.
While the seeds are undergoing pre-sowing preparation, it is necessary to prepare the soil and containers.
For sowing seeds, use special soil for seedlings or prepared with your own hands. According to the description of the properties of tomatoes of the Chio-Chio-San variety, the seeds should be placed in moist soil to ensure good germination. Embedding depth 1,5 – 2 cm.
The container with the sown seeds is covered with a film until sprouts appear. As soon as they appear, the seedlings are immediately transferred closer to the light. Caring for seedlings of Cio-Cio-San tomatoes consists of the usual actions for vegetable growers – watering, gentle loosening, maintaining optimal temperature, lighting and humidity. Everyone achieves these parameters based on home conditions.
The appearance of 2-3 true leaves on seedlings is a signal for picking.
When transplanting tomatoes, be sure to deepen the seedlings to the leaves in order to accelerate the emergence of new roots. According to gardeners, Cio-Cio-San tomato seedlings need careful care after a dive so that the plants grow healthy, as in the photo:
Therefore, watering – if necessary, hardening, nutrition, protection from pests – these items are completed on time and with high quality.
Transfer to a permanent place
According to the description of the Cio-Cio-San tomato variety, the plants grow equally well both in greenhouses and in open ground. But transplanting before the end of spring frosts is not recommended. The scheme of planting tomatoes Chio-Chio-San 45 x 65 cm. Plants are formed depending on the distance between the bushes. If planted closer, then leave one branch. If planted wider, then in two or three. Yields under cover are slightly higher, but those who grow the variety in the open field are also satisfied with the result.
Some branches with large tassels have to be tied separately, otherwise they can simply break.
How to care for planted Cio-Cio-San tomatoes will be discussed below.
Care for adult bushes
Taking care of the Cio-Cio-San variety does not cause any particular difficulties for summer residents. The tomato is not picky, so it responds well to habitual actions.
- Watering. Here, the criterion is the drying of the topsoil. Cio-Cio-San tomatoes should not be poured, but you should not let the roots dry out either. Water for irrigation is taken warm and watered in the evening so that the plants do not get burned.
- Feeding. The amount and composition of nutrient solutions depends on the degree of soil fertility. You can use folk recipes or standard complex fertilizers. It is important not to forget that Cio-Cio-San tomatoes are fed on the ridges only after watering. Otherwise, the plants may suffer. The frequency of top dressing is maintained once every 10 days.
- Pasynkovanie. In the description of the Cio-Cio-San tomato variety, this procedure is indicated as mandatory, so you need to remove the stepchildren correctly (see the photo below).
- Weeding and loosening. This procedure helps to get rid of pests and possible diseases, and also provides tomato bushes with sufficient nutrition.
In addition to these actions, gardeners have to pay attention to disease prevention.
Pests and diseases of mid-season tomato
Growing Cio-Cio-San tomatoes, gardeners do not have to deal with such a formidable disease as late blight. But pests can be annoying.
The variety may suffer from attacks:
- A spider mite that feeds on plant cell sap. The greatest surge is observed with increased dryness of the air.
- Whiteflies. Especially often the insect harms in greenhouses, sucking the juice from plants.
- Nematodes. By destroying the root system, tomatoes are oppressed, which lag behind in growth and may die.
To avoid such a nuisance, vegetable growers regularly perform preventive treatments, carefully disinfect the soil and the greenhouse, and maintain optimal humidity and temperature. In open ground, Cio-Cio-San tomatoes are less susceptible to parasite invasions.
In support of these words, an informative video: