Tomato season is in full swing, so it’s worth using and eating them. Tomatoes have many valuable nutrients, thanks to which they have a positive impact on our health in many aspects. It’s all thanks to the lycopene contained in tomatoes. It is a chemical compound with an antioxidant effect, and tomatoes contain the most of it of all vegetables. Fun fact! It does not die during thermal processing. Therefore, the tomato retains its wonderful properties even in preserves and hot dishes.
Check what impact tomatoes have on our health.
- protect against the sun. Therefore, it is best to eat them in spring and summer. Lipoken neutralizes the harmful effects of solar radiation on our body. In this way, we provide ourselves with natural protection against the harmful sun.
- prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
- They improve the functioning of the nervous system thanks to the bromine they contain
- they have anti-cancer effect. The conducted research confirms that the already mentioned lycopene prevents cervical cancer. On the other hand, men who eat tomatoes are 34% less likely to develop prostate cancer.
- are diuretic and thus lower blood pressure. People with high blood pressure and heart disease should eat tomatoes. The potassium contained in these vegetables has a positive effect on the work of the heart.
- aids in digestion thanks to fiber. He is also in tomato seedsso we shouldn’t delete them.
- help fight overweight. Tomatoes are one of the vegetables with a high water content – as much as 94%, which is why they perfectly quench thirst. In addition, a 100 g portion of tomatoes is only 15 kcal, so you can eat them safely, without thinking about unnecessary calories.
- beautifying properties. Cosmetics containing tomato extract are used to lighten discolorations and soothe acne lesions. Vitamin C additionally strengthens blood vessels and vitamins A and E prevent the formation of wrinkles and have a moisturizing effect.
Homemade ketchup
We can eat tomatoes every day as an ingredient in salads, soups and sauces. We can also as an addition in the form of ketchup. It’s worth trying to make your own at home.
How to prepare homemade ketchup?
2.5 kg of tomatoes, 2 peppers, 0.5 kg of onions, 2 tablespoons of salt, a teaspoon of sweet paprika, a teaspoon of ginger, a few mashed carnations, 0.5 teaspoon of pepper, 1/8 l of apple cider vinegar, 3 tablespoons of honey.
Vegetables should be cut into pieces and cooked, stirring from time to time. Tomatoes can be blanched and peeled beforehand. Then you need to rub it through a sieve and add spices (except vinegar and honey). Simmer until sauce thickens, about 30 minutes. At the end, you need to add vinegar and honey. Hot ketchup can be put into jars, capped and turned upside down to seal the jars. After cooling down, you need to check if the jars are closed tightly – the lid should be there concave. Homemade ketchup prepared in this way can be enjoyed all year round.