Tomatoes Amur tiger: variety description, photos, reviews

Amur tiger tomato is a high-yielding, mid-early, indeterminate variety. Due to the unusual coloring, it is of interest to experienced and novice gardeners. Suitable for greenhouse and outdoor cultivation. The main thing is that the soil is not oversaturated with organic fertilizers. On such soil, the fruits fit poorly, all the strength of the plant goes into the growth of leaves and stepchildren.

History of breeding

The development of the bicolor, which in some sources is called the Siberian tiger, was carried out by the breeders of the Aelita agricultural company. The variety was obtained in 2014. The Amur tiger was entered into the State Register of Our Country a year later, having been tested in risky farming areas.

Description of the variety of tomato Amur tiger

The Amur tiger is a productive, mid-season, indeterminate variety. The bush is powerful, reaches a height of 1,5-2 m. The stem is thick, strong, requires a garter to a support, needs pinching. The leaves are medium in size, regular shape. The root system is well developed. Peduncles are large, 5-10 ovaries are formed in each fruit brush.

Tomatoes are large, weighing up to 200 g, there are specimens up to 400 g. The fruits are rounded, slightly flattened. Exotic bicolor is distinguished from others by dark green stripes on the peel. They stand out, both on unripe and ripe tomatoes. Stripes on the peel remain even after heat treatment.

The pulp of ripe fruits is tender, juicy, sweet. Taste qualities were highly appreciated by gardeners. At the same time, they note that in sunny areas, the sugar content of berries is higher than that of fruits ripened in shading.

Characteristics of the tomato Amur tiger

From sowing to the removal of the first ripe fruits, 110-115 days pass. Bicolor normally tolerates a short-term drop in temperature, but in hot weather it can shed some of the flowers, which significantly reduces the yield.

Tomato yield Amur tiger

Subject to agrotechnical standards of cultivation, 3-5 kg ​​are collected from one bush.

Tomatoes Amur tiger: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomatoes Amur tiger, cultivated under the film, with 1 m2 give 11-11,5 kg

Disease and pest resistance

The culture has good immunity, does not suffer from tobacco mosaic virus and alternariosis. In cold, damp summers, tomatoes are prone to late blight.

Important! Compliance with crop rotation rules will protect the plantings of the Amur tiger from pests.

Application area

The crop is stored fresh for a short time, but the fruits plucked in the phase of milky maturity tolerate transportation well.

Reviews of those who grew Amur tiger pink tomatoes suggest that due to too thin skin, this variety is not suitable for whole-fruit canning. During heat treatment, the skin bursts. Fruits are recommended to be harvested in a barrel way.

Tomatoes Amur tiger: variety description, photos, reviews

Bicolor Amur tiger is suitable for fresh consumption, preparation of tomato juice, sauces, ketchups

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Amur tiger

Tomatoes can be cultivated both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Organizers claim that the variety is immune to a number of diseases that affect other crops of the nightshade family.

Tomatoes Amur tiger: variety description, photos, reviews

The Amur tiger can be bred with self-collected seeds


  • versatility of use (for making salads, sauces, tomato juice);
  • the fruits do not fall off the bush even after overripe;
  • high yield of the variety;
  • good taste;
  • unusual appearance of berries.


  • in regions with difficult climatic conditions, the variety has to be cultivated under a film cover, since without it the tomatoes do not have time to ripen;
  • due to its thin skin, it is not suitable for whole-fruit canning;
  • ripe fruits do not tolerate transportation well. To preserve the presentation of the Amur Tiger tomatoes, they must be collected in the phase of milky ripeness;
  • pinching should be carried out in a timely manner, lead in 1-2 shoots;
  • not only the stem of the plant needs to be tied up, it is recommended to fix it to a support and a bunch;
  • tall bushes a month before the harvest should be pinched.

Features of planting and care

Tomatoes Amur tiger: variety description, photos, reviews

Amur tiger tomatoes are grown in seedlings

Sowing is carried out in the period from the second decade of March to April 10 (in regions with different climatic conditions, the timing may vary. Sowing is carried out 55-60 days before planting in the ground. At the stage of 2-3 leaves, seedlings dive, planting, at a distance of 7-10 cm apart.Duration of daylight hours should be at least 15 hours.Before planting, plants should be hardened off.

When the soil warms up to a temperature of +15 ᵒС, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. Under the film shelter, tomatoes are planted after May 15, on the site – in the first days of June. You should choose a sunny, but sheltered place from direct sunlight. Onions, cucumbers and carrots are considered good predecessors. It is not recommended to grow tomatoes after pepper, eggplant and potatoes.

At 1 m2 no more than four plants are planted. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in cloudy weather. Bushes of this variety need tying. On the north side of the bush, stepping back 10 cm from the plant, pegs are set at least 70-80 cm high. Tomatoes are tied up after the appearance of the fifth true leaf.

Stepping is recommended to be carried out every week so that the nutrients of the plant are not wasted. In greenhouse conditions, the bush is formed in one stem, in open ground – in 1-2. Stepchildren do not pull out, but break out. If the shoots have grown too large, they are carefully cut out with a sharp knife or secateurs.

In hot weather, watering is carried out twice a week. The best way is drip irrigation. Water should be settled, make sure that it does not fall on the leaves. Watering is best in the morning or evening hours. After each irrigation, it is recommended to loosen the soil to saturate the roots with oxygen. In addition, it is necessary to carry out weeding every 10 days, remove weeds.

Important! Experienced gardeners recommend mulching the soil. For this, straw or sawdust is suitable.

Light-colored mulch reflects sunlight well, tomatoes get more sun. In this case, the yield increases by 25%, and the ripening of the first fruits occurs a week earlier.

Top dressing is recommended to be carried out with herbal infusions, ash and mineral fertilizers. A large amount of organic matter contributes to the growth of the deciduous mass of the bush, the appearance of stepchildren. We should not forget about magnesium and calcium, their lack will lead to a decrease in yield. Between soil fertilization procedures, at least 12-14 days should pass.

Pest and disease control

As a preventive measure, in order to avoid damage to tomatoes by late blight, it is recommended to remove foliage from the lower part of the stem (up to approximately 1/3 of the shoot). This will provide good ventilation. Before ripening, it is necessary to treat the beds with the chemicals “Thanos” and “Ridomil Gold”, using them strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Of the pests, the Amur tiger variety was especially fond of aphids and whiteflies.

Tomatoes Amur tiger: variety description, photos, reviews

When the first signs of damage to the plant by parasites are found, the seedlings should be treated with a solution of “Confidor”


The Amur tiger tomato is cultivated by gardeners relatively recently. There is no clear picture characterizing the variety yet, but it is already clear that the mid-early tomato has more advantages than disadvantages. The Amur tiger attracts attention with its unusual coloration, large fruits and high resistance to diseases.

Reviews of gardeners about tomato Amur tiger

Margarita, 34 years old, Sverdlovsk region
Before starting to grow the Amur tiger pink tomato, I got acquainted with the characteristics and description of the variety. I have been growing in a greenhouse for three years. This is our favorite variety. The fruits are juicy, sweet, fleshy, look beautiful in a salad.
Evdokia, 47 years old, Tula region
The first year I grew it in the open field, apparently, I could not stand the agricultural technology. The tomatoes turned out small, watery, almost not sweet. The next year I decided to try again, only under the film. The tomatoes turned out incredibly tasty, gigantic in size. Since then, for the whole family, the variety has become one of the favorites.
Amur tiger tomato

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