Tomato Zimarevsky giant: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Zimarevsky giant is a large-fruited variety of Siberian selection. Tomatoes are adapted to cold conditions and tolerate sharp temperature fluctuations. A tall plant needs special care. Tomatoes are watered, fed, tied to a support.

Botanical description

Description of the variety of tomatoes Zimarevsky giant:

  • medium early maturation;
  • height up to 2 m;
  • flat-round shape of the fruit;
  • 5-6 tomatoes ripen in bunches;
  • average weight 300 g, maximum – 600 g;
  • stable yield.

The seeds are sold by the Siberian Garden company. The variety is characterized by stable fruiting, regardless of climatic conditions. According to the photo, reviews and yield, the Zimarevsky giant tomato is suitable for protected ground.

From 1 sq. m collect about 10 kg of fruit. With regular care, the yield increases to 15 kg. The fruits are used fresh, processed into paste, juice, adjika and other homemade preparations.

Tomatoes are harvested at the stage of technical maturity and kept at room temperature. Due to the large size and juicy pulp, the shelf life of the fruit is limited.

Planting seeds

Tomatoes Zimarevsky giant are grown in seedlings. Seeds are placed in containers filled with soil. Seed germination occurs under a certain microclimate. Fortified plants are transferred to the garden.

Preparatory stage

A substrate is prepared for planting tomato seeds. It is obtained by mixing equal amounts of garden soil and compost. It is allowed to use ready-made soil mixture intended for growing tomatoes.

Tomato Zimarevsky giant: reviews, photos, yield

Before planting tomatoes, it is recommended to disinfect the soil to prevent the spread of diseases and insects. The soil is left until spring at sub-zero temperatures in the refrigerator or on the balcony. Another option is to steam the earth with a water bath.

Important! Tomatoes are grown in peat tablets or pots. This method allows you to do without picking seedlings.

Tomato seeds for a day are placed in Fitosporin solution for 30 minutes. Then the planting material is kept for 40 minutes in a growth stimulator solution.

Order of work

Landing begins in February or March. In a cold climate, seeds are planted at the end of February, in the middle lane – in the first decade of March. In the southern regions, the landing dates can be postponed to the beginning of April.

The sequence of planting seeds of tomato varieties Zimarevsky giant:

  1. Prepared soil is filled with containers 10-12 cm high.
  2. The soil is moistened with warm water.
  3. Furrows 1 cm deep are drawn on the surface of the earth.
  4. Seeds are planted in 1,5 cm increments and covered with earth.
  5. The containers are covered with plastic wrap and left in a warm place.

Germination of tomato seeds takes 5-10 days. Periodically, the film is turned over to ensure the supply of oxygen. When sprouts appear on the surface, they are provided with good lighting.

seedling conditions

Seedlings of tomatoes Zimarevsky giant provide a certain microclimate:

  • temperature during the day – from 18 to 22 ° C, at night – not lower than 16 ° C;
  • regular application of moisture;
  • lighting for 12-13 hours.

Tomatoes are kept on the windowsill. In case of insufficient natural light, special devices are installed. Luminescent or phytolamps are mounted at a height of 30 cm from the plants.

Tomato Zimarevsky giant: reviews, photos, yield

The soil in the boxes should not dry out. When the tomatoes grow up, their stems are spudded to form a strong root system.

After the development of 1-2 leaves, the tomatoes are planted in separate containers. The most powerful plant is left in peat cups.

2 weeks before transplanting into the ground, tomatoes are taken out to the balcony or loggia for 2-3 hours. This period is gradually increased. Plants adapt to natural conditions, which helps them better transfer planting to the garden.

Landing in the ground

Tomatoes Zimarevsky giant are transplanted to a permanent place in May – June. First you need to wait for the air and the earth to warm up.

Tomatoes are transferred to prepared beds in a greenhouse or in the open. The site should be lit by the sun.

The soil begins to prepare in the fall. When digging into the ground, 5 buckets of humus per 1 sq. m, as well as 25 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Important! The best predecessors for tomatoes are root crops, cucumbers, green manure, legumes and cereals.

After peppers, potatoes and eggplants, the Zimarevsky giant variety is not planted. Replanting tomatoes is possible after 3 years.

After the snow melts, the soil is loosened. Planting holes are prepared before planting. A gap of 40 cm is left between the tomatoes. When arranged in a checkerboard pattern, thickening is prevented and plant care is simplified.

Tomatoes are transferred to the pits along with a clod of earth or a peat cup. The soil under the plants is compacted and abundant watering is performed.

Variety care

For full development, the Zimarevsky giant variety needs regular care. Plants are watered and fed. Tomato bushes are formed to produce large fruits.

Tomato variety Zimarevsky giant is resistant to Fusarium wilt. To protect against diseases and attack pests, they observe agricultural technology, ventilate the greenhouse, and eliminate excess shoots. For preventive purposes, plantings are treated with biological products. From folk remedies, spraying with infusions of garlic and saline solutions is effective.

Tomato Zimarevsky giant: reviews, photos, yield


Tomatoes are watered depending on weather conditions. Excess moisture adversely affects the development of tomatoes and provokes the spread of diseases. When the soil dries out, the plants shed their ovaries, their leaves and stems die off.

After planting, regular watering of tomatoes begins after 7-10 days. Before the formation of inflorescences, 3 liters of warm water are poured under each bush every 3 days. When flowering, plants require up to 5 liters of water, but watering is reduced to once a week.

Attention! When forming fruits, the amount of moisture is reduced so that the tomatoes do not crack.

After watering loosen the soil and weed weeds. The greenhouse is ventilated to prevent an increase in humidity.


Scheme for feeding tomatoes varieties Zimarevsky giant:

  • before flowering;
  • when forming buds;
  • at the beginning of fruiting;
  • with mass formation of fruits.

For the first treatment, slurry is suitable. Fertilizer contains nitrogen, which helps tomatoes to increase the number of shoots. Nitrogen substances are used in the early stages of tomato development.

Then the tomatoes are treated with solutions based on potassium sulfate and superphosphate. For 10 liters of water, 20 g of each substance is required. The solution is applied under the root, do not allow it to get on the leaves. An interval of 2 weeks is observed between treatments.

Minerals can be replaced with organic matter. The day before watering, 10 cups of wood ash are added to 3 liters of water. Infusion watered tomatoes. Wood ash is also embedded in the soil when loosening.

Tomato Zimarevsky giant: reviews, photos, yield

Shaping and tying

According to the description of the variety, the Zimarevsky giant tomato belongs to tall plants. As they develop, the tomatoes are tied to a support. A wooden peg or a thin pipe is driven in next to each bush. The bushes are tied up at the top.

It is convenient to tie tomatoes to the trellis. Between the supports they stretch 3 rows with wire, to which the bushes are tied.

The variety needs pinching. A bush of tomatoes is formed into 2 stalks. Extra stepchildren are eliminated manually every week.

Reviews of gardeners

Vasilisa, 32 years old, Yekaterinburg
I chose the tomato Zimarevsky giant according to the photo, reviews and yield. The variety was attracted by the large size of the fruit. I planted the seeds at the end of March. The variety turned out to be problem-free: it developed well, responded positively to watering and top dressing. She made salads from tomatoes, prepared several cans of juice for the winter.
Maxim, 48 years old, Tomsk
I found a tomato Zimarevsky giant according to reviews, it is recommended to grow it for processing or homemade preparations. The variety is best planted in a greenhouse. The bushes have grown very powerful, be sure to tie up. In the brushes 4-5 fruits are formed. The tomatoes themselves are quite large, the average weight is 400 g. To get a high yield, the variety must be fed.
Elena, 57 years old, Novosibirsk
I was specifically looking for varieties of Siberian producers in order to be guaranteed to grow good tomatoes. According to the reviews, I liked the tomato Zimarevsky giant, which ripens in the middle early terms. As a result, she planted seeds for seedlings at the end of February, and in May she transferred the tomatoes to the greenhouse. The variety did not live up to expectations. The average weight is about 300 g. Tomatoes crack at the stalk. Tomatoes taste good, for salads and processing a good option.

Tomato Zimarevsky giant: reviews, photos, yield


Zimarevsky giant tomatoes are valued for their unpretentiousness, large fruits and good taste. The variety is adapted to extreme growing conditions. Tomatoes are grown from seeds that are planted at home. Fruits are used for daily diet and processing. Tomato care includes watering, the introduction of mineral or organic substances.

giant tomato

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