Tomatoes are one of the most beloved vegetables that are invariably present on our tables all year round. Therefore, gardeners prefer to choose only the best varieties of tomatoes for growing on their site. White filling tomato can rightfully be called an excellent and popular type of domestic selection of tomatoes. We will tell you about its features and benefits below.
White filling 241 became known in 1979 on the territory of Kazakhstan. This wonderful tomato variety owes its appearance to specialists who worked at the Vegetable Experimental Station under the guidance of Professor Edelstein. White filling 241 is the result of crossing such tomato varieties as 14-22 Pushkinsky and Victor Mayak 12/24. The features of this variety can rightfully be called its versatility, since the cultivation of tomatoes is carried out without problems both in open ground conditions and in greenhouses.
When grown in a garden bed, White filling 241 can grow up to 50 cm, and in a greenhouse – up to 70 cm. Also, the fruits of this vegetable can be consumed both fresh and canned. It can grow in almost all regions of our country. This is due to another feature of the White Bulk – an increased degree of frost resistance, due to which this type of tomato can be easily grown in regions with a rather harsh climate.
Also, the variety is early ripe, the first tomatoes can be tasted after 100 days in open ground conditions. And when growing such tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can enjoy them after 85 – 90 days. This vegetable crop is quite resistant to late blight disease – precisely due to the early ripening of the fruit. Another advantage of White filling is the ease of caring for its plantings. Since the variety is determinant, such tomatoes do not need to be tied up and pinned. Experts advise only to transfer the growth point to the side shoot in order to increase productivity.
As for the degree of yield, this type of tomato is able to please its owner with selected fruits in the amount of about 3 kg from each bush.
It should be borne in mind that this is one of the oldest varieties of domestic selection. And then the emerging new varieties of tomatoes were not characterized by such a quality as a very high yield. If we talk about the timing of the ripening of fruits, then a third of them from the total number planted on the site is able to ripen at the same time.
This gives an excellent opportunity for summer residents to harvest vegetables as soon as possible, as well as process it. It is this quality, as well as the extraordinary ease in caring for the crop, coupled with the early ripening of fruits, that have made this tomato variety very popular among gardeners in various regions of our country for many years.
Video “Tomatoes on the balcony”
Fruit quality
The fruits of the White Pouring are medium-sized tomatoes with a beautiful rich red color. The name of the variety is due to the fact that on the surface of its vegetables you can see an interesting milky-whitish shade. It is characteristic of not yet fully ripened fruits. Such tomatoes weigh on average from 80 to 130 grams. As for the shape of the fruit, most often they are round, less often they can be flat-round. The surface of each vegetable is smooth to the touch, and only in the region of the stalk is it somewhat ribbed. Summer residents appreciate White filling for the high quality of fruits that have not only a presentable appearance (as evidenced by the above description), but also excellent taste and a characteristic pleasant aroma.
Also, the fruits of this variety are well suited not only for making nutritious salads, but also for making delicious juices, pickling, freezing, and canning for the winter. They also show increased resistance to cracking of the peel and, subject to simple rules, are perfectly stored. In addition, such tomatoes withstand transportation quite normally even over long distances.
How to grow
If you follow all the generally accepted norms of agricultural technology for such tomatoes, then you can safely count on the collection of an excellent rich harvest. It is recommended to plant them after crops such as onions, carrots, legumes, cucumbers, cabbage. Before sowing, the seeds must be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinsed with water. Then it is customary to plant them to a depth of no more than 3 cm. It is best to do this at the very end of March. After you wait for the friendly shoots of the vegetable crop and see about a couple of leaves on them, the blanks should be dived.
Recommended fertilizers are applied to the ground, this should be done about two times. Feeding is especially important during the growing season of plants.
In the event that it is planned to grow these tomatoes in open ground conditions, experts and experienced gardeners advise waiting until the likelihood of frosts decreases. Seedlings are best planted at about 60 – 70 days of growth. Also, the White Bulk needs mandatory watering – for these purposes it is customary to use warm water. Do not forget that such tomatoes grow best on fertile and light soil.
Video “How to grow a tomato in a greenhouse”
From the video you will learn what you need to grow any variety of tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.