Tomato Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Volgograd Early Ripening 323 is known and loved by a large number of summer residents. Such popularity is primarily due to the fact that tomatoes of this variety are intended for cultivation in climatic conditions in Our Country. The predecessor was the variety of tomatoes at number 595. After the work of breeders, tomatoes of the Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323 variety entered the market for goods and services.

Tomato Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323: reviews, photos, yield

Description of the tomato

This variety is excellent for growing both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The bush is able to reach a height of up to 35-45 cm. In the process of growth, pinching is not required. The stems grow stocky, rather thick, the bushes are squat, with a large number of flower-bearing brushes. Leaf plates are ordinary, inherent in all other tomato varieties, of a rich dark green hue. The inflorescence produces 5 to 6 tomatoes. After planting in open ground, you can start harvesting the first crop after 110 days.

Attention! If we take into account the description, then the tomato variety Volgogradsky Early-ripening 323 belongs to the determinant species.

Description of fruits

The average weight of a tomato variety Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323 is about 80-100 g. Ripe tomatoes have a rich red color. Ripe fruits are round in shape, with a smooth skin, sometimes they can be ribbed. The skin is very thin, but at the same time quite dense, which helps to prevent cracking during ripening. The pulp is very juicy, fleshy.

Since the fruits are universal, they can be consumed fresh or used for canning, which is facilitated by the small size of the fruit.

Important! If necessary, you can transport the harvested crop over long distances without losing its appearance.

Characteristics of the tomato Volgograd Early ripening 323

According to the characteristics, Volgograd tomato 323 is a hybrid and belongs to early ripening varieties. From the moment the seedlings are planted in open ground, you can start harvesting after 100-110 days, in some cases the time can be increased up to 130 days.

A distinctive feature of this variety, unlike other species, is a high level of resistance to many types of diseases and pests. As practice shows, it is recommended to grow tomatoes of the Volgograd early ripening 323 variety in open ground conditions, but despite this, many gardeners grow them in greenhouses or on a balcony, which is facilitated by the small height of tomato bushes.

If you follow all the recommendations when growing a crop in open ground, then up to 3 kg of ripe fruits can be collected from each bush. If a dense landing pattern is chosen and per 1 sq. m place up to 3-4 bushes, then you can collect about 12 kg of tomato from such a site.

During the season, do not forget about fertilizing. As a rule, fertilizers are applied about 3-4 times. Watering should be moderate, irrigation should be carried out several times a week, so that the root system will not rot.

Tomato Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323: reviews, photos, yield

Advantages and disadvantages

Most gardeners prefer, judging by the reviews, the tomato variety Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323 due to the large number of advantages, among which the following points are worth noting:

  • early ripening;
  • variety plants are unpretentious in care;
  • the maturation process occurs simultaneously;
  • tomatoes are great for growing in any climatic conditions in Our Country;
  • differ in excellent taste;
  • high level of resistance to many types of diseases and pests.

Early ripe varieties are great for growing in the open field of the middle lane. You can get a high level of yield even under adverse climatic conditions.

Among the shortcomings, many gardeners note the fact that the tomato variety Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323 is not able to withstand prolonged heat, as a result of which a small number of brushes are tied.

Rules of landing and care

Seeds of tomato varieties Volgogradsky Early-ripening 323 are distinguished by a high level of quality and germination. For sowing seeds, it is recommended to purchase ready-made soil mixture in a specialized store; if necessary, you can prepare it yourself. Before planting the seeds, it is recommended to pre-disinfect the ground. For these purposes, a 1% manganese solution is used, with which the soil mixture is treated, calcined in the oven for 30 minutes, or pre-watered with boiling water.

After the first shoots have appeared, it is recommended to start hardening the seedlings. To do this, it is recommended to move the container with tomatoes to a room where the temperature regime is + 14 ° C -15 ° C.

It is recommended to plant planting material after about 7-10 leaves and one brush with flowers have appeared on the tomato bushes. As it grows, it is necessary to fertilize and irrigate the earth with warm water. As a rule, a high level of yield depends on the quality care of Volgogradsky Skorospyly 323 tomatoes.

Seeding for seedlings

The main component when sowing tomato seeds is the preparation of the soil, which you can prepare yourself. To prepare a nutrient soil, you need to take the following composition:

  • sand – 25%;
  • peat or humus – 45%;
  • land – 30%.

For each bucket of such a mixture, it is recommended to add 200 g of wood ash, 1 tsp. superphosphate and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate.

For planting seeds, you should choose small containers, the height of which is about 7 cm. For this, you can use peat cups. The containers are half filled with soil, and furrows are made up to 1,5 cm deep, while the distance between them should be 6 cm.

How to plant a Volgograd tomato. Day 1. We sit down. Interesting gardener.

Only dry seeds are used for planting, as they germinate much better. After the seeds of the tomato variety Volgogradsky Early-ripening 323 are planted, the container must be covered with a film and placed in a warm place at a temperature of + 25 ° C.

Advice! If the nutrient soil was purchased in a store, then it should be subjected to heat treatment.

Seedling transplant

Judging by the description and reviews, it is profitable to grow the Volgogradsky Early-ripening 323 tomato in seedlings. After the seedlings grow to a height of 10-15 cm, you can plant in open ground or a greenhouse. Planting is recommended to be done after the soil is well warmed up, and the threat of frost has passed. The temperature regime on the street should be + 10 ° C and above.

It should be borne in mind that for growing seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to use land where onions, cabbage or legumes have grown before. Given that the seeds are small and buried to a depth of 1,5 cm, the first shoots can be seen in 1-2 weeks.

When planting planting material in open ground or a greenhouse, it is recommended to follow the planting pattern. Tomato bushes should be at a distance of up to 70 cm from each other, a distance of 30 cm is made between rows. To increase the yield level, the soil is mulched.

Attention! The main advantage of this type of culture is unpretentiousness in care. If necessary, you can apply fertilizer and top dressing, but do not forget about the irrigation system.

Care of tomatoes

Despite the fact that the Volgogradsky 323 tomato is unpretentious in care, in order to obtain a high level of yield, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • watering should be moderate and daily. If watering is frequent and plentiful, then this can lead to the appearance of a fungus. Soil irrigation should be 1 time every 10 days;
  • if there is not enough light, the plants will begin to stretch – which is why it is recommended to plant the crop in a permanent place of growth in a timely manner.

As the crop grows, it is necessary to weed and loosen the ground, as a result of which the root system will receive the necessary amount of oxygen. It is also important to consider that tomatoes do not need pinching, full development is carried out without outside interference.


Tomato Volgograd Early Ripening 323 is a variety that is perfect for growing both beginners and more experienced gardeners. The culture is unpretentious in care, as a result of which, even with minimal intervention, you can get a high yield.

Tomato Volgogradsky Early Ripening 323: reviews, photos, yield

Reviews about the tomato Volgograd early ripening 323

Antonina Grigorieva, 58 years old, Tver
Tomato variety Volgogradsky Early ripening 323 planted in a greenhouse. What I liked was the low height of the bushes. In the process of growing seedlings, the stepchildren were not removed, the bushes turned out to be quite lush. She tied up the bushes, as she was afraid that the branches would break under the weight of the fruit. Tomatoes ripened quite early and at the same time, all fruits are even, medium in size – an excellent option for canning.
Egor Aksenov, 47 years old, Penza
I use tomatoes of the Volgogradsky Early-ripening 323 variety exclusively for winter harvesting. As a rule, ripening is early, simultaneous, fruiting is plentiful. From the very beginning of summer, I provide the whole family with winter preparations. This variety is great for urban summer residents, as it is undemanding to care for.

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