Tomato Viagra: reviews, photos

Viagra tomato was bred by breeders. The variety is not a hybrid and is intended for cultivation under cover of film, polycarbonate or glass. Since 2008, Viagra tomatoes have been registered with Rosreest.

Variety description

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Viagra:

  • average terms of maturing;
  • 112-115 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the harvesting of fruits;
  • indeterminate type;
  • bush height up to 1,8 m;
  • the leaves are dark green, medium in size.

Features of the fruits of the Viagra variety:

  • flat-round shape;
  • thick skin;
  • red-brown color at maturity;
  • rich taste;
  • a large number of seeds;
  • dry matter content – 5%.

Viagra got its name due to its aphrodisiac properties. The composition of the fruit includes leukopine, which has a rejuvenating effect, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants. Anthocyanins, responsible for the dark color of tomatoes, inhibit the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

From 1 m2 beds harvest up to 10 kg of fruit. Viagra tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, snacks, salads, hot dishes. According to reviews and photos, tomato Viagra can withstand high temperatures and do not lose shape during canning. Tomatoes are subject to pickling, pickling, obtaining vegetable salads for the winter.

Getting the seedlings

Viagra tomatoes are grown by planting seeds at home. The resulting seedlings are transferred to an open area or to a greenhouse. In the southern regions, you can plant seeds immediately in a permanent place. In such cases, the process of development of tomatoes is lengthy.

Tomato Viagra: reviews, photos

Planting seeds

Viagra tomato seeds are planted in late February or March. The soil is prepared in autumn by combining an equal amount of garden soil, peat, sand and compost. In gardening stores you can buy ready-made soil mixture for seedlings.

Before planting, the soil is left for 5-6 days on the street or placed in the freezer. A more time-consuming method is steaming the soil in a water bath.

Important! Large, evenly colored seeds have the best germination.

You can check the quality of planting material by placing them in salted water. After 10 minutes, Viagra tomato seeds are taken, which have settled to the bottom. Empty seeds float up and are discarded.

Seeds are left in warm water for 2 days. This speeds up the emergence of seedlings. Prepared tomato seeds are planted in separate containers to avoid picking seedlings. Pre-moisten the soil.

The planting material is deepened by 0,5 cm. A thin layer of peat or fertile soil is poured on top. Landings are covered with a piece of glass and polyethylene. Plants provide a temperature above 20°C and the absence of light.

seedling conditions

Viagra tomatoes develop under a number of conditions:

  • daytime temperature from +20 to +25°C, at night – 16°C;
  • daylight for 14 hours;
  • moisture ingress.

With a short daylight hours, Viagra tomatoes are backlit. Use phytolamps or daylight devices. They are installed at a height of 30 cm from the landings.

Tomatoes are poured with warm water. Before picking, moisture is applied every 3 days, then weekly. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out. Excess moisture negatively affects the development of tomatoes and provokes the black leg disease.

Viagra tomato seedlings dive after the appearance of 2 leaves. Tomatoes are carefully transplanted into separate containers. You can use soil of the same composition as when planting seeds.

In April, Viagra tomatoes begin to harden to help them adapt to natural conditions. First, a window is opened in the room for 2-3 hours for ventilation. Then the landings are moved to the balcony.

Tomato Viagra: reviews, photos

Landing in the ground

Viagra tomato seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in May, when the soil and air warm up. The variety is intended for cultivation in closed ground: greenhouses, greenhouses made of film, glass, polycarbonate. In a favorable climate, planting in open ground is allowed.

The preparation of the greenhouse for planting tomatoes begins in the fall. The topsoil is completely renewed. The earth is dug up, fertilized with humus (5 kg per 1 sq. M), superphosphate (20 g) and potassium salt (15 g). For disinfection, the soil is watered with a solution of copper sulfate.

Important! Tomatoes are planted after root crops, green manure, legumes, cabbage or cucumbers.

Planting after any varieties of tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers is not allowed. Otherwise, soil depletion and disease development occur.

Viagra tomato seedlings are taken out of containers and placed in holes. 40 cm are left between plants. When planted in several rows, an interval of 50 cm is made.

The roots of tomatoes are covered with earth. Be sure to water and tie up the plants. Within 7-10 days, tomatoes adapt to the changed conditions. During this period, watering and fertilizing should be abandoned.

Variety care

According to reviews, Viagra tomatoes give a bountiful harvest with proper care. Plants are watered, fed with minerals or organic matter. The formation of a bush allows avoiding planting density and improving fruiting.

Watering plants

The scheme of watering tomatoes Viagra is formed taking into account weather conditions and the stage of plant development. Tomatoes prefer moist soil and dry air.

With an excess of moisture, rotting of the roots begins, and its lack causes twisting of the leaves and shedding of buds.

The order of watering tomatoes Viagra:

  • before the appearance of buds – twice a week using 3 liters of water per plant;
  • when flowering – weekly, 5 liters of water;
  • during the fruiting period – every 3 days, 2 liters of water.

After watering, loosen the soil to improve the absorption of moisture and nutrients. Mulching helps keep the soil moist. A layer of straw or peat 10 cm thick is poured onto the beds.

Tomato Viagra: reviews, photos


Viagra tomatoes are fed with organic matter or minerals. 2 weeks after planting, the tomatoes are watered with a solution of mullein at a concentration of 1:15.

Top dressing contains nitrogen, which promotes the growth of shoots. In the future, it is better to refuse products containing nitrogen in order to avoid the growth of the Viagra tomato bush.

Advice! Universal fertilizers for tomatoes are phosphorus and potassium. They are used in the form of superphosphate and potassium salt. For 10 liters of water, 30 g of each substance is enough.

Between treatments make a gap of 2-3 weeks. Watering is alternated with spraying tomatoes. A solution for foliar feeding is prepared at a lower concentration: 10 g of minerals are required per 10-liter bucket of water.

Shrub formation

Viagra tomatoes are formed into 1 stalk. Stepchildren growing from the leaf sinus are removed manually. Stems 5 cm long are subject to removal. After pinching, a shoot 1-2 cm long is left. Tomatoes stepchild every week.

Viagra bushes are tied to a support at the top. Since, according to the characteristics and description, the tomato variety Viagra is tall, due to tying up, the bush grows straight and without kinks.

Protection against diseases and pests

The Viagra variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic and cladosporiosis. For the prevention of diseases, agricultural practices are observed, watering is normalized and the greenhouse is ventilated. Spraying with fungicides helps reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Viagra tomatoes are attacked by aphids, whiteflies, bears and other pests. Insecticides are used against insects. All treatments are stopped 3-4 weeks before harvest.

Reviews of gardeners

Elena, 26 years old, Moscow
After viewing the reviews and photos, I purchased Viagra tomato. The seeds sprouted well, after 2 months I planted the tomatoes in the greenhouse. The bushes are tall and powerful with long shoots. In each inflorescence, 8 ovaries are formed. The fruits become red-brown in color as they ripen. Tomatoes are dense and tasty, they are stored for a long time. I use them for canning, after heat treatment, the fruits retain their shape and do not crack.
Raisa, 57 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I bought Viagra tomatoes according to reviews on the network, I grew a variety for the first time. Seedlings grow quickly and develop well. I plant tomatoes in a heated greenhouse. In such conditions, they get sick less and yield faster. Tomatoes require tying and pinching. The harvest was plentiful, most of the fruits were pickled with other vegetables.
Nikolay, 68 years old, Ulyanovsk
Last year, plant a Viagra tomato variety in your area. In representatives of this variety, the ovaries appeared earlier than other tomatoes. The plant is tall, strong, with dense leaves and stem. 5-7 fruits are tied on each brush. The average weight is 70-90 g. The color differs from the packaging, it is less dark, with a purple tint.


Viagra tomatoes are notable for their unusual color and high yield. The variety is grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. To collect a high yield, plantings are watered and fertilized. A tall variety requires additional care, including pinching and tying to a support.

Tall tomatoes / Indeterminate tomatoes / Pasynkovaniya / Bush formation

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