Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

Before planting tomatoes, every gardener asks himself: “What varieties should be planted this year?”. Goals and taste preferences in every family are different. Someone just needs to grow a few bushes for food and roll up a couple of cans, and someone wants to use the generosity of Mother Earth to the fullest and stock up on all kinds of salads, juices, ketchups, sauces. So every summer resident chooses tomato seeds with special care based on the climatic conditions of the region and the preferences of all family members. We present to your attention the tomato “Verlioka” – a universal hybrid that will allow you to realize the most daring wishes.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

What is an “f1 hybrid”

I would like to note that the tomato “Verlioka F1”, its characteristics and description of the variety, photo, being a hybrid of the first generation, has absorbed the best properties of the parent plants.

But like all hybrids, Verlioka F1 tomatoes have one drawback – tomato seeds cannot be left for the next year. Seed material retains varietal characteristics only in the first generation (f1), which will be largely lost in the future.

Therefore, every year, when growing Verlioka tomatoes, seeds will have to be purchased in specialized stores.

Advice! Tomatoes need to be watered only with warm water. When watering with cold water, plant growth slows down.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The characteristic and description of the variety of tomato “Verlioka” is due, first of all, to its selection. When breeding a variety, breeders set themselves a number of tasks:

  • High yield;
  • Immunity to traditional diseases;
  • Resistant to minor temperature changes;
  • Excellent taste qualities;
  • Marketable condition;
  • Early ripeness.

Almost all the goals set were achieved and Verlioka tomatoes, according to the description of the variety, have all the declared characteristics. According to the reviews of those gardeners who planted a tomato in their area and managed to evaluate the quality and yield of the variety, it really deserves to grow in every garden.


Tomato “Verlioka” is intended for growing in greenhouse conditions or under film. In open ground, it can be grown only in the southern regions of Our Country.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

“Verlioka” is a determinant. The height of the bushes depends on compliance with the rules of care. On average, it varies between 1,5-2 m.

The green mass of the tomato grows slowly. The leaves are medium-sized, in moderation.

“Verlioka F1” refers to early-ripening tomatoes, because you can harvest the first crop already 95-110 days after planting the seeds.

Characteristics of fruits

Tomatoes “Verlioka F1” are distinguished by their versatility. A rare variety can boast that the scope is so wide.

Advice! The maximum possible yield can be achieved when planting the Verlioka tomato according to the scheme: 3 tomato sprouts per 1 m².

The fruits are tied mainly in a brush of 5-10 tomatoes. The formation of ovaries occurs actively, at the same time. The size of tomatoes is most often about the same size, which has a great advantage.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

The fruits ripen evenly. The color of the tomatoes is bright red, the shape is round. Due to the rounded shape and sufficient dense skin, Verlioka f1 tomatoes practically do not crack during the ripening period. The taste of tomatoes is rich, sweetish, with a barely noticeable sourness.

The weight of each fruit reaches 70-100 grams. With proper care and observance of the recommended rules of agricultural technology, the yield of Verlioka F1 tomato from one bush can reach 5-7 kg. From 1 m² you can collect up to 20-25 kg of tomatoes.

The peculiarity of the tomato is that green fruits ripen quickly at room temperature, without losing their excellent taste and presentation. Very well tolerate transportation over long distances.

The variety of tomatoes “Verlioka F1” is perfect for both a small business and for any purpose in any kitchen.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

Like all hybrids, the Verlioka tomato has a number of pros and cons. Among the many advantages I would like to note the following:

  • early maturity;
  • High yield;
  • Excellent seed germination;
  • High percentage of ovary formation;
  • Resistance to minor changes in the microclimate;
  • Resistance to diseases characteristic of tomatoes;
  • Uniform and stable fruiting and ripening;
  • Calmly tolerates a short-term lack of sunlight;
  • Versatility of application;
  • Tomatoes ripen quickly at home.
Important! Before transplanting plants into the greenhouse, they must be hardened off.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

But this variety, unfortunately, has several disadvantages:

  • Tomatoes “Verlioka f1” are very demanding on the composition of the soil;
  • It is required to properly form bushes to obtain the highest possible yields;
  • The shelf life of Verlioka tomatoes is short.

But with due attention and care, all the disadvantages can be reduced to zero and you can get a bountiful harvest at minimal physical cost.

Rules of landing and care

Hybrid “Verlioka f1” was bred for cultivation mainly in greenhouse conditions. Therefore, planting seeds for seedlings should be done in early to mid-March. The deadline for planting seeds is the end of March – the beginning of April.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

Before planting, Verlioka tomato seeds, provided that they were purchased in the current year, do not need to be disinfected. If desired, they can only be soaked in a growth stimulator for quick germination and best rooting.

The ideal soil for planting seedlings is a special soil mixture for growing seedlings. She is perfectly balanced. You can mix the soil mixture with ordinary soil from the garden in a ratio of 1: 1.

A drainage layer 1,5-2 cm thick is necessarily laid at the bottom of the container. Fill the container with earth. Too much deepening of the tomato seeds is not worth it. Planting depth is 1,5-2 cm, no more. Don’t forget to water after planting.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

The ideal air temperature for fast and friendly seed germination is +23˚С +25˚С. When the first shoots appear, move the container with seedlings to a sunny place. Plants must receive sufficient sunlight. But at the same time, make sure that bright sunlight does not ruin your seedlings.

Attention! To guarantee a bountiful harvest, you need to purchase Verlioka f1 tomato seeds annually. It is useless to harvest seed material on your own – the hybrid does not retain varietal characteristics during subsequent planting.

With a lack of sunlight, it is desirable to provide additional illumination with fluorescent lamps for tomatoes. Seedlings grow well at a temperature of +20˚С +22˚С. In the phase of 2-3 formed leaves, it is necessary to pick and feed future tomatoes for the first time.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

As a fertilizer during the period of seedling growth, they are perfect:

  • Ash;
  • Fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium;
  • organic fertilizers.

Seedlings should be watered only with warm, settled water. Too frequent watering tomato “Verlioka” does not require. The appearance of foliage will tell you about the lack of moisture, as well as its excess. With excessive watering, stepchildren and leaves grow very quickly and turn pale, the plant loses its resistance to diseases and pests, and with insufficient watering, the foliage fades.

Before transplanting seedlings of Verlioka f1 tomatoes into a greenhouse, you need to take care of the soil in advance. The soil should be fertile, loose. Two weeks before planting tomatoes, the ground must be dug up, after adding ash, compost or rotted manure to the soil.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

In late May – early June, a favorable time comes for transplanting seedlings. The distance between plants should be at least 35-40 cm. It is not recommended to thicken the plantings. Tomato “Verlioka” reacts to the lack of free space and nutrients with a sharp decrease in yield.

Tomatoes should be watered every 4-5 days with warm, settled water. Too much watering will provoke the active growth of stepchildren. “Verlioka” does not tolerate heat well, therefore, at high temperatures, the greenhouse must be constantly ventilated. Many summer residents during the summer season open the greenhouse in the morning and close it only at night.

It is necessary to form tomatoes “Verlioka f1”, according to the description and reviews of gardeners, in one or two stems.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

You will learn how to properly form a tomato bush from the video:

Formation of tomato bushes in the greenhouse

A garter for a hybrid is a must. With too many ovaries, care must be taken that the plants do not break under the weight of the fruit.

Important! After the formation of the third flower brush, the stem must be pinched.

Fertilizers with a nitrogen content should be fed to Verlioka tomatoes until the first flower stalks appear. Subsequently, you can fertilize tomatoes 1-2 times with top dressing based on phosphorus and potassium.

Otherwise, caring for tomatoes is no different from traditional activities: timely weeding and loosening.

Prevention against diseases

Hybrid “Verlioka f1” is highly resistant to many viral and fungal diseases inherent in the nightshade family:

  • Phytophthora;
  • Cladosporiosis;
  • Mosaics;
  • Fusarium wilt.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

But this does not mean that after transplanting Verlioka F1 tomatoes into the greenhouse, they do not need care at all. On the contrary, disease resistance is maintained when the mandatory care recommendations are followed:

  • Do not allow soil to be washed out during irrigation;
  • Regular loosening and weeding are mandatory activities;
  • Weeds after weeding must be removed from the greenhouse;
  • Remove yellowed leaves and stepchildren in a timely manner, ventilate the greenhouse.

According to the characteristics and reviews of those who planted the Verlioka tomato, the hybrid is unpretentious in care and has high yields. Therefore, he has long won the recognition of gardeners.

The versatility of the tomato

The versatility of the tomato “Verlioka f1” is due to the fact that the quality and taste characteristics of the fruit allow them to be used in almost any area.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

Juicy and tasty tomatoes can be consumed fresh, as an ingredient for vegetable salads or for slicing.

Interesting! Good predecessors of tomatoes are carrots, cabbage, legumes.

Fruits of the same shape and size look great in a jar when preserved whole. The dense peel favors the fact that they practically do not burst when pouring boiling water over the tomatoes.

Due to the juicy pulp and the absence of voids, Verlioka F1 tomatoes are perfect for cooking:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • tomato juice, paste;
  • ketchup;
  • various sauces;
  • salads and other preparations for the winter.

During heat treatment, “Verlioka” retains a pleasant aroma and delicate taste. You can add tomatoes when cooking vegetable stew, gravy, stuffed tomatoes and other dishes.

Tomato Verlioka: reviews, photos, yield

You can freeze a tomato only in small portions for supplements when preparing second courses or in circles of 2-3 mm for baking pizza.

The excellent characteristics of the fruits of Verlioka tomatoes allow housewives to cook a lot of all kinds of dishes not only in summer, but also in winter.


The unpretentiousness in care and the high yield of Verlioka tomatoes, variety description, photos and reviews are the main reason why you should try to grow it on your site. And any beginner can cope with the cultivation of tomatoes. A bountiful harvest of delicious and fragrant tomatoes will be your reward for your hard work and care.


Veronica, 54 years old Podolsk
I have been growing Verlioka for the fourth year now. In the first year, the yield was low. You need to adapt to growing these tomatoes, form a bush correctly and on time. But the next year she did everything as the experts advised and the harvest pleased us. Now I plant Verlioka every year. And it’s good in jars, and so it’s fresh to eat from the bush, and my household likes salads. So I advise you to try.
Olga, 47 years old, Voronezh
I planted Verlioka this year for the first time. Didn’t like the tomatoes. Too watery. Maybe I often watered the tomatoes, and this was reflected in the taste?
Valentin, 38 years old, Altay
I love something new and unusual, so every year I plant several new varieties. About five or six years ago I planted “Verlioka” for the experiment, and I must say that we really liked these tomatoes. They make delicious ketchup. My wife still freezes them. Makes a vegetable mixture and freezer. So we are provided with tomatoes almost all year round.

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