Tomato Sugar Garland is one of the new products. Despite this, many gardeners have already been able to appreciate it. This type is characterized by excellent taste qualities of tomatoes and stable fruiting. But it also has other advantages, which distinguishes the variety from many similar ones. In order for the result to meet expectations when growing, you should study the features of planting and the rules of care.

Tomato Sugar Garland is resistant to cracking even in high humidity conditions
The story of
This variety was obtained thanks to the efforts of the breeders of the Sibirsky Sad agricultural company, which specializes in breeding new types of vegetables and selling their seeds. The aim of the creation was to get a tomato that is able to give a good harvest in the greenhouse and in the open field under adverse weather conditions. And the creators have completely succeeded.
So far, this species has not been included in the State Register, since variety testing for it has not yet ended. But tomato seeds Sugar garland can already be found on sale. And, judging by the reviews, he has proven himself well in the central and northern regions.
Description of the variety of tomatoes Sugar garland with a photo
Sugar garland is a natural variety. Seeds collected from grown fruits are suitable for further sowing.
This tomato belongs to the category of indeterminate types of culture. And this means that he has a long period of fruiting. The height of the bushes reaches 180 cm, and in the greenhouse it is 200 cm. The plant needs to be tied to a support. The shoots are strong, thickened, easily withstand the load of the crop, do not break. The plant is slightly leafy, but regularly forms stepchildren, which should be removed in a timely manner.
The leaves of the Sugar Garland have a standard shape and size. They are light green in color. Inflorescences simple, without articulation. The first fruit cluster is laid over the fifth leaf, and then after 2-3. On each of them 5-6 tomatoes are formed.
This tomato is medium early. The first fruits on the bush ripen in 100-105 days. In this case, the tomatoes in the brush ripen at the same time. The fruits of the Sugar Garland are heart-shaped with a sharp nose. Their weight ranges from 150 to 300 g.

Larger tomatoes in this variety are formed at the beginning of fruiting.
Brushes with ripe tomatoes on the bush hang down, for which the variety got its name Sugar Garland. When ripe, the tomatoes acquire a raspberry hue, on which light golden touches are visible. The taste is excellent, sweetish with honey aftertaste. Even in the conditions of a short cool summer, tomatoes do not become sour.
The pulp is fleshy, moderately dense, juicy, sugary. The fruits produce a small number of small seeds. The skin is thin but firm. It is not felt when eaten. Ripe tomatoes do not crumble.

Juice does not come out when cut
Characteristics of tomato Sugar garland
To get a complete picture of this variety of tomatoes, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics. This will allow you to evaluate its productivity in comparison with other types of culture.
Tomato yield Sugar garland
This variety shows a stable yield, as it does not respond to temperature changes. From one plant per season, you can collect up to 5 kg of tomatoes. At the same time, the yield of marketable products is 85-90%.
Disease and pest resistance
The variety has a high natural immunity. It is immune to fusarium and blossom end rot, but can be affected by late blight and anthracnose. Therefore, do not ignore preventive treatments of bushes throughout the season.
Of the pests, damage to tomatoes can be caused by the whitefly in a greenhouse. And also at an early stage of development, seedlings in the open field may suffer from the Colorado potato beetle.
How to use
Thanks to their sweetish taste, Sugar Garland tomatoes are great for fresh consumption. Tomatoes look good cut, and also blend perfectly with herbs. Harvest can also be used for whole-fruit canning, preparation of winter salads.
Tomato Based Sugar Garland can be used for:
- sauce;
- pastes;
- lecho.
Advantages and disadvantages
This variety has many advantages compared to other types. But it also has certain disadvantages that must be taken into account.

The variety shows high performance with sufficient nutrition
Main advantages:
- early maturation;
- excellent consumer qualities;
- versatility of application;
- high resistance to temperature changes;
- fruits do not crack;
- the crop does not crumble;
- tomatoes are suitable for transportation.
- needs to be tied to a support;
- requires timely removal of stepchildren;
- does not respond well to elevated temperatures, dry air;
- susceptible to malnutrition;
- fruits are uneven.
Features of planting and care
It is recommended to grow the Sugar Garland variety in seedlings. By the time the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, their age should be 60-65 days. Therefore, sowing should be carried out at the beginning of March or at the end of this month, depending on further growing conditions.
Seeds of the Sugar garland are distinguished by good germination. Sprouts appear on the 5th-7th day at a temperature of +23-25 °C. At the stage of appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings need to be dropped into separate containers.
It is recommended to plant seedlings in a greenhouse at the end of April, and in open ground – when the soil warms up to a depth of 20 cm to a temperature of + 10-12 ° C. You need to place seedlings at the rate of three pieces per 1 sq. m.
After planting, you need to leave the lower well-developed stepson. This will form a plant in two shoots. All growing stepchildren above must be removed in a timely manner in order to redirect the forces of the plant to the formation of fruits.
Tomato Sugar Garland needs to be watered under the root. This should be done as the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 3-5 cm. For irrigation, settled water with a temperature of + 18-20 ° C should be used.
This variety is demanding on top dressing. The first time to fertilize should be two weeks after landing in a permanent place. And in the future, carry out top dressing every 14-20 days. At the stage of active growth, organic matter should be used. During flowering and ovary formation, use phosphorus-potassium mineral mixtures.
Pest and disease control
To prevent damage by fungal diseases, tomato bushes Sugar garland should be treated with fungicides throughout the season. The frequency of spraying is once every 10-14 days. Recommended drugs Ridomil Gold, Revus, Quadris.

When re-treatment means need to be alternated
To combat the whitefly, the plants should be simultaneously sprayed with Fufanon and watered with Aktara’s solution, repeat the procedure every 5-7 days until the signs of the pest disappear. To prevent damage to seedlings by the Colorado potato beetle, it is recommended to spray them with Confidor Maxi.
Tomato Sugar Garland is a new promising variety that is able to produce a good harvest even in unfavorable seasons. However, it does not require complex maintenance. Therefore, novice gardeners can also cope with its cultivation. The main thing is to ensure regular feeding and proper watering.