Tomato Legend of Koktebel is a large-fruited type of culture that has appeared recently, but has already managed to gain wide popularity among gardeners. This was facilitated by the undemanding variety for care, high yield and excellent taste of tomatoes, which can grow to a huge size. However, in order for the performance to be as declared by the manufacturer, certain rules of agricultural technology should be followed.

Tomato varieties Legend of Koktebel are resistant to cracking
History of occurrence
Legend of Koktebel is a novelty variety that went on sale in 2020. It was obtained thanks to the efforts of the breeders of the agricultural company Partner. Suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation.
So far, the tomato Legend of Koktebel has not been included in the State Register, since variety testing for it has not yet been completed. However, judging by the reviews of gardeners, this species has proven itself well in the southern and central regions.
Description of the tomato variety Legend of Koktebel
Legend of Koktebel is a natural variety, which makes it possible to use the collected seeds from grown tomatoes for sowing. The resulting seedlings completely retain their species properties.
This species belongs to the category of indeterminate, that is, the growth of the main shoot is unlimited. This ensures long fruiting until autumn frosts. The height of plants in open ground reaches 1,7-1,8 m, and in greenhouses – more than 2 m. The plant needs to be tied to a support. The shoots of the tomato Legend of Koktebel are thickened, strong, withstand the load of fruits, do not break. The variety forms a large number of stepchildren throughout the growing season, which must be removed in a timely manner. This allows you to redirect the forces of the plant to the formation of tomatoes.
The leaves of the Legend of Koktebel are of a standard shape and size, dark green. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in simple and complex inflorescences. The first fruit cluster at the Legend of Koktebel is laid over 8-9 sheets, and then after 2-3. On each of them, 5-6 tomatoes can be tied.
This species is considered medium early. The first fruits on the plant ripen in 110-115 days from the moment of germination. According to the description of the variety, reviews, photos, Legend of Koktebel tomatoes are characterized by a large size on average 350-600 g, but when the ovary is formed, 2-3 pieces. in the brush, the weight of the fruit is 1-1,5 kg.
When ripe, the fruits acquire a uniform red hue. They have a pleasant sweet taste with a mild tomato flavor. The fruits are multi-chamber, the pulp is juicy, fleshy, moderately dense. Tomato seeds are small. When cutting a tomato Legend of Koktebel, the juice does not flow. The peel is dense, thin, when eaten, it is not felt.

A green spot at the stalk on tomatoes The legend of Koktebel is missing
Characteristics of the tomato Legend of Koktebel
To be able to compare this variety with other types of culture, it is necessary to study its characteristics. It will also allow you to get a complete picture of the tomato Legend of Koktebel.
Tomato yield Legend of Koktebel
Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology from one bush, you can harvest about 8 kg. Moreover, the output of commercial tomatoes from the Legend of Koktebel is 80-90%.
Disease and pest resistance
This variety is characterized by high natural immunity. And therefore, it is not very susceptible to common diseases of the culture. But to maintain its stability, it is recommended to spray the plants with fungicides in order to prevent damage by fungal diseases.
Of the pests, damage to the tomato can be caused by the whitefly in the greenhouse and the Colorado potato beetle at the initial stage of development in the open field.
Where applicable
Due to the balanced taste, Legend of Koktebel tomatoes are ideal for fresh consumption. They also go well with herbs in summer salads. These tomatoes are also suitable for processing. Based on them, you can cook lecho, pasta, sauce, juice.
Advantages and disadvantages of tomato Legend of Koktebel
This variety, like other types of culture, has strengths and weaknesses. And when growing it, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Ripe tomatoes stay on the branches for a long time and do not crumble.
Main advantages:
- early maturation;
- long fruiting;
- balanced taste;
- large size tomatoes;
- increased resistance to diseases;
- seeds can be used for sowing;
- tomatoes do not crack;
- high yield;
- easily tolerates a short-term lack of moisture;
- suitable for transportation.
- requires stepson;
- needs to be tied to a support;
- not suitable for whole canning;
- susceptible to malnutrition.
Peculiarities of growing
It is recommended to grow the Legend of Koktebel variety in seedlings. Sowing should be carried out so that by the time the plants are planted in a permanent place, their age is 60-65 days. Therefore, the beginning or middle of March is considered the optimal period.
Planting seeds should be carried out in wide, shallow containers. Using a substrate consisting of turf, sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. It is necessary to deepen the planting material in moistened soil by 0,5 cm. The seeds of this tomato germinate for 5-7 days at a temperature of + 23-25 ° С. In the future, you should follow the standard rules of care, and with the growth of two true leaves, it is necessary to dive seedlings into separate containers.
Seedlings of the Legend of Koktebel should be transplanted into the greenhouse at the end of April, and into open ground, when the soil warms up sufficiently to a depth of 15 cm, which usually occurs at the end of May, at the beginning of June. When planting, plants should be buried to the first pair of leaves to stimulate the growth of a powerful root system.
It is recommended to water the tomatoes Legend of Koktebel when the topsoil dries to a depth of 3-5 cm. Irrigation is carried out under the root to prevent moisture from entering the leaves. To do this, use settled water with a temperature of + 18 + 20 ° C.

The optimal planting scheme is 2-3 plants per 1 sq. m
This variety needs good nutrition throughout the growing season. Ten days after planting, tomatoes should be fed with urea or ammonium nitrate at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water. Two weeks later, organics should be applied: mullein 1:10 or chicken manure 1:15. Before flowering and in the future every 14 days, phosphorus-potassium mineral mixtures should be used.
Wood ash extract should also be used for top dressing. It is necessary to pour 200 g of the component into 1 liter of hot water and leave for a day. And after the time has elapsed, bring the volume of liquid to 10 liters, and pour the tomatoes under the root with the resulting solution at the rate of 1 liter per bush.
As the shoots grow, they need to be tied to a support. Also, tomatoes should be spudded 2-3 times per season to strengthen the root system.
Pest and disease control
To maintain high immunity, the Legend of Koktebel tomatoes should be sprayed with fungicides 3-4 times. For this, it is recommended to use drugs such as Hom, Ridomil Gold, Quadris, Revus.
To protect the tomatoes of the legend of Koktebel from the whitefly, you should regularly ventilate the greenhouse, as this insect is activated at high humidity and temperature. In case of damage to plants by this pest, it is recommended to spray Fitoverm on the leaf and water the bushes with Aktara’s solution. It is necessary to repeat the treatment every 5-7 days until the signs of the whitefly disappear.
To protect the tomatoes of the Legend of Koktebel from the Colorado potato beetle in the open field, you need to pour them with Aktara’s solution when planting at the rate of 0,25 liters per plant.
Tomato Legend of Koktebel is a new promising variety, which, according to many gardeners, is one of the best salad types. But in order for the tomatoes to really impress with their size, you need to strictly observe the planting dates and adhere to the basic rules of care. You should also regularly feed the bushes, then you can harvest until the autumn frosts.