Tomato variety Intuition

Tomato variety Intuition

Tomato Intuition is one of the most common varieties in central Russia. It requires minimal maintenance and at the same time produces a rich harvest.

Tomato variety Intuition and its benefits

The plant has a powerful rhizome, and reaches a height of 2 m. The leaves are matte green of medium size. The inflorescence has 5-6 fruits. The tomato is planted in greenhouses.

Tomato Intuition is characterized by the same fruit size

The skin of the tomatoes is shiny. The fruit weighs about 100 g, and the diameter is 7 cm. These tomatoes have a perfectly rounded shape and bright red color. The consistency of the tomato is fleshy and tender. The taste is moderately sweet.

This tomato variety has the following characteristics:

  • excellent presentation;
  • the ability to harvest with whole brushes;
  • great taste;
  • the possibility of long-term storage of tomatoes;
  • greater resistance to disease;
  • high productivity.

In addition, the variety is considered mid-season and the fruits can be harvested from mid-July to September. The disadvantages of tomatoes are much less, and they are insignificant.

How to Grow Tomatoes Intuition

A mixture of peat, garden soil and wood ash is suitable for growing seedlings. Seeds are disinfected before planting, and then planted in wooden boxes at the end of February. Planting depth 1 cm. The earth is watered abundantly and covered with foil. 3-5 days after the shoots appear, the cover is removed.

Maintain a temperature of 24-25 ° C so that the seedlings emerge as early as possible. To harden the grown seedlings before planting, take the boxes out to the balcony for several hours.

Tomatoes are best planted in the place where zucchini, carrots and cucumbers used to grow. This will help to avoid many diseases.

When the seedlings have the first 4 true leaves, they are dived into separate pots or planted immediately in the greenhouse. Disembarkation is carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening. The distance between the seedlings is about 50-60 cm. Since tomatoes grow very quickly, they are tied up within 10 days after planting. To prevent the growth of the bush from affecting the harvest, pinch the plant in July or August. In this case, his strength will be spent not on the growth of new shoots, but on the ripening of the fruits.

The main care comes down to watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing. Fertilize the plants 2 weeks after planting. To do this, mix 10 liters of mullein and 0,5 g of nitrophoska in 20 liters of water. 1 bush will need 1 liter of fertilizer. Feed every 2-3 weeks.

For this tomato variety to delight you with a tasty and rich harvest, provide the plant with regular care.

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