Cuban pepper tomato is readily cultivated in almost all regions of Our Country. This variety is intended for indoor cultivation and shows good results only when grown in a greenhouse. Its fruits are sweet and fleshy, have excellent commercial qualities, are ideal for salads, can be used in the preparation of tomato juice and pasta.

Tomato variety Cuban pepper black: photo and description, reviews

Other cultivar names are Cuban Pepper, Cuban Black, Pepper Black

History of breeding

Cuban pepper tomato variety was bred by an unknown author. No one was able to specify the time of selection of the variety either. Presumably, the species was the result of the work of domestic specialists.

Description of tomato Cuban pepper black

Brown tomato Cuban pepper, description, photo and reviews of which are presented below, is an indeterminate tall variety. Throughout the growing season, the bushes are constantly growing and can reach a height of more than two meters. Because of this, they need to be attached to trellises and formed into one or two stems. Tomato leaf plates are medium in size, their color is dark green, they are present on the bushes in quite a large number, which is why they are periodically thinned out.

The fruits of the tomato Cuban pepper are large, their weight varies from 200 to 300 g. The shape is elongated and elongated, reminiscent of bell pepper. The color of a tomato in a mature state is dark brown or burgundy.

Attention! At high temperatures in the greenhouse, the variety is unable to release lycopene (red dye).

The flesh of the tomato is fleshy, aromatic and juicy, with few seeds. It hides under a fairly strong, but at the same time delicate smooth skin. The palatability of the variety is highly valued. The tomato is sweet and delicious.

Tomato variety Cuban pepper black: photo and description, reviews

Cultivated Cuban Peppermint in particular for food

Characteristics of tomato Cuban pepper

Cuban pepper is characterized by high yields and excellent commercial qualities that persist for a long time. Due to the dense structure, tomatoes do not crack and, subject to storage rules, remain beautiful even several weeks after harvest. The variety has good resistance to extreme conditions in the form of drought, but does not tolerate cold. It has a high resistance to infectious diseases.

Comment! For a good development of the bush and a high yield, the Cuban pepper-shaped stepchild.

Tomato yield Cuban pepper

The variety is a high yielding variety. But in order to achieve maximum results, it is important to organize proper care for plantings, as well as follow the rules of cultivation agrotechnics. The number of fruits is strongly influenced by the quality of the soil, and the temperature regime. Thermometers from +18 to +25 °С are considered optimal.

Warning! The species is sensitive to cold and dies even when the temperature drops to zero.

Disease and pest resistance

Cuban pepper is characterized by good resistance to major tomato diseases, as well as harmful insects. But, in order to protect the bushes from trouble, experienced vegetable growers recommend regularly carrying out preventive treatments of plantings.

Methods of Use

The fruits of Cuban pepper are intended for fresh consumption. Usually they are used for cutting into salads and preparing vegetable snacks, they are often left for storage, since they tend not to deteriorate for a long time. For canning in general, the fruits are not suitable due to their large size. Some housewives let the tomato juice or prepare sauces and pastes from it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato Cuban pepper (black) has a number of advantages, but the variety also has its drawbacks. Before planting this variety of tomato, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the nuances that the technology of growing it involves.

Tomato variety Cuban pepper black: photo and description, reviews

Cuban Pepper is recommended for indoor cultivation


  • excellent commercial qualities;
  • good yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • keeping quality;
  • high resistance to drought;
  • good immunity.


  • the need for shaping and garter;
  • demand for soil fertility.

Features of planting and care

Since the Cuban pepper tomato variety is late, gardeners begin to plant seeds for seedlings as early as January, but it is allowed to do it until April. Before sowing, you need to prepare a container and planting material, for which they should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, pour a fertile substrate into the boxes, plant the seeds, deepening them into the soil by 1-1,5 cm, sprinkle with water from a spray bottle and cover with a film.

Important! Planting containers should be placed on warm and well-lit window sills.

As soon as shoots appear on the surface of the soil, the shelter must be removed, and the temperature in the room should be reduced to +22 ° C. As the seedlings develop, it should be periodically moistened with warm and settled water, a week before picking, carry out the first top dressing, then plant the sprouts in separate cups and feed again a week later.

When seven leaves grow on the bushes, it is time for them to land in a permanent place. The land in the greenhouse where the Cuban pepper tomato will grow should be fertile, light, fertilized with humus, well drained. After transplanting the beds, it is recommended to moisten and then properly care for the plants:

  1. Watering. Tomato moistening is carried out regularly, as soon as a dry crust forms on the soil surface.
  2. Mulching. Cuban Pepper responds well to mulch in the form of wood chips or sawdust. A layer of them protects the roots of the plant from temperature changes, drying out of the earth, and prevents the growth of weeds.
  3. Formation. The variety requires a garter to reliable supports, which is performed as the bushes grow. The Cuban pepper tomato is usually molded in two stems. Every week, all stepchildren are removed from the bushes.
  4. Pruning. Periodically, leaf plates are removed from the plant, which block the light from reaching the fruits.
  5. Fertilizer. The variety needs frequent fertilizing with minerals and organic matter. They begin to be carried out three weeks after planting and are repeated every 14 days.
Tomato variety Cuban pepper black: photo and description, reviews

Cuban pepper tomato is considered not a particularly whimsical variety.

Pest and disease control

Although the Cuban pepper tomato has established itself as a variety with resistance to diseases and pests, sometimes it can still suffer from some ailments. Periodically, the bushes should be carefully examined for signs of disease or insect attack.

If problems are found, it is recommended to treat all beds with tomato as soon as possible: in case of diseases – fungicides, from insects – insecticides. As a preventive measure, folk remedies in the form of garlic infusion or neem oil can be used from time to time.


Cuban pepper tomato is a variety that deserves the attention of vegetable growers. It is distinguished by its excellent taste and unusual appearance; subject to the rules of agricultural technology, it pleases with a rich harvest until autumn. Excellent for growing in a greenhouse, has a strong immunity, most often used fresh, but sometimes it is processed.

Reviews of gardeners about tomato Cuban pepper

Margarita Ermolaeva, g. Volgograd
The Cuban pepper tomato variety has excellent taste, has practically no seeds, the tomato pulp is sweet and fleshy. Bushes bear fruit for a very long time. If you grow a crop in a greenhouse, the crop can be harvested until mid-autumn, it is unlikely to have time to ripen in the beds.
Petukhov Kirill, Voronezh
The Cuban pepper tomato is a late variety, so it is planted for seedlings earlier than others. The fruits of the variety are tasty, beautiful, best suited for salads and fresh consumption. I have been growing it in a greenhouse for the third year, the harvest is excellent, the bushes have never been sick.
Potapova Anastasia, Yekaterinburg
I love the Cuban pepper tomato because it is tasty and sweet, plus it bears fruit until late autumn. I grow it in a greenhouse, I take care of it as expected, because of this, problems with the culture never arise. Since the bushes of the variety are very powerful and tall, I lead into one stem.
Tomato Cuban Black

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