Tomato Ural giant: reviews, photos, yield

Ural giant tomato is a new generation variety bred by scientists. The variety is suitable for gardeners who like to grow huge fruits with tasty and fragrant pulp. The tomato is not whimsical in care and will suit even a novice gardener. Before landing, you must read the description and find out all the advantages and disadvantages. If you follow the rules, the result will exceed all expectations.

Detailed description of the variety

The Ural giant tomato is an indeterminate variety (the plant does not stop growing during the growing season).

The plant is tall, reaches a height of 1,5-2 m, therefore, in order to avoid breaking or bending, the bush needs high-quality support. Mid-early tomato Ural giant forms a powerful bush, densely covered with dark green foliage. A powerful stem accelerates upward, forming new brushes each time.

The first flower cluster appears under the 9th leaf, 100 days after the emergence of sprouts. To get a good harvest, the plant needs help with pollination. To do this, attract insects, often ventilate the greenhouse or carry out pollination by hand.

Advice! For long and rich fruiting, the Ural giant tomato is formed into 2 trunks.

Tomato varieties Ural giant grows well in greenhouses and greenhouses in the Urals, Altai, Siberia, the North-West and the Moscow region. In the open sun, the variety is grown in the southern regions and post-Soviet countries.

Tomato Ural giant: reviews, photos, yield

Brief description and taste of fruits

The Ural giant tomato was bred for growing both in open beds and under film cover. The variety combines 4 species. They are distinguished by color. They are red, pink, yellow and orange. Each species has its own taste, aroma, positive and negative qualities:

  • the red giant is rich in lycopenes;
  • in pink – the pulp is the sweetest;
  • yellow – has an unusual taste;
  • orange – contains vitamin A.

Despite the color, tomatoes, with proper care, grow large, weighing up to 900 g. Rounded-flattened tomatoes are multi-chambered, contain a small amount of medium seeds. The thin skin protects the juicy, sweet flesh during transport.

Ural giant tomatoes are used fresh, for making salads, ketchup, adjika, cold sauces and juice. You can also cook tomato paste, multi-colored lecho and cook slices under a jelly marinade.

Varietal characteristics

Tomato Ural giant is a high-yielding variety, with proper care from 1 square. m can collect 15 kg and above. The high yield is explained by the fact that on each brush the plant forms 3-5 large fruits. As a rule, the first harvested crop grows much larger than subsequent fruits. If the task is to grow giant tomatoes, then it is necessary to thin out flower brushes every 7 days.

The yield is affected not only by the characteristics of the variety, but also by climatic conditions, the region of growth and compliance with the rules of care.

Tomatoes of the Ural giant variety are moderately resistant to diseases. Often a tomato bush is affected:

  • fitoftoroz – leaves and fruits are covered with dark brown spots;
  • brown spot – rounded yellow spots appear on the outer side of the leaf, a brown velvety coating forms on the inner side;
  • fruit cracking – fruit defect occurs due to irregular watering;
  • macrosporiosis – brown spots form on the leaf plate, trunk and cuttings.
Important! The disease joins with high humidity and rare ventilation.

To protect the Ural giant tomato from unexpected guests, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • to observe a crop rotation;
  • carry out autumn digging of the site;
  • before planting the crop, shed the soil with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • grow seedlings from proven seeds that have passed the disinfection stage.

Pros and cons of the variety

Tomato Ural giant has its positive and negative sides. The advantages include:

  • high yield;
  • a large mass of fruits;
  • the variety is resistant to sudden changes in temperature;
  • good taste and rich aroma;
  • Tomatoes are high in vitamins and minerals.

The disadvantages of many summer residents include the inability to maintain integrity during long-term transportation, instability to diseases and a garter to a support.

Tomato Ural giant: reviews, photos, yield

Rules of landing and care

The growth and development of the future bush depend on properly grown and planted seedlings. Under certain conditions, on the part of the gardener, the Ural giant tomato will thank you with large, sweet and fragrant fruits.

Seeding for seedlings

To grow full-fledged seedlings, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the seedlings:

  • additional lighting;
  • maintaining high humidity;
  • for good development, the temperature in the room should be + 18-23 ° C during the day, + 10-14 ° C at night.

To grow healthy, strong tomatoes that will bring a rich harvest, you need to heed the advice of experienced gardeners:

  1. Seeds are disinfected before sowing. To do this, the seed can be soaked for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in a 0,5% soda solution, in aloe juice or in the Fitosporin preparation.
  2. Prepare the soil. It can be purchased at the store, or you can mix it yourself (soddy soil, peat and humus are taken in equal proportions, mineral fertilizers are added and mixed thoroughly).
  3. Plastic cups with a volume of 0,5 ml or boxes 10 cm high are filled with nutrient soil and spilled with boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled with earth and covered with polyethylene or glass to maintain a favorable microclimate.
  5. For rapid germination, the temperature should be within + 25 ° C, so the container is removed to the warmest place.
  6. Before the appearance of sprouts, watering is not carried out, since the condensate accumulated on the film will be enough for irrigation.
  7. After 2-3 days, when sprouts appear, the shelter is removed, and the container is moved to a well-lit place. With a short light day, seedlings need to be illuminated. The first 2-3 days the seedlings are illuminated around the clock, then the total duration of daylight hours should be at least 15 hours.
  8. When growing seedlings, the top layer should not be allowed to dry out. If necessary, young sprouts are irrigated in the morning or evening with warm, settled water.
  9. The first top dressing is carried out a month after the appearance of sprouts. Humus-based fertilizers are suitable for this; when feeding, you must strictly adhere to the instructions.
  10. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive. To do this, seedlings growing in boxes are transplanted into cups with a volume of 0,2 liters. A month later, you can carry out a second pick in a container with a volume of at least 500 ml. When sowing seeds in separate cups, picking is carried out immediately in 0,5 l of the container.
  11. At the age of 45 days, tomatoes are prepared for transplanting to a permanent place. 2 weeks before planting, the seedlings are hardened, daily increasing the period of stay in the fresh air.
Important! If the plant has formed 1 flower brush, then after 2 weeks the bush must be transplanted without fail.

Tomato Ural giant: reviews, photos, yield

Seedling transplant

Good tomato seedlings should have a strong trunk, large leaves, a well-developed root system and formed buds.

The Ural giant is planted in cloudy, cool, calm weather. Tall tomatoes of the Ural giant variety are planted in prepared, spilled holes at an acute angle or in a prone position. Over time, a buried trunk will grow a root system, which will help the plant form a large number of fruits. After planting, the tomatoes are shed with warm settled water, the ground is mulched. In order for the plants to receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, per 1 sq. m planted 3-4 bushes.

Care of plantings

The quantity, quality and size of tomatoes depend on proper and timely care. There are 10 care commandments that responsible gardeners who grow Ural Giant tomato must follow:

  1. Watering and top dressing is carried out 12 days after planting. Further, at least 2 liters of warm, settled water are poured under each bush. Top dressing is carried out 3 times per season: during active growth and building up the root system, during the formation of 2 brushes and during the ripening of the first tomatoes.
  2. You need to form a plant in 2 stems. To do this, leave the stepson, formed under the first flower brush. All other stepchildren are cleaned every week until they have outgrown 3 cm. For quick healing of the wound, work is carried out on a sunny day.
  3. If terry flowers appear on the ovaries, they are mercilessly removed, as ugly fruits appear from them. Also, such flowers take a lot of strength from the plant, and it stops in development.
  4. During the ripening period of the fruit brush, the lower leaves are removed, but not more than 3 per week.
  5. If desired, you can thin out the flower brushes. Since with a smaller number of fruits, their mass increases significantly.
  6. Since the Ural giant tomato grows up to 2 m, it must be tied to a strong trellis. When tying, the stem is wrapped around in a clockwise direction so that the thread does not interfere with the plant when turning after the sun.
  7. Heavy brushes and large tomatoes are tied separately so that the plant does not bend and break under the weight.
  8. If the weather is hot, the tomatoes are pollinated by hand. To do this, 2-3 times a day, the bush is slightly shaken. Such work is carried out from 8 to 11 o’clock in the morning, since at this time the pollen of the flower falls well on the pistil.
  9. Although the Ural giant tomato is resistant to cracking, it is necessary to carry out timely watering a few hours before sunset.
  10. In autumn, those tomatoes that managed to start before August 1 ripen. Therefore, in August, all flower brushes are removed, and the top is pinched, leaving 2 leaves above the last fruit. To make the ripening of tomatoes faster, the bush is fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and watering is reduced.


The Ural giant tomato is one of the leaders among tall varieties. It has gained great popularity for its high yield, resistance to sudden changes in temperature and for its good taste. Despite the shortcomings, the variety is grown both in regions with an unstable climate and in cities with hot and dry summers.

Tomato Ural giant: reviews, photos, yield


Miroshnichenko Elizaveta Alekseevna, 55 years old, Orenburg
The Ural giant tomato is one of the most beloved tall varieties. He fell in love with the taste, high yield and large fruit size. Last year I decided to conduct an experiment – to grow a giant tomato. During the growth period, the plant left 2-3 flower ovaries. The first tomatoes were harvested 120 days after planting the seedlings. The mass of the tomato was 1200 g. For lovers of large and tasty tomatoes, I advise the Ural giant variety.
Elizarova Maria Ilyinichna, 49 years old, g. Chelyabinsk
The Ural giant learned about the tomato from the Internet. I read the reviews and bought the seeds. Germination was 100%. Seedlings grew strong and healthy. I planted it in a greenhouse and after 3 months I harvested the first harvest of giant, tasty red fruits. I heard that the Ural giant has 3 more species that differ in color. The next year I decided to grow all 4 varieties.
Formation of tall tomatoes

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