Tomato Turbojet: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato Turbojet – the latest variety from the Novosibirsk company “Siberian Garden”. Tomato for open ground, suitable for regions with a harsh climate. The variety is intended for obtaining the earliest harvest of tomatoes. On a low tomato bush of the Turbojet variety, a large number of fruits are formed.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Turbojet

Bush of tomato variety Turbojet superdeterminant, grows up to 40 cm high. The plant forms a powerful stem, the bush is formed with weak foliage. The leaves are dark green. It can be grown without shaping and pinching, which requires minimal care.

Tomato Turbojet: reviews, photos, yield

Outdoor Turbojet Tomato is a reliable variety that has been developed with good resistance to adverse weather conditions. The culture consistently yields even in cold summers. It differs in one of the early ripening terms – the first fruits appear in June.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the tomato variety Turbojet have a flat-round shape, red color. The weight of ripe tomatoes is up to 80 g. The fruits appear massively, in large quantities, throughout the bush, of an even size. According to reviews, the Turbojet tomato has a pleasant tomato flavor with a characteristic sourness.

Tomatoes of the variety are suitable for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. Well dozariruyut removed.


The yield of the variety is high. From a small bush, you can collect up to 2 kg of early tomatoes. According to reviews and photos of tomatoes of the Turbojet variety, during the fruiting period, there are about 30 fruits on one plant. The full cycle from germination to fruit filling takes 100-103 days.


The tomato of the Siberian selection is intended for cultivation in difficult climatic conditions. Unpretentious, able to withstand errors in care. Due to the early return of the fruit, it is not subject to late blight.

Advantages and disadvantages 

The young variety of tomato Turboreaktivny was created for obtaining super-early vegetable products. The culture is unpretentious to growing conditions, which is suitable even for beginner gardeners. Due to the compactness of the bush, it is possible to grow tomatoes in a container culture. The advantages of the variety include the universal purpose of the fruit.

According to reviews of the Turbojet tomato, the cons of the variety include its weak foliage, which is not always suitable for growing crops in open ground, in regions with hot summers.

Rules of landing and care 

Despite the early maturity, it is necessary to sow the seeds of the Turbojet tomato 60-70 days before transplanting into open ground. The variety is also suitable for direct sowing of seeds on ridges, but this method is more suitable for the Southern regions.

Growing seedlings

For planting seedlings, you can use self-harvested soil, purchased or a mixture of them.

Tomato Turbojet: reviews, photos, yield

Soil components:

  1. Fertilizers. To enrich the soil, complex mineral fertilizers, ash and humus are added to it.
  2. Biopreparations. In order to make the soil alive, beneficial bacteria, such as Bokashi or other EM preparations, are introduced a month before planting.
  3. Baking powders. For loosening use river sand or vermiculite. Adding agroperlite to the soil will allow it to stay moist and airy longer, without the formation of a crust on the surface.
  4. Disinfection. A few days before planting, the soil mixture is shed with fungicides.

All added elements are thoroughly mixed. In order for them to interact, the soil is prepared several weeks before planting. To make the soil more homogeneous and to get rid of lumpiness, it is sifted through a large-mesh sieve.

Advice! Coconut substrate and peat tablets are also used to grow tomato seedlings.

Reusable containers for planting are disinfected. Pour the soil, lightly press and water.

To accelerate the germination of seeds, their pre-sowing treatment is carried out:

  1. Single-sized specimens are selected without damage.
  2. Treat with disinfectants.
  3. Soak in growth accelerators.
  4. Grow in a humid environment.

Procedures for preliminary preparation start the processes of seed growth, heal them, and increase the fruit set in the future.

For planting in the prepared soil, grooves are planned, with a depth of not more than 1 cm at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Seeds on the soil are laid out with tweezers, carefully so as not to break off the germinated part. A distance of 2-3 cm is observed between the seeds. From above, the crops are covered with a dry layer of soil and sprayed from a fine spray gun. Watering can not be used at this stage, so as not to bury the seeds deeper into the soil.

Crops are covered with a film and put in a warm place. The optimum temperature for germination, which must be maintained constantly, is + 23 … + 25 ° С. Before hatching, crops must be ventilated so that excessive condensate does not form, spray when the top layer dries.

After the appearance of the first loops, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are immediately exposed to a bright place or under phytolamps. Seedlings are illuminated in the first 3-4 days around the clock. At this time, the temperature of the seedling content is also reduced to + 18 ° C. If you linger with the opening of seedlings, in conditions of insufficient light and high humidity, it will stretch and improper development will begin. Decrease in temperature and additional lighting start the process of development of the root system.

Further seedlings of the Turbojet tomato will need 14-hour lighting from 7 am to 21 pm. Plants need to rest at night. On cloudy days, the seedlings are additionally illuminated throughout the day.

Watering is carried out regularly, but moderately, with complete wetting of the earthy coma. During this period, seedlings are watered only on the soil, without affecting the stems and leaves.

Important! When growing seedlings of tomatoes, it is necessary to wait for the topsoil to dry before the next watering. It is better to dry the seedlings than to pour them.

Tomato Turbojet: reviews, photos, yield

Dive tomato variety Turbojet when several true leaves appear. When transplanting, the roots of the plant try not to injure as much as possible. It is impossible to cut and cut off the roots.

Seedling transplant

It is necessary to transplant seedlings of the Turbojet tomato variety into open ground after the soil has warmed up. Depending on the region of cultivation, this is the months of May-June. Tomatoes are transferred to greenhouses, depending on the equipment, when the constant temperature in it does not fall below + 10 ° C at night.

Growing tomatoes in a container has several advantages. The soil in the container warms up evenly, the processes of growth and development are accelerated. But this way of growing requires more frequent watering. In open ground, dark-colored containers are covered with light-colored material so that there is no overheating of the soil.

When planting in common ground, place 3-5 plants per 1 sq. m. Between the stems, a distance of 40 cm is observed, and between rows – 50 cm. In a joint planting with other tomatoes, the short stature of the culture is taken into account and the planting pattern is observed in which all plants will receive enough lighting.

The day before planting, the earthen clod in which the seedlings grow is watered abundantly so that the roots are less damaged when removed from the container. Wells for transplantation are also watered until the water is absorbed by the soil. The tomato bush is released with roots in earthen gruel, and sprinkled with dry soil on top. The hole is covered with earth to the general level of the soil, the cotyledon leaves are not buried. In open ground, transplanted plants are temporarily shaded.


Abundant watering of the soil before planting is enough for several weeks, at which time the tomatoes are no longer watered. In the future, plants need abundant and regular watering. Water for irrigation is heated.

Important! Watering is reduced during the formation of ovaries and significantly reduced during the period of fruit formation.

Strongly pour the root system of a tomato, especially when grown in containers, it is impossible. In this case, it will experience a lack of oxygen, and be subject to fungal infections.

Given the intensive return of fruits in a short period, the Turbojet variety responds well to top dressing with a complex of mineral fertilizers.

In the description of the Turbojet tomato, it is indicated that for proper cultivation, the plant does not require formation, pinching, and also a mandatory garter.


Tomato Turbojet – a variety of the earliest tomatoes with easy care. It ripens in various conditions, sets a large number of fruits. From a small bush, you can collect several kilograms of ripe fruits. Tomatoes have a pleasant taste, suitable for the first vitamin salads, as well as whole-fruit canning.

Tomato ordinary Turbojet. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seeds

Reviews about the tomato variety Turbojet

Olga Ivanova, 58 years old, Pereslavl-Zalessky
There are always early varieties in stock, but the Turbojet tomato surprised me. It ripened earlier than others, on such a small plant there was no free space for fruits. The description states that it requires minimal maintenance, it really is – plant it and forget it. Although I have been growing tomatoes for a long time and know how to do it, such an unpretentious variety will always come in handy on the farm. Especially under bad weather conditions, such a tomato can be grown even at home. Tomatoes of classic taste, convenient in weight.
Elena Vyazemskaya, 35 years old, Novosibirsk
I always choose tomatoes that bear fruit very first. I love that the tomatoes have time to ripen on the bush. Here is a new variety Turbojet, good, and even so non-capricious, it was not for nothing that it was bred by Siberian breeders. Of course, I did not sow in open ground, but I like to grow such determinants in buckets. The variety was struck by the yield, I collected 26-28 tomatoes from different bushes. In addition, they are suitable for canning. Their taste is characteristic tomato, there is sourness.

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