Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are valued for their excellent taste and large size. Below is a description, reviews, photos and yield of the Tsar Bell tomato. The variety is characterized by early ripening and compact bushes. Plants are grown both in open areas and under various types of shelters.

Features of the variety

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Tsar Bell:

  • average terms of maturing;
  • determinant bush;
  • bush height from 0,8 to 1 m;
  • large dark green leaves;
  • the first ovary develops over the 9th leaf, the next – after 1-2 leaves.

The fruits of the Tsar Bell variety have the following features:

  • heart-shaped;
  • bright red color at maturity;
  • average weight 200-350 g;
  • maximum weight 600 g;
  • fleshy pulp;
  • good sweet taste.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

Tomatoes Tsar Bell belong to the salad type. They are used for preparing appetizers, salads, sauces, first and second courses.

Important! The average yield of the variety is 8,6 kg per 1 sq. m landings. When fertilizing and constant watering, the yield increases to 18 kg.

Tomatoes are picked green and stored at room temperature, where they ripen quickly. In home preparations, the variety is used to produce tomato juice and mixed vegetables.

Getting the seedlings

I grow Tsar Bell tomatoes in seedlings. First, the seeds are germinated at home. The resulting seedlings are transferred under cover or directly to the beds.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

Planting seeds

For planting tomatoes, the Tsar Bell is preparing fertile soil fertilized with compost. For culture, you can use purchased soil intended for seedlings. An alternative option is to plant tomatoes in peat pots.

Advice! For disinfection, garden soil is steamed in a microwave and oven.

Seeds of the Tsar Bell variety are placed for a couple of days in a moistened cloth. You can speed up the appearance of sprouts with the help of any growth stimulator.

If the seeds of the Tsar Bell tomatoes have a bright color, then they do not need additional processing. Such planting material is covered with a nutrient shell containing substances necessary for the development of sprouts.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

Containers are filled with prepared soil. Tomatoes have enough containers up to 15 cm high. Seeds are placed on the surface of the soil with an interval of 2 cm. Seeds are covered with earth or peat 1,5 cm thick.

Important! The containers must be covered with a film or glass to create a greenhouse effect, and then left in a dark place.

At temperatures above 25 degrees, seed germination takes 2-3 days. When shoots appear, the containers are rearranged on a windowsill or other lighted place.

seedling conditions

Tomato seedlings Tsar Bell is actively developing under certain conditions:

  • temperature regime in the daytime: 20-25 degrees, at night – 10-15 degrees;
  • constant soil moisture;
  • access to fresh air in the absence of drafts;
  • lighting for half the day.

The soil is moistened as it dries. Water the tomatoes with a spray bottle. You need to use warm settled water. Before the formation of 4-5 leaves in plants, they are watered weekly. In the future, moisture is applied every 3 days.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

When 2-3 leaves appear at the seedlings of the Tsar Bell tomatoes, they dive into separate containers. If the seeds were planted in cups, then picking is not required.

Advice! If the seedlings have a depressed appearance, they are fed with a solution of the Kornerost preparation (1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

A couple of weeks before planting, tomatoes are prepared for a change in growing conditions. Gradually reduce the intensity of watering, and the seedlings are transferred to fresh air. First, the plants are kept on the balcony or loggia for 2 hours, gradually increasing this period.

Planting tomatoes

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are planted on prepared beds in an open area or in a greenhouse. Plants that have reached a height of 30 cm are subject to transplantation. Such tomatoes have about 7 leaves and begin to bloom. Before planting, the plants remove the 3 bottom leaves to provide uniform lighting to the tomatoes.

Advice! The Tsar Bell tomatoes are transferred to a permanent place in April or May, when the soil and air warm up thoroughly.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

The soil for planting is prepared in the fall. It is dug up, compost, potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied. Tomatoes are planted after cucumbers, melons, root crops, green manure, cabbage. You should not plant tomatoes for two years in a row, as well as after potatoes, eggplants or peppers.

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are planted in prepared holes. A gap of 40 cm is observed between plants, the rows are organized after 60 cm. It is recommended to place the tomatoes in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, plants are provided with access to sunlight.

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are transferred to the ground along with a clod of earth. The roots of the plant are sprinkled with earth, which is lightly tamped. Then the tomatoes are watered abundantly.

Variety care

With constant care, Tsar Bell tomatoes give a good harvest and are not subject to diseases. Plantings are cared for by watering, fertilizing and forming a bush.

Plants are tied to a wooden or metal support near the crown. The soil under the tomatoes is loosened and mulched with straw or compost.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

Watering tomatoes

After planting, the Tsar Bell tomatoes begin to be watered for 7-10 days. This period is necessary for the adaptation of plants to external conditions.

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are watered according to the following scheme:

  • before the formation of ovaries – once a week using 4 liters of water under a bush;
  • when fruiting – twice a week with 3 liters of water.

After adding moisture, the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent high humidity and the development of fungal diseases.

Tomatoes are poured with warm water, which has warmed up and settled in containers. Under the influence of cold water, plants develop more slowly.

Plant nutrition

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are fed several times a season. At the beginning of the growing season, plants need nitrogen. In the future, potassium and phosphorus are added under the bushes to strengthen the root system and improve the taste of the fruit.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

Tomatoes Tsar Bell are fed according to a certain scheme:

  • 14 days after planting the tomatoes, liquid mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15 is introduced;
  • after the next 2 weeks, tomatoes are fertilized with a solution of superphosphate and potassium salt (30 g of each substance per large bucket of water);
  • when fruits ripen, tomatoes are fed with a solution of humates (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Mineral dressings can be replaced with wood ash. It is buried in the ground or added to water when watering.

Shrub formation

The Tsar-bell variety is formed to form one or two stems. Stepsons growing from the leaf sinus are subject to elimination.

The first stepping is performed after the transfer of tomatoes to the ground. In plants, lateral processes are broken off, and up to 3 cm in length are left. The procedure is carried out in the morning every week.

Tomato Tsar Bell: reviews, photos, yield

When the fruit ripens, the lower leaves are removed from the bushes. This improves air access and reduces humidity in the greenhouse.

Protection against diseases and pests

The Tsar-bell variety is distinguished by its resistance to tomato diseases. Subject to agricultural technology, regular ventilation and rationing of irrigation, the spread of fungal diseases can be avoided. For the prevention of planting, they are sprayed with Quadris or Fitosporin fungicides.

Tomatoes are attacked by aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies, wireworms. From pests, folk remedies are used: tobacco dust, infusions on onion and garlic peels. Insecticides also help to get rid of insects.

Reviews of gardeners

Dmitry, 47 years old, Krasnodar city
According to reviews, photos and yields, the Tsar Bell tomato is considered one of the best varieties for open ground. I grow tomatoes for home harvesting and for sale. I like the variety very much, the fruits are large and fleshy. They make delicious salads and juice for the winter. Be sure to allocate space for them on my site.
Maxim, 55 years old, Kursk
For several years now I have been growing a tomato variety Tsar Bell in the country. I bought the first seeds in the store, now I use my own. They germinate quickly and give strong seedlings. Unlike other varieties, the Tsar Bell does not crack. Phytophthora and top rot did not appear on tomatoes either. I advise for planting, according to reviews and photos, the Tsar Bell tomato is very much appreciated for its large size and unusual shape.
Love, 43 years old, Tolyatti
If you prefer juicy and large tomatoes, then be sure to try the Tsar Bell variety. Last year, we chose reviews and photos of the Tsar Bell tomato for planting in open ground. The variety turned out to be early ripe, the first crop was harvested at the end of August. All the fruits are large and tasty, the children really liked it. The bushes are small, but you need to tie them up. The harvest was good, they ate tomatoes all autumn.


According to the description and characteristics, the Tsar Bell tomato variety is unpretentious and needs minimal care. The fruits of the variety have an excellent taste, which is preserved during processing.

tomato Tsar-bell. Sort. seeds SIBERIAN GARDEN. height 80-100 cm. weight up to 700 gr

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