Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Tanya F1 is a variety bred by Dutch breeders. These tomatoes are grown mainly in open ground, but in cold regions they are additionally covered with a film or planted in a greenhouse.

The variety is characterized by medium early ripening, due to its compact size, planting care is simplified. Before planting, seeds and soil are prepared.

Variety description

The description and characteristics of the Tanya tomato variety are as follows:

  • determinant type of bush;
  • plant height up to 60 cm;
  • not a sprawling bush;
  • large leaves of rich green color;
  • mid-season variety;
  • 110 days pass from germination to fruit harvest.

The fruits of the Tanya variety have a number of features:

  • average weight 150-170 g;
  • round form;
  • bright red color;
  • high density;
  • 4-5 tomatoes are formed on one brush;
  • the first brush is formed over the 6th sheet;
  • subsequent inflorescences are formed after 1-2 leaves;
  • high content of solids and sugar.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Productivity of the variety

Despite its compact size, from one bush of the Tanya variety, from 4,5 to 5,3 kg of fruit are obtained. Harvested tomatoes can be stored fresh and transported over long distances.

According to the description and characteristics of the variety, Tanya tomatoes are suitable for home canning. They are pickled and salted as a whole or cut into pieces. After heat treatment, tomatoes retain their shape. Fresh fruits of the Tanya variety are added to salads, processed into paste and juice.

Landing order

Tomato Tanya is grown by obtaining seedlings. Young plants are transferred to a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground. To get the maximum yield, it is recommended to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse. Planting tomatoes outdoors is possible only in favorable climatic conditions.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Getting the seedlings

A soil is prepared for seedlings, consisting in equal amounts of soddy soil and humus. It is allowed to use purchased land intended specifically for tomatoes and other vegetable crops.

Advice! Good germination is shown by seeds planted in peat pots or coke substrate.

Two weeks before the work, the soil is subjected to heat treatment. To do this, it is placed in a microwave or oven and calcined for 15 minutes. It is especially important to prepare garden soil in this way.

An effective way to treat seeds of the Tanya variety is to use a saline solution. 100 g of salt is added to 1 ml of water and the seed material is placed in the liquid for a day.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Boxes are filled with prepared soil, then furrows are made to a depth of 1 cm. Seeds are placed in them, observing a gap of 2-3 cm. A little soil should be poured on top, and then watered.

Important! Until germination, the boxes are kept in the dark.

The germination of seeds of the Tanya variety increases at an ambient temperature of 25-30 degrees. Under such conditions, the germination of seed material begins in 2-3 days.

When sprouts appear, the containers are transferred to a place where there is access to light for 12 hours. Phytolamps are installed if necessary. Planting should be watered when the soil dries up. It is best to use warm water for irrigation.

Transfer to a greenhouse

Tomatoes of the Tanya variety are transferred to the greenhouse 1,5-2 months after planting. By this time, the seedlings have a height of 20 cm, several leaves and a developed root system.

Advice! 2 weeks before planting, tomatoes are hardened on a balcony or loggia. First, they are left outside for several hours, gradually increasing this time.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes are planted in a polycarbonate or glass greenhouse. Dig up the soil for tomatoes in the fall. It is recommended to remove the top layer of soil in order to avoid the spread of diseases and pests in the spring.

You can fertilize the soil with humus or compost, superphosphate and potassium sulfide. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the amount of 20 g per square meter.

A hole 20 cm deep is prepared for planting. Tomatoes of the Tanya variety are arranged in rows at a distance of 0,7 m. 0,5 m is left between plants.

Another option is to plant tomatoes in a checkerboard pattern. Then two rows are formed at a distance of 0,5 m from each other.

Important! Seedlings are carefully transferred to the created holes along with a clod of earth.

The root system is covered with soil and slightly compacted. Abundant watering is required.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Landing in open ground

Growing tomatoes outdoors is not always justified, especially in cold summers and frequent rains. In the southern regions, tomatoes can be planted in open ground. The place should be lit by the sun and have protection from the wind.

Tomato Tanya is transferred to the beds when the earth and air have warmed up well, and the danger of spring frosts has passed. Dig up the soil and add humus in the fall. In the spring, it is enough to perform deep loosening.

Advice! Tomatoes of the Tanya variety are planted with an interval of 40 cm.

For planting, shallow holes are made in which the root system of plants should fit. Then it is covered with earth and compacted a little. The final stage of transplantation is watering tomatoes.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Care of tomatoes

Variety Tanya is quite unpretentious in care. For normal development, they need watering and periodic top dressing. To increase the stability of the bush, it is tied to a support. Variety Tanya does not need pinching. Plants do not take up much space on the site, which greatly simplifies their care.

As the reviews show, the tomato Tanya F1 rarely gets sick. Subject to agricultural technology, the variety is not subject to diseases and pest attacks. For prevention, plantings are sprayed with Fitosporin solution.

Watering plants

Variety Tanya gives a good harvest with moderate watering. Lack of moisture leads to twisting of the leaves and falling of the ovaries. Its excess also negatively affects plants: growth slows down and fungal diseases develop.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

One bush requires 3-5 liters of water. On average, tomatoes are watered once or twice a week. After planting, the next watering is performed after 10 days. In the future, they are guided by weather conditions and the condition of the soil in a greenhouse or in an open garden. The soil should remain 90% moist.

Advice! For irrigation use warm settled water.

Work is carried out in the morning or evening hours, when there is no direct exposure to the sun. Water should not fall on the stems or tops of tomatoes, it is brought strictly under the root.

After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil. As a result, the air permeability of the soil improves, and the plants absorb nutrients better. Mulching the soil with straw, compost or peat will help prevent evaporation of moisture.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Application of fertilizers

During the season, the Tanya variety is fed several times. After disembarkation, 2 weeks should pass before the first feeding. During this time, the plant adapts to new conditions.

Tomatoes are fed every week. It is best to use fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus stimulates the development of plants, accelerates their metabolism and improves immunity. It is introduced in the form of superphosphate, which is embedded in the ground. Up to 30 g of substance is taken per square meter.

Potassium improves the taste properties of fruits. For tomatoes, potassium sulfate is chosen. 40 g of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water, after which it is applied under the root.

Advice! During the flowering period, the Tanya F1 tomato is sprayed with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 5 l of water), which stimulates the formation of ovaries.

From folk remedies, top dressing with ash is suitable for tomatoes. It is applied directly under the plants or an infusion is prepared with its help. A 10-liter bucket of hot water requires 2 liters of ash. During the day, the mixture is insisted, after which the tomatoes are watered.

Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato tying

Although the Tanya F1 tomato is undersized, it is recommended to tie it to supports. Due to this, the plant stem is formed straight, the fruits do not fall to the ground, and planting care is simplified.

Tomatoes are tied to wooden or metal supports. In the open field, the procedure makes the plants resistant to weather phenomena.

For extensive plantings, trellises are installed, between which a wire is stretched at a height of 0,5 cm. The bushes must be tied to the wire.


Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Valentina, 50 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Tanya grows tomatoes exclusively for homemade preparations. Canned fruit whole or cut into quarters. These tomatoes can lie for a long time and not spoil, remaining firm. For salads, they are not very suitable, but the preparations with them are excellent.
Semyon, 65 years old, Perm
I grow tomatoes of the Tanya variety in open ground. I harvest while the tomatoes are still green. So you can unload the bush to stimulate fruiting. Tomatoes lie long enough, even if they have become completely red. They go well in salads and for home canning.
Elena, 35 years old, Chelyabinsk
I decided to buy Tanya F1 tomatoes based on reviews on the Internet. Seedlings sprouted together, chose the strongest specimens. Some were planted in a greenhouse, the rest were grown in open ground. There were a lot of fruits, but they did not have time to ripen. Therefore, I plucked them green and left to ripen. In cold summers, it is better not to grow a variety on the street, because in the absence of heat, the tomatoes did not gain sugar content.


Tomato Tanya: characteristics and description of the variety

Variety Tanya is recommended to be grown for home canning. The fruits are small in size and have a dense skin, which allows them to endure repeated treatments. The variety is planted in open ground or in a greenhouse.

With good care, tomatoes give a big harvest. The variety does not require pinching, it is enough to water and fertilize with phosphorus or potash fertilizers.

Tomato Tanya F1. AgroElite


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