Tomato Swamp: characteristics and description of the variety

Boloto tomato is a novelty bred by breeders of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev at the beginning of the XXI century, the originator was the Gisok company. By 2004, the variety had passed all the necessary tests, and was included in the State Register for small farms in the European part of the country. Tomatoes of this variety got their unusual name due to the swamp-green color of ripe fruits.

Description of tomatoes Swamp

Variety Swamp refers to indeterminate, that is, the growth of the bush does not stop even after flowering and continues as long as weather conditions allow.

In open ground, the height of a plant of this variety rarely exceeds 110 cm, the stem length of the smallest specimens is about 80 cm. In a greenhouse, the plant can reach 150 cm. According to reviews and photos, the Swamp tomato can grow up to 180 cm.

The stems are strong, thick, the leaves are large, of the usual form for a tomato, somewhat loose to the touch. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in simple or intermediate (double) inflorescences. The first cluster appears above the ninth true leaf, subsequent ones are formed every three leaves.

Description of fruits

Variety Swamp is distinguished by flat-round, ribbed fruits. Tomatoes that have not reached maturity are green in color, a darker spot is distinguishable around the stem. When ripe, they do not change color, only sometimes a slight yellowness or a slight copper tint is added. Pink, yellow or red blotches and streaks may appear on the skin. When overripe, the top often acquires a pale pink hue.

Tomato Swamp: characteristics and description of the variety

The fruits of the Boloto variety are medium to large in size, their weight is 100–250 g, in greenhouses and greenhouses this figure can reach 350 g. In the cut, the tomatoes are also green in color, have at least 4 seed chambers filled with green gel.

Tomatoes of the Boloto variety are distinguished by a pronounced sweet taste with sourness and a pleasant fruity aroma. The pulp is loose, tender, oily, juicy. Many lovers of exotic varieties of this vegetable note that its fruit is the most delicious of all green tomatoes. The pulp of tomatoes of this variety contains vitamin C and beta-carotene.

The Boloto variety was bred primarily for the preparation of fresh salads, side dishes and snacks, however, housewives have found it widely used in canning, as evidenced by numerous reviews with photos of Boloto tomatoes in preparations for the winter. You can pickle them both with whole fruits and as part of vegetable mixtures. Tomatoes of this variety are universal and their scope is limited only by very low keeping quality. For this reason, they are not used for commercial purposes and are not stored in their raw form.

Attention! For canning, choose strong, slightly unripe fruits that will not crack during processing.

Characteristics of the Boloto tomato

Like other varieties, the Swamp tomato is preferable to grow in greenhouses and hotbeds. In the southern regions of the country, the plant feels great in open ground.

The description of the Boloto tomato indicates that the variety has an average yield: when planting no more than 3 bushes per 1 sq. m. in open ground from this area they collect up to 5,5 kg, and in greenhouses – up to 6 kg.

Harvesting the fruits of this early-ripening variety can begin as early as 90–95 days after planting, that is, fruiting begins in mid-June and continues until the end of August.

Despite the fact that the Boloto variety does not require special care compared to other varieties of tomatoes, the yield is highly dependent on growing conditions and care. The following factors have the greatest positive impact on the quantity and quality of fruits of this variety:

  • seed treatment before sowing: soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate and treatment with a stimulant;
  • cultivation of culture at a temperature of +22°… +25°C (in a greenhouse);
  • landing on light soils with a neutral level of acidity;
  • compliance with the optimal planting density: 40×50 cm;
  • abundant regular watering with warm water, the exclusion of waterlogging of the soil;
  • periodic top dressing with mineral complexes with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus or organic fertilizers;
  • the formation of a bush in two stems;
  • mulching;
  • preventive treatment for diseases.

Variety Boloto is resistant to tomato diseases. The most common ailments are rot, late blight and anthracnose. The latter disease is a serious danger to the roots and fruits. You can notice anthracnose by the appearance on the tomato, first of a soft, and then a black spot, which increases in size over time. The flesh in this part of the fruit becomes watery and soon begins to rot. As for other representatives of this culture, for tomatoes Boloto is a danger of aphids, whiteflies and other pests.

Attention! Most often, damage to plants and fruits is a consequence of high humidity.

Tomato Swamp: characteristics and description of the variety

You can cope with diseases by pre-sowing seed treatment with an antiseptic solution. For the prevention and treatment of adult plants, bushes are sprayed with solutions of copper and sulfur, as well as with Flint and Quadris preparations. To avoid a dangerous increase in humidity, the greenhouse must be ventilated after each watering.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the relative youth of the variety, Boloto tomatoes have already won many fans. Vegetable growers appreciated the following advantages:

  • unusual exotic taste and aroma;
  • original type of fruit;
  • versatility of use;
  • relative unpretentiousness of the variety;
  • early harvest time.

When choosing a Swamp tomato for planting, its disadvantages should also be taken into account:

  • low keeping quality, poor tolerance of transportation;
  • the need to tie up and stepchild bushes;
  • susceptibility to tomato diseases.

Rules of landing and care

Growing tomato Swamp does not require additional effort. Experienced gardeners claim that even a beginner can handle this variety.

The first and one of the most important stages of cultivation is the forcing of seedlings. The main thing is to properly prepare the seeds in order to get friendly strong seedlings.

Seeding for seedlings

Tomatoes for seedlings are sown from February 20 to March 10. To select healthy seeds, they are poured into a salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 glass of water). Those that emerge are harvested – they are not suitable for sowing. Settled to the bottom, dried, treated with a solution of immunocytophyte or potassium permanganate and placed in a damp cloth for a day.

As with other varieties, you can sow the material in a common container, plastic cups or peat pots. For seedlings, light nutrient soils are best suited. The finished substrate is purchased at the store, but you can also prepare it yourself by mixing peat, sand and earth in equal proportions. To disinfect the soil, you should spill it with boiling water in advance. Seeds are deepened by 1 cm, moistened, covered with a film and left at room temperature. Seedlings need good lighting and regular watering.

If the seeds were planted in a common container, then at the stage of 2–3 true leaves, the seedlings must be dived.

Seedling transplant

In the Central region of Our Country, seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or hotbed from the end of May to the beginning of June, when the plants will give 8 – 9 leaves and reach a height of 25 cm. Before that, many gardeners harden the seedlings for a week, taking them out for several hours in the open air. It should be remembered that frosts are detrimental to young plants. When transplanting into open ground, they are guided by the average daily temperature, which should not be lower than + 13 ° C. In the event of a cold snap, saving seedlings planted in open ground will help cover them with a film.

Tomato Swamp: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Swamp prefers light soils with neutral acidity. The soil is dug up, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied and moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

For transplanting, it is best to choose a cool, calm day. Plants are deepened by 2 cm, watered well.

Attention! To increase the yield per 1 sq. m. planted no more than three plants.

Planting density, as for other varieties of tomatoes – 40×50 cm or 50×50 cm.

Outdoor cultivation

Tomatoes are a moisture-loving crop, so they need regular abundant watering with warm water. As with the care of other varieties, it is produced in the evening. After watering, the soil around the plant is loosened from time to time to provide air access to the roots and get rid of weeds.

Plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers or organic matter 3-4 times per season.

To increase the yield of the Swamp variety, a bush is formed in 2 stems. The best time for this is when the young plant is strong enough to start growing.

The shoots stepchild from the first brush with flowers when they reach a length of 5 – 7 cm. During the season, pinching is done 2 – 3 times.

Tall tomato bushes Swamp need to be tied up, therefore, already at the stage of transplanting into the ground, pegs are installed next to the seedlings and the plant is freely tied.

Mulching, which has recently become popular, can increase yields, accelerate fruit ripening and facilitate the care of tomatoes. This procedure involves covering the top layer of the earth with natural or artificial materials that protect the soil from drying out and the growth of weeds. Leaves, needles, sawdust, mowed grass and other natural materials that allow air to pass through are used as mulch.

Mulching tomatoes pros and cons

How to grow a swamp tomato in a greenhouse

To care for Swamp tomatoes in a greenhouse should be exactly the same as for plants planted in open ground. It should only be borne in mind that stagnation of water occurs more often in greenhouses, which can lead to rot damage to plants. To avoid waterlogging, gardeners ventilate them after each watering.

Tomato Swamp: characteristics and description of the variety


Swamp tomato is a variety about which you can find a variety of reviews. Some vegetable growers consider low keeping quality, instability to diseases and relatively low yields to be significant disadvantages. However, the variety also has its fans, who appreciate the unpretentiousness in care, exotic appearance and wonderful taste of fruits.

Tomato variety “Swamp”

Swamp tomato reviews

Larisa Evseeva, 39 years old, Serpukhov
I didn’t like the variety at first. It grows well, but for the first year I could not understand whether it was ripe or not yet. A couple of times I treated the neighbors immature. I planted a lot of bushes, but the tomatoes are bad. By the time I figured it out, part of the crop was gone. Now in the greenhouse I plant 3 bushes of this variety – quite enough for making salads.
Andrey Gnezdilov, 43 years old, Krasnodar
And I love Bolot! In general, I love unusual varieties of tomatoes. This one is one of the best in my opinion. And it happens, it looks unusual, but in the end it is sour or hard. Of course, you don’t need to plant a lot of it if you don’t harvest it for the winter, but so, to please the eye and taste is a very good option.
Valeria Petrenko, 34 years old, Istra
Variety Swamp is wonderful! The taste is excellent. Just a fruit, especially if it overripes a little. I didn’t want to mess with tomatoes at all – there’s no need, but my mother-in-law treated me. Now I plant tomatoes every spring. And it wasn’t hard at all.

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