Tomato Sunrise

Each farmer tries to grow tomatoes on his plot. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, a naturally whimsical culture has become adapted to adverse external factors. Every year, domestic and foreign seed companies receive new varieties that are resistant to diseases and bad weather conditions. One of these varieties is the Sunrise f1 tomato. This Dutch hybrid has many advantages, which we will discuss later in the article.

Tomato Sunrise

Homeland of the hybrid

Tomatoes “Sunrise f1” of Dutch origin. This hybrid was obtained quite recently by the breeders of the Monsanto company. Due to its merits, the variety has received the widest distribution among gardeners around the world. There are also admirers of this hybrid in Our Country. The variety of tomatoes is especially in demand in the central and northern regions of the country.


Determinate tomato bushes “Sunrise f1” grow no more than 70 cm high. At the same time, plants actively grow greenery at the initial stage of the growing season, which requires regular removal of stepchildren and lush leaves. After the formation of 4-5 fruiting brushes, plant growth stops. To obtain maximum yield, it is necessary at each stage of cultivation to follow the basic rules for the formation of bushes of the Sunrise f1 variety.

Tomato Sunrise

Important! Low-growing tomatoes “Sunrise f1” require a garter to a support.

The short ripening period of Sunrise f1 tomatoes is only 85-100 days. This allows you to grow tomatoes both in greenhouse conditions and on open land. The first “Sunrise f1” tomatoes, with timely planting of seedlings, can be tasted after 60-70 days from emergence. During the season, with proper care, it is possible to collect 5 kg of tomatoes from each bush. In greenhouse conditions, the yield may exceed the indicated figure.

Important! Shrubs of the Sunrise f1 variety are very compact. In the greenhouse, they can be planted at 4 pcs / m2, which saves free space.

For each gardener, the description of the tomatoes themselves is of paramount importance. So, tomatoes of the Sunrise f1 variety are quite large. Their mass varies from 200 to 250 g. The shape of the fruit is slightly flattened. The color of tomatoes in the process of ripening changes from light green to bright red. The tender pulp of tomatoes contains sourness in taste. The peel of vegetables is very thin and delicate, while resistant to cracking. You can see and evaluate the external qualities of Sunrise f1 tomatoes in the photo below:

Tomato Sunrise

Large tomatoes are perfectly stored, they are distinguished by their excellent appearance, marketability. The fruits are well adapted for transportation.

An important advantage of Sunrise f1 tomatoes is resistance to various diseases. So, plants are almost never affected by gray spot, verticillium wilt, stem cancer. It should be noted that even such a high genetic resistance to diseases is not a guarantee of plant health, therefore, already at an early stage of cultivation, it is necessary to treat plants with special preparations that will become reliable assistants in the prevention and control of diseases. Also, when growing tomatoes, do not forget about such preventive measures as weeding, loosening, mulching the soil.

The appointment of tomatoes of the variety “Sunrise f1” is universal. They are suitable for preparing fresh salads, and for canning. Especially tasty is the tomato paste made from meaty tomatoes. Juice can not be prepared from such fruits.

An even more detailed description of the Sunrise f1 tomato can be found in the video:

Tomato Sunrise F1. AgroElite

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other tomato variety, Sunrise f1 has its advantages and disadvantages. So, the positives are:

  • High yield of the variety, which can reach 9 kg/m2.
  • The absence of a large number of stepchildren and voluminous green leaves, and as a result, the ease of formation of bushes.
  • Early maturity.
  • High resistance to many characteristic diseases.
  • Compact dimensions of adult bushes.
  • The possibility of obtaining a good harvest in a greenhouse and on an open plot of soil.
  • Fleshy pulp with a high content of solids.
  • Excellent external qualities of fruits, suitability for transportation.
  • High level of seed germination.

Tomato Sunrise

The uniqueness of the Sunrise f1 variety also lies in the fact that it can be cultivated year-round in a heated greenhouse. The culture is tolerant of a lack of light, a high level of humidity, and a lack of normal ventilation.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then they are also present in the characteristics of the Sunrise f1 tomatoes. The main drawback, judging by consumer reviews, is that tomatoes do not have a bright characteristic taste and aroma. The determinant nature of plants can also be a negative point. This is due to the fact that the self-regulating growth of tomatoes does not allow obtaining the maximum yield in a greenhouse.

Peculiarities of growing

A feature of the Sunrise f1 variety is its high resistance to external factors. This greatly simplifies the process of growing a crop: adult plants do not need regular care and reverent care. At the same time, attention should be paid to the quality of seeds and the health of young seedlings.

Tomato Sunrise

The preparation and planting of seeds of the Sunrise f1 variety should be carried out as follows:

  • Warm the seeds near a heating radiator or in an oven at a temperature of +40-+450C for 10-12 hours.
  • Soak the seeds for 15-20 minutes in a saline solution, then rinse with clean water and dry.
  • Soak the seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • Soak grains “Sunrise f1” in a solution of a growth stimulator.

Such pre-sowing preparation will remove possible pests and their larvae from the surface of the seeds, prevent the development of diseases, accelerate the germination of grains and improve the quality of seedlings.

Direct planting of seeds in the ground should be carried out 50-60 days before the expected date of planting seedlings in a greenhouse or in an open garden. Sowing seeds must be done as follows:

  • Pour a drainage layer of expanded clay into a box with holes for water drainage.
  • Prepare a mixture of soddy soil (2 parts), peat (8 parts) and sawdust (1 part).
  • Warm the soil for several hours at a high temperature in the oven or over an open fire.
  • Fill the container with prepared soil, slightly compacting it.
  • Make furrows in the soil, 1-1,5 cm deep. Sow seeds in them and cover with a thin layer of earth.
  • Water the crops with a spray bottle.
  • Close boxes with crops with glass or film and put in a warm place until the seeds germinate.
  • With the advent of seedlings, the film or glass must be removed and the box placed in a lighted place.
  • When the first true leaves appear, tomato seedlings should be dived into isolated pots, 8-10 cm in diameter.
  • It is necessary to plant seedlings in the ground at the end of May. For greenhouse cultivation, this period can be set 2-3 weeks earlier.
  • When planting, it is recommended to place seedlings no closer than 50 cm to each other.
  • The first time after planting, young Sunrise f1 plants should be covered with polyethylene or spunbond.
Important! During the growing of seedlings, it is recommended to feed the plants 2-3 times with a complex of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Tomato Sunrise

An example of growing seedlings of tomato varieties “Sunrise f1” is shown in the video:


The video perfectly demonstrates the high level of seed germination and the high quality of seedlings. An experienced specialist will also give good advice on growing Sunrise f1 seedlings and warn you of some possible mistakes in cultivating these tomatoes.

Seedlings with 5-6 true leaves can be planted in the ground. Even before planting, it is recommended to harden young plants by taking pots of tomatoes outside for a while. Sunrise f1 tomatoes should be grown on sunny plots of land where zucchini, legumes, onions, and greens used to grow. It is impossible to grow tomatoes after nightshade crops, as this can contribute to the development of certain diseases. Some other tips and tricks for growing Sunrise f1 tomatoes can be found in the video:

Tomato Sunrise F1. AgroElite

Sunrise f1 tomatoes are a great option for beginners and already experienced farmers. The Dutch hybrid has good resistance to diseases and bad weather. An excellent harvest of this variety can be obtained in the greenhouse and even in the open field. For the cultivation of tomatoes “Sunrise f1” you should make a little effort and effort. In response to care, unpretentious plants will surely delight you with delicious, ripe fruits.


Veronika Shekel, 36 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I really like Sunrise f1 tomatoes. I do not have a greenhouse, so I grow them in an open garden. Even in such conditions, the bushes always give a good harvest, which has time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.
Alla Titova, 42 years old, Lipetsk
Sunrise f1 tomatoes are not very sweet, so I usually can them. I consider unpretentiousness and high stable yields as indisputable advantages of the variety. It is thanks to these advantages that the variety takes pride of place in my garden.

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