Tomato Stick

The ancient Aztecs are considered to be the discoverers of tomatoes. They began to grow culture in the VIII century. And since then, interest in tomatoes has been growing every year. Confirmation of this is the presence of a huge range of varieties and hybrids.

There are many interesting and exotic plants among tomatoes. Take at least a variety of tomatoes Palka. The plant is native to the United States of America. The variety was bred in 1958. Unfortunately, few s know about Palka tomatoes. Therefore, we want to present this amazing plant in all its glory.

Description of tomatoes

If you want to grow an unusual plant on the site and surprise your neighbors, buy the seeds of the Palka tomato variety. This is a really interesting plant, striking with the unusual structure of the bush.

Tomato Stick

Already the name is shocking, but the peak of surprise comes after you see the plant in reality. Indeed, the fruits grow directly on the stem without being surrounded by side shoots and leaves.

In the countries of the world, the variety is called differently:

  • Stick tomato;
  • Curl tomato;
  • Purple tomato;
  • Curly tomato.


Tomato Stick is a vertical stem in the form of a column. Stems, as a rule, no more than three. The variety is semi-determinant, height up to 1 m 20 cm.

Attention! Tomato Stick, according to the description of the variety, does not have side shoots.

There are negligible leaves, besides they are very small, rigidly corrugated, collected in a bunch. The inflorescences are simple, up to 6 fruits are tied on them. In total, Palka colony-shaped tomatoes form up to 5 tassels on each stem.

Tomato Stick

Tomatoes are fruitful, subject to agrotechnical standards, about 1,5 kg of delicious fruits can be harvested from one bush.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the variety are rounded, distinguished by elasticity, fleshy and dense pulp. The taste is traditional tomato, with a barely noticeable sourness. Unripe tomatoes are light green. In technical ripeness they become bright red.

Tomato Stick

The weight of fruits with dense skin is 50-100 grams. The crop rests on the brush, does not fall off, does not crack, even if the tomatoes overripe. Most often, the Palka variety is reserved for canning, although tomatoes are also ideal in salads.

Opinion of the gardener about the variety of tomato Stick:

Tomato variety Stick (Stick),


Description of the variety, characteristics of the tomato Stick – this is what gardeners need for an informed choice.


First, let’s present the merits of the variety to the court:

  1. The variety is mid-season, technical maturity occurs in 3,5-4 months from the moment of sowing the seeds.
  2. Unusual exotic look. Just look at the photo below.

    Tomato Stick

  3. The absence of lateral shoots and leaves creates special ease of care.
  4. Possibility of cultivation on ordinary ridges or in a greenhouse.

    Tomato Stick

  5. Stable yield regardless of growing location. Due to the planting density, up to 30 kg of fruits are harvested per square meter. This quality of the Stick tomato variety is confirmed by the characteristics, reviews and photos.

    Tomato Stick

  6. Universal tomatoes with excellent keeping quality and transportability.
  7. Resistant to many of the diseases that other nightshade relatives suffer from.
  8. Possibility to collect your own seeds, as the tomato is not a hybrid plant.

Grade Cons

Unlike other varieties and hybrids, the Palka tomato has practically no negative qualities, both according to the description and reviews of gardeners who have been growing crops for more than one year. The variety has only one negative feature – a flimsy stem. Without repeated tying, the plant will simply break.

Tomato Stick

Attention! Tomatoes contain serotonin, which is called the hormone of happiness, so this vegetable should be on the table of every .

Preparing our seeds

As noted in the description of the Stick tomato, this is a variety, not a hybrid. Therefore, it is possible to prepare your own seeds for the next season. Gardeners often ask about how to cook them, because it’s no secret to anyone that seeds in stores are not cheap. And the quality of the seed does not always satisfy gardeners.

Own seeds of a particular variety retain quality. Grown tomatoes correspond to the description and characteristics.

Important! Tomato seeds do not lose their germination for 5 years.

Stages of work:

  1. To obtain seeds, you need to choose ripe fruits that correspond to the shape of the variety. As a rule, fruits are plucked from the second brush. The best seeds are obtained from the so-called female tomatoes: there is a small depression on the bottom of the fruit.
  2. Rinse the tomato with warm pink water, dissolving potassium permanganate to remove possible pathogens. For 5 days, tomatoes are left indoors in a dark and warm place for ripening.
  3. When the tomato softens a little, cut it with a sterile knife and squeeze the contents with pulp and seeds into a clean glass, cover with a piece of cotton fabric and leave in a dark place.

    Tomato Stick

    Even if there is not enough juice, it is forbidden to add water, otherwise the seeds will die.

  4. After two days, the contents will begin to ferment. You can find out that the seeds are ready for washing by a thin film on the surface and bubbles. The seeds themselves will be at the bottom.
  5. Pour warm water into a glass, gently rinse the seeds. The procedure is repeated until the water becomes clear.
  6. Spread the seeds on a cotton cloth to get rid of moisture. Then they are laid out on white paper in one layer to dry.
  7. When the seeds acquire flowability, they are poured into paper bags. In order not to confuse, marking is made on each of them.
Attention! Store seeds in a dry, dark place.

Cultivation and care

No matter what they say, it’s not difficult to grow any tomatoes if you know the features of agricultural technology. Tomato Stick according to the description of the variety is mid-season. Grow it only through seedlings. Seeds must be sown 60 days before planting in the ground, otherwise the fruits will not have time to ripen.

How to grow seedlings

Only healthy and strong seedlings will allow you to get a rich harvest of tomatoes. Tomato seeds of the Palka variety should be sown no later than mid-March, and preferably before the 10th.

  1. For planting seedlings, you can use any container: from boxes to containers. As for the soil, it is prepared independently or they use ready-made store compositions. Before sowing, containers and soil are disinfected with a thick, hot solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are sown dry, but before that they are also treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a 1% solution of boric acid.
  2. Grooves are made in the containers at a distance of 3 cm, seeds are laid in each in increments of 1-1,5 cm to a depth of 1 cm. Then they are covered with foil and placed in a warm place (temperature 22-25 degrees). When the first shoots appear, the film must be removed.
  3. Dive seedlings when 2 bunches of curly leaves grow on it. It is necessary to grow tomatoes of the Palka variety on a bright window, constantly turning with different barrels.

In-ground care

Plants are planted in the greenhouse at the end of May, in the ground after the threat of frost disappears and the earth warms up. By this time, the stick tomato seedlings look like the photo below.

Tomato Stick

The variety requires well fertilized loose soil. If you are not a supporter of mineral fertilizers, then add compost or humus, as well as wood ash, before digging.

Tomato Stick

The uniqueness of tomatoes of this variety is that they can be planted at close range. If you plan to keep the plant in one stem, plant in 15 cm increments. When growing in 2-3 stems, the distance is about 25-30 cm between the bushes. The fact is that the absence of leaves creates optimal lighting and air circulation.

Attention! Up to 30 plants can be planted per square meter.

It is undesirable to deepen the Palka variety when planting, because the tomatoes will begin to work on the formation of an additional root system. Consequently, the ripening time will be delayed by 14 days. Work is performed in the evening, so that it is easier for the tomatoes to take root.

Caring for tomatoes of this variety is no different:

  • watering and loosening;
  • cleaning the beds from weeds and top dressing;
  • treatment of plants from diseases and pests.

But most importantly, you need to constantly tie up the stem so that the Palka variety tomato does not break under the weight of the fruit.


Nikolay, 39 years old, Yaroslavl
He grew the Palka variety in a greenhouse and on the street in 2 stems. On the ridges he planted bushes at a distance of 20 cm, and in a greenhouse 25. The bushes on average gave 1,5 kg of sweet and sour fruits. They put everything in storage. They poured the fruits with tomato juice of their own production. Not a single tomato burst. We will keep planting.
Veronica, 26 years old, Irkutsk Region
I grow tomatoes only in a greenhouse. Seeds of the Palka variety were planted last year for the first time. You know, when the first leaves began to appear, I almost threw it away: I thought that some kind of disease had become attached. The seeds were given to me by a neighbor in the country. Good thing I thought to call her. Harvest is enough. I advise you to plant exotic in your garden. It is interesting to observe such plants.
Semyon, 50 years old, Krasnodar city
I bought a bag of seeds because I was surprised by the image of a tomato in the picture. Unfortunately, out of 10 seeds, only 6 sprouted. The seedlings grew strong. The whole family admired the unusual corrugated “bouquets” instead of the usual leaves. Raised Stick on the street. Plants have grown to a meter, formed inflorescences. There were no empty flowers. On both stems, the fruits are even, bright red, just right for canning. Collected my seeds right away. This year I planted it myself and gave a few seeds to my friends.
Lyudmila, 55 years old, Transbaikalia
Since the Palka variety is mid-season, I planted all the seedlings in the greenhouse after 18 cm. Each bush was well lit, since there were practically no leaves. The harvest was not bad, but only the first 4 brushes managed to ripen on the vine. The rest were shot brown. Everything in the basket was overdone. Tomatoes are tasty, they have more sweetness than acidity. They ate fresh in a salad, wrapped whole in jars. I also made a salad of tomato halves with onions and sweet peppers for the winter. All halves are intact. I advise you to plant a variety in your gardens, you will not regret it.

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