Tomatoes are popular vegetables, but plants cannot bear fruit equally well in all climatic zones. Breeders are working hard on this task. A great achievement of experienced vegetable growers from Siberia was the new Spetsnaz tomato variety. Its author is V.N. Dederko from Novosibirsk. The tomato was included in the State Register in 2017. Prior to this, the new variety of tomatoes were tested in vegetable gardens and under cover in various farms in the Novosibirsk Region, Altai, and other regions. Tomato Spetsnaz showed itself from the best side in terms of weather resistance and excellent yield.
Characteristic of the variety
Tomato Spetsnaz combined the desires of gardeners to grow large-fruited tomatoes and at the same time get a considerable harvest from one bush. By planting three tomato bushes of the Spetsnaz variety on one square meter, from 5 to 10 kg of vitamin products can be collected per season. Tomatoes are recommended for cultivation in all regions of the country. Officially distributes the seeds of a new variety of tomato Spetsnaz agricultural company from Novosibirsk “Siberian Garden”.
Spetsnaz tomatoes were purposefully created as an open ground crop. The plant is demanding on light, neutral soil is suitable for it, where moisture does not stagnate. In good conditions, tomatoes of this variety give a stable high yield of fruits.
Spetsnaz tomatoes are classified as mid-season. Their maturation takes place in two waves. The first, heaviest fruits are harvested from late July to early August. After that, the plant forms 20-30 medium-sized tomatoes from the ovaries of the second wave, which ripen by the middle or third decade of September. The fruits of this variety are salad direction. But with a large harvest, each housewife can make her favorite preparations, as from tomatoes of other varieties.
Variety description
Spetsnaz tomato bushes are medium-sized. These are indeterminate plants that rise up to 1,5 m, in greenhouses – up to 1,8 m. For successful cultivation, it is imperative to tie tall bushes with massive fruits to strong stakes. Branches with leaves of normal length, sparse. The bush generously generates stepchildren that need to be constantly removed. Inflorescences are placed on simple, unbranched racemes. They produce an average of 3 or 5 fruits.
Red or raspberry-red fruits of Spetsnaz tomatoes are round in shape, flattened from below and from above, slightly ribbed. The skin is dense, smooth, does not give in to cracking. The pulp has an attractive sugary texture, fleshy, dense, with several seed chambers, where there are quite a few seeds. The taste is excellent, balanced in sugars and acids.
The fruits of the first, July, ripening wave can reach a weight of 500 g to 1000 g. There is already a mass record for Spetsnaz tomato – 1200 g, which was grown in Altai. To get massive fruits, all ovaries from the lower brushes are removed, except for 1-2. These fruits will concentrate all the vital forces of the plant. Autumn tomatoes grow with an average weight of 200-230 g.
Advantages of tomatoes
Diligent selection work was crowned with the breeding of a tomato, which is the best suited for testing by weather vagaries. And at the same time having high rates in fruiting.
- High stable yield;
- large-fruited;
- Excellent taste and excellent appearance;
- The strong structure of the plant;
- Unpretentiousness, resistance to severe climatic conditions.
It should be noted that the plant of this variety must be protected from fungal diseases.
Growing tall tomatoes
Large-fruited fruitful tomato Spetsnaz requires good care. The worries of gardeners begin in March or April, when seedlings are sown.
In order for young plants to get enough momentum from the start of their life cycle, good soil needs to be prepared. The substrate for seedlings is purchased in stores or prepared independently. Garden soil in equal parts is mixed with humus and peat. If the soil is heavy, clayey, add sand. Drainage material is placed at the bottom of the tank: agroperlite, broken ceramics, pebbles. Sow seeds in soil that has already warmed up.
Spetsnaz branded tomato seeds are ready for sowing. They are placed to a depth of 1-1,5 cm in moistened soil and covered with a film on top to create a mini-greenhouse. The container is in a place where the temperature is not lower than 25 degrees. Every day, the film is slightly opened for ventilation, if necessary, the soil is sprayed with water.
Care of seedlings
This is one of the most crucial moments for a gardener.
- As soon as after 5-7 days the first shoots of tomatoes sprouted, the container must be moved to a well-lit, but cool place – up to 18 degrees;
- Here the tomato sprouts will get stronger, will not stretch out, and in a week they will be provided with warmth, 23-25 0C, and lighting up to 12-14 hours;
- Watering is moderate, but there should be enough moisture;
- Dive seedlings when 1-2 true leaves have grown. The plant is deepened into the soil to the cotyledon leaves for the formation of additional roots;
- After diving, the tomatoes begin to develop intensively. For each container, increase watering;
- After 12-15 days, when the plants take root, they are given the first top dressing. In the proportion of 20-30 g of urea per 10 l of water, a solution is prepared and the plants are watered 100 ml each. In addition, they are watered with ordinary water;
- The second feeding is carried out in two weeks. 1-20 g of nitrophoska are dissolved in 30 liter of water. Watered the same way.
After such a procedure, the root system grows in breadth and provides a tall, powerful plant with a large feeding area.
Plants in the garden
The spetsnaz grown tomato bushes at the age of 40-45 days begin to harden, taking them out into the fresh air into the shade. For two weeks, the residence time is increased so that the tomato plants are fully acclimatized. Spetsnaz tomatoes are planted in the ground in May or June, guided by the weather of the region. Plants will already form the first inflorescence.
- Prepare the holes a day or two before planting so that they warm up. For 1 sq. m place three plants of tomatoes of this variety;
- Having planted a bush, a strong high support is driven in nearby;
- It is necessary to stepchild the plant regularly. Stepsons 4-5 cm long are removed. If you remove the smaller ones, a new one will immediately appear;
- A tomato of this variety must be kept with one stem;
- After collecting the first wave of fruits, when other tomatoes are tied up, pinch the top of the plant.
Features of watering
Spetsnaz tomatoes are demanding for regular watering, which is carried out in the evening.
- First, seedlings are watered with warm water under the root;
- Gardeners show increased attention to soil moisture when ovaries are formed. With a lack of moisture, they can crumble. Water the bed abundantly along the aisles;
- When the fruits are poured, you need to water the entire area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe plot with tomatoes, since the powerful root system of a tall plant will absorb a lot of moisture.
How to feed tomatoes
Large-fruited tomato plants of the Spetsnaz variety are responsive to top dressing, they need a sufficient dose of magnesium, potassium and boron in the soil. They need to be regularly fed with complex fertilizers for tomatoes.
- After two weeks of growth in the garden, the plants are supported with a solution of 500 ml of liquid mullein and 25 g of nitrophoska in a bucket of water. At least 500 ml of fertilizer is poured under the bush;
- As soon as the flowering of the second brush begins, the tomatoes are fertilized with a solution of 500 ml of liquid chicken manure fertilizer, 25 g of potassium sulfate, 25 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water. Each plant receives 1 liter of top dressing;
- If the third brush blooms, dissolve 20-30 g of complex fertilizer in a bucket of water, pour 1 liter under a bush;
- During fertilizing, watering is increased so that the plant more fully absorbs the necessary substances.
Disease protection
As a preventive measure against late blight and early blight, Spetsnaz tomatoes should be regularly sprayed with fungicides, for example, Ordan, Quadris, Thanos and others. The first treatment is carried out at the stage of 4-6 leaves, the next after 10 days. Plants with ripe fruits are not processed.
A new variety of tomato is confidently gaining its place in home gardens and summer cottages. Amazing in size and tasty fruits reward the efforts of gardeners behind tall bushes.