Tomato Sparks of the Flame: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Sparks of flame are notable for the unusual appearance of the fruit. The variety has good taste and high yield. Greenhouse conditions are required for growing tomatoes; in the southern regions, planting in open areas is possible.

Features of the variety

Description of the tomato variety Sparks of Flame:

  • mid-late maturation;
  • indeterminate type;
  • powerful bush up to 2 m high;
  • elongated fruit shape;
  • length of tomatoes up to 13 cm;
  • bright red with orange veins;
  • compacted, not hard skin of tomatoes;
  • rich taste;
  • average weight – 150 g;
  • juicy flesh with few seeds.

Tomato varieties are high yielding. They are grown under film shelters. Resistance to viral and fungal diseases in tomatoes is high.

The Flame Spark grade has a versatile application. It is added to homemade preparations, where vegetables are cut into pieces, for making pasta and juices. The compact size of the fruit allows you to preserve them whole.

When ripe on the bushes, tomatoes do not crumble and do not crack. Fruits endure long transportation. When harvested at the stage of technical maturity, tomatoes are kept at home.

Getting the seedlings

Cultivation of tomatoes Sparks of the flame begins with planting seeds. After germination, tomatoes are provided with temperature, soil moisture, and lighting.

Planting seeds

Tomato seeds are planted in the spring at the beginning of March. The soil is preliminarily prepared, consisting of an equal amount of soddy soil and humus. It is convenient to plant tomato seeds in 2-3 pieces. in peat tablets, then you can avoid picking plants.

Tomato Sparks of the Flame: characteristics and description of the variety

Before planting, the soil is treated. One way is to steam the soil in a water bath. Disinfection helps to get rid of harmful bacteria and pest larvae. Before planting tomatoes, the soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! Sparks of flame tomato seeds are wrapped in cotton cloth and placed on a plate for a day. Cover with a plastic bag on top to prevent moisture from evaporating.

Germinated seeds are planted in boxes filled with soil. Planting material is deepened by 1 cm. 2 cm are left between future plants.

When planting in separate cups or peat tablets, place 2-3 seeds in each container. After they germinate, leave the strongest tomatoes.

Cover the boxes with tomato seeds with glass or polyethylene, put them in a warm, dark place. When seedlings appear on the surface of the soil, move them to a windowsill or other lighted place.

seedling conditions

At home, Spark of Flame tomatoes need certain conditions to develop normally. Conditions for tomatoes include:

  • temperature during the day 21-25°С, at night 15-18°С;
  • continuous lighting for ½ day;
  • watering with warm water;
  • room ventilation.

When plants have 2 leaves, the plants are thinned. Within a radius of 5 cm, the weakest specimens are eliminated. With the development of 3 leaves, tomatoes dive in separate containers. They are transplanted into containers with a volume of 0,5 liters. For picking, the same soil is suitable as when planting tomato seeds.

Important! When transplanting, it is important not to damage the roots of plants. Pre-tomatoes are well watered, and only after that they are transferred to a new place.

Tomato Sparks of the Flame: characteristics and description of the variety

10 days after picking, tomatoes are fed with a solution containing a complex of useful substances. In 1 liter of water dissolve 1 g of superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate. Feeding is required if tomato seedlings look oppressed and develop slowly.

3 weeks before planting in the ground, they begin to harden the tomatoes of the Spark of Flame. First, a window is opened in the room for 2-3 hours a day. Tomato seedlings are protected from drafts. Then they transfer the landings to the balcony or glazed loggia. A week before planting, tomatoes should be constantly in the fresh air.

Landing in the ground

Tomatoes that have reached a height of 25-30 cm are ready for transfer to a permanent place. The plants already have a developed root system and 6-7 leaves.

A place for growing tomatoes Sparks of Flame is chosen in the fall. The culture is actively developing after cucumbers, pumpkins, root crops, green manure, beans and cereals. After any varieties of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes, they do not plant, as the crops are susceptible to similar diseases and pests.

Advice! The plot for tomatoes is dug up in the fall. For 1 sq. m of soil contribute 5 kg of compost and 200 g of wood ash.

In the greenhouse, it is recommended to completely replace the top soil layer 10 cm high. In the spring, the soil is loosened and planting holes are prepared. According to the description, the Sparks of Flame tomato variety is tall, so a gap of 40 cm is made between the plants. When forming several rows with tomatoes, a distance of 60 cm is kept between them.

Tomato seedlings are watered before planting and removed from containers along with an earthen clod. Tomatoes are placed in a hole, the roots are sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. A peg is driven into the soil and the plants are tied up.

Tomato Sparks of the Flame: characteristics and description of the variety

Variety care

A good harvest of tomatoes Sparks of flame provide regular care. Planting tomatoes are watered, fed and stepchildren. Additionally, the variety requires treatments for pests and diseases.

Watering plants

Sparks of flame tomatoes are watered according to the scheme:

  • before the formation of buds – every 3 days using 3 liters of water per bush;
  • during flowering and the formation of ovaries – weekly 5 liters of water;
  • during the appearance of the fruits of tomatoes – twice a week using 2 liters.

For watering tomatoes, take warm, settled water. Moisture intake should take place in the morning or evening, when there is no exposure to the sun. Mulching with humus or straw will help keep the soil moist.

Application of fertilizers

During the season, tomatoes are fed several times. 2 weeks after transfer to the site, an infusion of mullein is prepared in a ratio of 1:15. The agent is applied under the root in the amount of 0,5 l for each plant.

When ovaries are formed, Sparks of Flame tomatoes require complex top dressing, including:

  • superphosphate – 80 g;
  • potassium nitrate – 40 g;
  • water – 10 l.

The components are mixed and used for watering tomatoes. Additionally, you can spray the tomatoes on the leaf, then the concentration of minerals is reduced by 2 times.

You can replace mineral fertilizers with folk remedies. Wood ash is embedded in the soil, which contains a complex of substances useful for tomatoes.

Shrub formation

According to reviews and photos, Sparks of Flame tomatoes are tall, so they must be stepchildren. To obtain a high yield, the bush is formed into 2 stems.

Stepchildren up to 5 cm long are eliminated manually. The formation of a bush helps to eliminate thickening and increase fruiting. Tomatoes are best tied to a support.

Tomato Sparks of the Flame: characteristics and description of the variety

Protection against diseases and pests

For the prevention of diseases and the spread of pests, agricultural practices for growing tomatoes are observed. Constantly eliminate the tops that thicken the plantings, normalize watering and monitor the level of humidity in the greenhouse. To combat diseases of tomatoes, Fitosporin, Zaslon, Oksikhom preparations are used.

Insecticides are effective against pests, which are chosen depending on the type of insects. Tomatoes are susceptible to attack by bears, aphids, whiteflies. From improvised means use tobacco dust and wood ash. It is enough to spray them over the beds with tomatoes.

Reviews of gardeners

Evgenia, 24 years old, Perm
Last year, several new varieties of tomatoes were tested at the dacha. We chose mainly based on reviews and photos, Sparks of Flame tomatoes were the first on the list. The variety impressed with an unusual color: a lot of yellow stripes on a red background. The shape is elongated, reminiscent of peppers. Tomatoes taste juicy, with a lot of pulp. Be sure to get rid of extra stepchildren and tie bushes.
Semyon, 46 years old, Moscow
I learned about Sparks of Flame tomatoes from reviews on the Internet. When I saw the seeds in the store, I immediately bought them. A variety of medium maturation and very productive. The bushes are tall, unlimited growth, tied them to a wooden support. The width of the bush does not take up much space. The only drawback is the limited shelf life of the fruit.
Lyudmila, 54 years old Omsk
Last year I bought Sparks of Flame tomato seeds based on the reviews of friends. Seedlings amicably ascended, in May landed her in a greenhouse. As it grew, it formed bushes in 2 stems. This makes it easier to harvest. Tomatoes have grown in an unusual shape, more like peppers. The maximum length of a tomato is 13 cm, weight is 200 g. The skin is dense, the pulp tastes juicy and fleshy. Tomatoes came up for pickling and pickling in pieces. Few ovaries form on the bushes, possibly affected by the cold summer.


Tomato Sparks of the Flame: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes Sparks of Flame have high commercial and taste qualities. The variety needs care, which includes the introduction of moisture, fertilizers, the formation of a bush. Subject to agricultural technology, a good harvest of tomatoes is obtained.

Flame Spark Tomato. vendor code

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