Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

Southern tan tomatoes are valued for their excellent taste and unusual bright orange color of the fruit. The variety is grown both in open areas and under film cover. With constant care, a high yield of fruits is obtained, which are used fresh or in further processing.

Features of the variety

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Southern tan:

  • indeterminate variety;
  • average terms of maturing;
  • height of bushes up to 1,7 m;
  • drooping foliage;
  • yield up to 8 kg per plant.

The fruits of the Southern Tan variety have the following features:

  • big sizes;
  • fleshy and juicy pulp;
  • weight from 150 to 350 g;
  • sweet taste;
  • increased content of vitamins;
  • small amount of acids.

Tomatoes of the Southern Tan variety are distinguished by excellent taste. Tomatoes are used in the daily diet for preparing snacks and vegetable salads. The variety is suitable for soups, sauces, second courses, diet menus. In home canning, these tomatoes are used to make cuts and tomato juice.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

Getting the seedlings

Tomato Southern tan is grown in seedlings. At home, seeds are planted in containers, and 2 months after their germination, they are transferred to open ground or a greenhouse. In regions with a warm climate, planting seeds directly in an open area is allowed.

Planting seeds

Before planting seeds, a substrate is prepared, consisting in equal proportions of garden soil and compost. You can add some sand and peat to it. Soil preparation begins in the fall or they purchase a ready-made mixture for tomato seedlings in gardening stores.

The substrate is subjected to heat treatment: it is placed in a heated microwave or oven for 15-20 minutes. A couple of weeks after disinfection, they start planting tomatoes.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

To disinfect the planting material, it is treated with a solution of the EM-Baikal preparation. If tomato seeds have a bright shell, then they do not require additional processing. Manufacturers cover them with a special nutrient shell that allows the plant to actively develop.

Advice! Tomato seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and left for 2 days in a warm place.

For planting tomatoes Southern tan take containers with a depth of more than 10 cm. If the seeds are planted in boxes, then after germination they dive into separate containers. To avoid picking, peat tablets or cups filled with substrate are used.

Tomato seeds are placed in the soil to a depth of 1,5 cm. Spaces of 2 cm are left between plants. When using separate containers, it is recommended to plant 3 plants and then choose the strongest. Boxes with seeds are covered with glass or film, and then left in a dark, warm place.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

seedling conditions

Tomatoes germinate faster at temperatures above 25 degrees. Tomato sprouts appear after 5-8 days. Then the containers are placed in a lighted place.

Tomatoes provide certain conditions:

  • air temperature during the day from 20 to 25 degrees;
  • night temperatures from 8 to 12 degrees;
  • access to fresh air;
  • lack of drafts;
  • regular watering;
  • illumination for 12 hours.

For watering tomato seedlings use a spray bottle. Water is taken at room temperature. Until the sprouts have 5 leaves, it is enough to water them weekly. In the future, the intensity of watering is increased once every 3-4 days.

If the seedlings have strong stems and green leaves, then they do not need to be fed. When the plants look oppressed, they are fed with complex fertilizer. For 1 liter of water you need 1 tsp. drug Agricola or Kornerost. Tomatoes are watered under the root.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

Planting tomatoes

Tomatoes are planted in open ground or greenhouses. They should reach a height of about 30 cm and have 6-7 full leaves. Under shelter, the crop yields more, as it is less susceptible to changing weather conditions.

The soil for tomatoes of the Southern Tan variety is prepared in the fall. It is dug up, compost or rotted manure is added. Tomatoes are planted after pumpkins, cucumbers, carrots, onions, garlic.

Important! The culture is not located in places where peppers, eggplants, potatoes and any varieties of tomatoes grew a year earlier.

Tomatoes are planted in prepared holes. For 1 sq. m beds have no more than 3 plants. In the greenhouse, tomatoes are placed in a checkerboard pattern to facilitate their care.

Tomato seedlings are transferred with an earthen clod. The root system is covered with soil, the surface of which is slightly compacted. Be sure to water the plants with warm water.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

Variety care

With constant care, the fruiting of tomatoes of the Southern Tan variety increases, and the plants themselves are actively developing. Care of the variety involves the introduction of moisture and fertilizer, the formation of a bush.

Watering tomatoes

Southern tan tomatoes begin to be watered 7-10 days after being transferred to the ground. Under each bush contribute 3-5 liters of water. The intensity of watering is increased from the moment of flowering up to 2 times a week.

When watering, soil moisture and precipitation are taken into account if tomatoes are grown outdoors.

Advice! For irrigation use warm water, which has settled and warmed in barrels.

Moisture is brought under the root of tomatoes. All events are held early in the morning or in the evening. Then the sun’s rays are not dangerous and cannot cause a burn.

After watering the tomatoes, the soil under the tomatoes is loosened. The procedure is performed carefully so as not to damage the roots of plants.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield


During the season, southern tan tomatoes are fed three times. The first top dressing is carried out 2-3 weeks after the transfer of plants to a permanent place. You can use bird droppings or cow dung, from which an infusion is prepared in a ratio of 1:15.

During the flowering period, boric acid is useful for tomatoes, 2 g of which is diluted in 5 liters of water. Plants are sprayed with the resulting product.

Important! When the ovaries are formed, the tomatoes are watered with a solution consisting of 45 g of superphosphate and a potassium substance in a large bucket of water.

Another similar top dressing is necessary for tomatoes during fruiting. Fertilizers are applied to the soil when watering tomatoes.

Wood ash containing a complex of nutrients will help replace mineral top dressing. It is embedded in the ground or used as an infusion for watering.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

Shrub formation

According to its characteristics and description, the tomato variety Southern Tan belongs to tall plants and actively increases its green mass. Pinching allows you to avoid thickening in the garden and direct the vitality of tomatoes to the formation of ovaries and fruits. The variety is formed to form in 1 or 2 stems.

Stepchildren growing from the leaf sinus are pinched by hand. The procedure is carried out every week. Shoots that have not reached 5 cm in length are subject to elimination.

Protection against diseases and pests

According to reviews, the southern tan tomato is prone to blossom end rot. The disease develops with a lack of manganese and phosphorus, increased acidity and soil moisture.

Blossom end rot affects the fruit and appears as a brown spot that is soft to the touch. Gradually, the lesion covers the entire fruit, which dries up and becomes hard.

Advice! To get rid of blossom end rot, tomatoes are sprayed with preparations with calcium and boron. Damaged fruits are discarded.

Tomato Southern Tan: reviews, photos, yield

Tomatoes also suffer from pest attacks: May beetle, bear, scoop, whitefly, spider mite. Against insects, insecticides Strela, Aktellik, Fitoverm are used.

Reviews of gardeners

Raisa, 45 years old, Tolyatti
I chose Southern Tan tomato for planting according to reviews. I planted it in open ground. The bushes are high up to 1,7 m. The tomatoes are large, oval, yellow-orange, weighed about 350 g. The pulp is oily, there are few seeds, the fruits taste very sweet. The yield was average, next year I will plant the variety in the greenhouse. The variety was susceptible to blossom end rot. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen preventive measures to combat the disease.
Anna, 32 years old Penza
I planted a Southern tan variety last year. Tomatoes grew slowly, but the result was worth it. The tomatoes turned out to be a very interesting shape, reminiscent of an orange plum. There is a lot of pulp in the fruits, the tomatoes themselves are very tasty and large, up to 400 g. The bush is tall, it is necessary to tie it up. The variety is just excellent, goes well with salads.
Sergey Viktorovich, 57 years old, Abakan
Tomatoes Southern Tan are one of the favorites in our family. We plant them annually, the variety produces delicious orange fruits of an elongated shape. The taste is very sweet, the tomatoes are solid pulp. The smallest fruits grew to the size of a chicken egg. Mostly large tomatoes were harvested, even at the end of fruiting. Be sure to stepson the bushes, I form one or two trunks. I noticed that the variety needs to provide access to the sun. There was less light in one greenhouse, so the yield was not the highest.


Southern Tan tomatoes are popular for their flavor. The fruits of the variety are recommended to be used fresh. Plants need constant care, including watering, fertilizing and pinching. Additionally, they provide the variety with protection against top rot and pests.


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