Tomato  size: reviews, photos, yield

Tomato size fully justifies its name. This is a large variety, very productive, tasty, fragrant. It is used not only for domestic purposes, but also in large agricultural companies. This variety is cultivated on an industrial scale. The tomato bears fruit for a long time, and all the characteristics and description of the size tomato variety have made it popular for more than 20 years.


Tomato size refers to a late-ripening species. The first harvest occurs 130-140 days after the first shoots. The variety is indeterminate, which means that there are no restrictions on its growth, it is recommended to pinch. Additionally, the plant requires pinching, due to which 1-2 strong, strong stems are created.

The color and shape of the leaves do not differ from other varieties. After the appearance of 9 sheets in the bosom, the first color begins to form, which appears every 3-4 sheets. As the reviews show, the yield of the size tomato is excellent, the photo confirms this:

Tomato  size: reviews, photos, yield

Bushes bear fruit for a long time. Harvesting is best done in August, but it does not end there, and lasts until frost.

The described giant tomatoes include many positive qualities that not all varieties can boast of. They can be used for fresh consumption or cooking various dishes.

Visually, the fruits are rounded, slightly flattened horizontally. The shape is slightly ribbed. Tomatoes will be pale green when not yet ripe, turning deep red when ripe. The characteristic of a tomato size can be described in a few words – very large fruits, fleshy flesh, and the weight of each tomato is from 600 grams to 2 kg.

As the reviews show, the size tomato is best consumed fresh, as a cut and for salads. In some cases, tomatoes can be used for winter harvesting, but they will need to be cut. The pulp differs from other varieties, it is very tender and juicy, excellent taste. The taste of tomatoes is slightly sweet.

According to lovers of this variety, if you use it in the form of slices for various preparations and dishes, then the shape does not disappear. It is good to use the crop for making pasta or making juice. In addition, the variety is not bad in combination with other crops, which makes it possible to make cuts.

tomato size

Planting and growing

Since the size variety is a giant, you need to know some rules for growing it. Within a week after sowing, the first shoots appear, more often they appear together. After 1,5 weeks, 2 leaves appear on each plant, which must be dived.

After a month, the seedlings will need to be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. This variety is suitable exclusively for greenhouse cultivation. Due to their large size, seedlings are rarely planted so that the tomatoes can develop normally, are not infringed, and receive the necessary amount of nutrients from the ground.

Important! For 1 sq. m. it is recommended to plant 2 bushes, planting 3 bushes is allowed if cultivation is carried out in 1 stem.

Tomato  size: reviews, photos, yield

After planting in the ground, after a few days, you need to start tying up the bushes and do this as you grow. In the lower part of the bushes, the leaves are cut off, this can be done before the first inflorescence, pinching is carried out. Shoots that appear on the sides make it possible to get tillering. This is often used by gardeners to shape the tomato. If the main task is to get small or medium-sized tomatoes, then you need to choose a couple of strong sprouts. For large tomatoes, leave 1 stalk each.

Depending on the height, you need to pinch the top to limit growth. When growing, it is forbidden to fertilize the soil often, especially with organic types of feed, in which there is a lot of nitrogen. According to reviews, size tomatoes love potash or phosphate fertilizers. For this, fishmeal is used.


Caring for tomatoes is very simple:

  • It is necessary to water the bushes constantly, plentifully. This allows the root system to develop better. If watering is insufficient or frequent, then this leads to the formation of fruits on the sides, while they will not receive the required amount of nutrients during a period of temperature drop or drought. For one bush, it is enough to use a liter of water.
  • Between rows and in rows, loosening of the earth should be carried out approximately every 10 days. If the soil is heavy, then it must be loosened 2 weeks after planting.
  • Hilling of the size is carried out 10 days after planting seedlings. Before the procedure, the earth is watered. The second time to spud tomatoes is necessary after 3 weeks.
  • Top dressing is carried out 2-3 times for the entire growing period.

During care, it is important to properly form size bushes.

Diseases and pests

According to reviews, the tomato size F1 is a hybrid that is not afraid of standard diseases. For the variety is not terrible:

  • Tobacco mosaic.
  • Cladosporiosis.
  • Fusarium wilt.

If cultivation and care is carried out with violations, then late blight may occur. During the growing season, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures using special substances.

Possible pests include:

  • Wireworm.
  • Medvedka
  • Whitefly.
  • Nematode

Often, with a lack of nutrients in the soil, hybrid tomatoes begin to undergo various changes and attacks by diseases or pests. You can determine the lack of useful elements by the characteristic features:

  • The lack of nitrogen can be determined by the color of the stem, leaves, tomatoes. The leaves on the bushes become small, the color changes from green to yellow, and the veins from below acquire a red-blue hue. The tomatoes themselves will not be as big, their hardness increases.
  • The lack of phosphorus is determined by the sheets twisted inward.
  • If there is little potassium, then the sheets curl.
  • A lack of calcium provokes the appearance of yellow spots on young leaves, and on old ones, their size and color change. With a small amount of calcium, the upper part of the plant can rot, especially if there is high humidity.
  • Sulfur deficiency is characterized by a pale shade of leaves, and after a while they quickly and strongly turn yellow, in some cases turn red.
  • Boric starvation of tomatoes leads to the appearance of black spots at the place of growth of the stem, the tomatoes themselves will have brown spots.
  • The lack of molybdenum causes yellowness on the sheets, they curl up, and after a while the plate is completely affected by chlorosis.
  • Iron starvation causes tomato growth to stop. Young leaves undergo chlorosis.

If you properly care for and make timely feeding, then the size will only please. All inflorescences of the plant are of a simple type. Up to 3 very large tomatoes can appear on one brush. People who use this variety for personal purposes know all the subtleties that make it possible to get giant fruits.

After the appearance of the first tomato in the lower part of the brush, when the diameter of the fruit is about 5 cm, it will be necessary to pick inflorescences and small ovaries, leaving only 2-3 of the largest fruits on the brush. If you leave only one tomato on the brush, then it can grow like a small melon.

Picking tomatoes

Assembly is not carried out immediately, initially it is necessary to remove only deformed, damaged tomatoes.

For the long-term preservation of the Size variety, they must be plucked not in a mature state, but when they turn brown. After that, you can send them for ripening. Tomatoes are removed until the temperature at night is less than +8 degrees. If the collection is carried out later, then storage will not work, and the fruits themselves begin to hurt.

The size variety has extended fruiting, which means that the collection is carried out from August until the first cold weather. With proper care, it will be possible to collect up to 8 kg of tomatoes from 1 sq. m.


Elena, 47 years old, Kharkov
I wanted to plant very large tomatoes, because I like them fresh. I found reviews and photos of tomato size on the net and decided to try it. I really liked the variety, I planted 2 bushes per 1 sq. m., the height was up to 2 m, while it was carried out in 2 stems. Tomatoes turned out to 800 grams. I ate in full, constantly cooked salads, and also spun the juice for the winter.
Irina, Barnaul
I am satisfied with the variety, I led in 2 trunks, the bushes were strong, it turned out a lot of tomatoes, with a pleasant smell and taste. It was not possible to grow giant tomatoes as in the description, the maximum weight was 350 grams.


Variety size is a valuable tomato that requires some attention from the gardener during cultivation. Due to proper care, there will be a high yield, excellent taste and weight of each tomato.

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