Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

The list of universal varieties of tomatoes is not so great. Despite the variety of results of the work of breeders, you rarely find a variety that would satisfy all the needs of gardeners. High yields, unpretentiousness in care, resistance to sudden changes in temperature, excellent taste, the possibility of growing in greenhouses and open ground – these are just some of the advantages that the best tomatoes should have.

And the Siberian Miracle tomato, according to the declared characteristics and numerous reviews of those summer residents who planted this variety on their site, fully justifies such a sonorous name. Why is this tomato so good, and what are its characteristics?

History of breeding

Experts began working on the breeding of this variety at the end of the last century. And already in 2006, the Siberian Miracle tomato was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

Altai scientists involved in breeding a new variety pursued a number of goals, the most important of which were: growing tomatoes in difficult climatic conditions and obtaining high yields. And the goals were achieved.

Tomato “Siberian Miracle” really amazes with productivity even with a sharp decrease or increase in temperatures, which is not uncommon in the Siberian region. The first tests went off with a bang, the results confirmed all the characteristics stated in the description.

This variety has conquered even the most fastidious summer residents with its unpretentiousness in cultivation and versatility in use.

Despite the fact that a tomato variety was bred exclusively for growing in regions with a harsh climate, vegetable growers in the central and southern regions of Our Country managed to appreciate its yield.

Interesting! Many gardeners who have been growing tomatoes of this variety for several years note one feature – when ripe, the fruits do not crack.

Sale of seeds of tomatoes of a grade “Siberian miracle” is carried out by the companies “Demetra”, “Zolotaya sotka Altai” and “Aelita”.

According to the reviews of experienced summer residents, the description of the Siberian Miracle tomatoes on the seed package corresponds to the characteristics of the variety indicated in the State Register.

a brief description of

Tomato “Siberian miracle” in the open field grows to a height of 1,3-1,6 m. When grown in greenhouse conditions, this figure may be slightly higher. The trunks are powerful and durable, the foliage is large, emerald green.

Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

The fruits are tied in any weather. And even with sudden changes in temperature, the setting of tomatoes is at its best. The fruits are tied and poured quickly and amicably.

Tomatoes are interdeterminate plants, that is, the main stem grows continuously.

“Siberian miracle” will delight gardeners with high yields in the heat, with a slight cold snap, in greenhouses or open ground.

When growing tomatoes in the open air, plants must be tied to long pegs or a strong trellis should be installed on the garden bed. In height, the supports should reach at least 1,5-1,7 m. When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, you should not forget about the garter either.

Tomato fruit clusters do not break, and therefore do not need a personal garter or support. They are strong enough to bear the weight of the fruit.

Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

Distinctive qualities of fruits

In the first two brushes, tomatoes are formed quite large, sometimes their weight reaches 300-350 grams. They look appetizing, have an oval shape, bright red color with a raspberry tint. Tomatoes collected in the first wave are great for slicing fresh salads.

Interesting! Due to the simplicity of agricultural technology, high yields and advantages, tomatoes can be grown both in personal subsidiary farms and on farms.

The pulp of tomatoes of the Siberian Miracle variety is ideal, it is dense and tender, moderately juicy, but the dry matter content in tomatoes reaches 6%. In terms of taste, the indicators are also on top – sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness. Number of seed chambers 5-7 pcs.

Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

During the second wave of the harvest, the so-called mass harvest, the weight of tomatoes is much less, 150-200 grams. The fruits are egg-shaped, ripen together.

Unripe tomatoes have a light green color, there is a dark spot on the fruits near the stalk. In the process of maturation, the stain disappears completely.

Tomatoes perfectly tolerate transportation over short distances while maintaining taste and presentation. For transportation over long distances, it is recommended to harvest slightly unripe.

Features of maturation

Tall tomato “Siberian miracle” refers to mid-season varieties. The first harvest can be harvested within 90-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots. A long period of fruiting is characterized by the full return of the plant of delicious tomatoes of excellent quality, which have an excellent presentation.

Fruit clusters ripen in waves, the overall yield can please even experienced vegetable growers. When grown in greenhouse conditions, it is possible to collect up to 1-10 kg of tomatoes from 15 m² during the entire fruiting period, and from one bush the yield reaches 4-6 kg.

When grown outdoors, this figure may be a little more modest. And again, it all depends on what surprises the weather brings.

In mid-August – early September, summer residents remove unripe tomatoes from plants grown in open ground. They ripen perfectly at room temperature and retain their taste for a long time.

Interesting! The composition of tomatoes in large quantities contains “serotonin”, the so-called hormone of happiness, which improves mood.

Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

Siberian wonders of endurance

According to the degree of resistance to stress factors, the tomato really justifies its sonorous name. They not only do not concede, but in many respects surpass many hybrids. As a rule, hybrid varieties, due to certain goals pursued during their creation, are intended for special growing conditions. Greenhouse – perfectly tolerate elevated temperatures, ground – lowering.

Tomatoes of the Siberian Miracle variety are flexible:

  • They do not stop growing and grow well with sudden changes in ambient temperature;
  • Bloom and form ovaries in any weather;
  • Able to give an excellent harvest both in open and closed ground.

These qualities guarantee the stability of high yields every year, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.

The description, as well as the characteristics of the Siberian Miracle tomato, only confirms its versatility.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Siberian Miracle tomatoes are difficult to overestimate. Its advantages in comparison with other varieties are obvious:

  • High percentage of germination – 99,8%;
  • They easily tolerate diving and transplanting into the ground;
  • They grow and bear fruit well in difficult climatic conditions;
  • Stress conditions do not affect the growth and yield of tomatoes;
  • Form ovaries regardless of weather conditions;
  • Ripening is undulating, which makes it possible to process the harvested crop in a timely manner;
  • Resistance to major tomato diseases;
  • High yield;
  • Excellent taste qualities of fruits;
  • Wide range of applications;

    Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

  • Unripe tomatoes ripen quickly at home;
  • It is not a hybrid, which makes it possible to independently harvest seeds every year;
  • Fruits perfectly tolerate transportation.
Interesting! Contrary to popular belief, heat treatment of tomatoes only improves their beneficial qualities.

The only drawback of Siberian Miracle tomatoes is the intolerance of the plant to waterlogging of the soil.

The agrotechnics of growing tomatoes is so simple that even a novice vegetable grower can cope with planting and caring for plants.

Application area

The wave-like ripening of tomatoes allows housewives to process a rich crop in a timely manner without loss. The fruits that ripen in the first wave are slightly larger than those that ripen later. This distinctive quality allows you to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes, and subsequently prepare a large number of marinades over the winter.

Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

Tomatoes “Siberian miracle” are ideal for the following preparations:

  • Whole canning;
  • Preparation of juices, pastes, ketchups;
  • Preparation of any winter salads as a component;
  • Freezing;
  • Drying.

Due to such qualities as excellent taste properties of tomatoes, high solids content, juiciness, Siberian Miracle tomatoes can be used in cooking or baking, which makes them truly versatile.

Secrets of agricultural technology

The agrotechnics of growing the “Siberian miracle” is not much different from the rules for growing traditional varieties. These tomatoes can hardly be called whimsical or capricious.

Interesting! In addition to the fact that tomatoes are grown to provide the family with fresh vegetables, some varieties of these plants are often used as a decorative element when compiling compositions in landscape design.

Tomato Siberian miracle: reviews + photos

But there are a number of recommendations that must be followed to get an excellent harvest:

  • When planting plants in the ground, the age of the seedlings must be at least two months;
  • Recommended planting pattern per 1 m²: 3 plants in the open field, 4 bushes in the greenhouse;
  • Tall tomatoes need a reliable garter;
  • You need to grow the “Siberian miracle” in 1 or 2 stems;
  • Tomatoes need regular pinching;
  • Regular top dressing, weeding, loosening the soil is the key to a bountiful harvest;
  • When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to ensure free access to fresh air;
  • Do not forget to monitor the soil moisture and do not allow it to dry out. Mulching will help you maintain moderate moisture;
  • To protect tomatoes from diseases or harmful insects, a set of measures is used when growing plants: therapeutic and preventive spraying, crop rotation, soil disinfection.

With a minimum of time and effort, you can get a really great tomato crop.

A detailed video will help beginners learn everything about growing tomatoes, from planting to harvesting.



The bright, memorable name of the Siberian Miracle tomato variety does not limit cultivation in any particular region. On the contrary, its merits have already been appreciated by vegetable growers in the southern and central regions, as well as residents of the Near Abroad. Everyone who has managed to appreciate the taste of tomatoes, note the unpretentiousness of plants and a wide range of applications, which increases the value of this variety.

Reviews of experienced vegetable growers

Ekaterina, 44 years old, Kemerovo region
The climate in Siberia is harsh. Spring comes late and autumn comes early. Summer is very short, so it is difficult to find suitable varieties. Most often, tomatoes do not have time to ripen, and most were harvested green. But for two years now I have been growing the Siberian miracle, and I have not regretted it a bit. I was intrigued by the name of the variety. And now we are harvesting almost the entire crop. Enough for salads and preparations. My husband especially liked the pickled tomatoes. By autumn, there are very few tomatoes left on the bushes, and they ripen well at home. Now I don’t buy seeds, I harvest my own. I recommend this variety to everyone. You will not regret.
Galina, 39 years old, Perm region
I planted the Siberian miracle for the first time five years ago. A neighbor gave a few bushes of seedlings. For two years I planted tomatoes in the garden, and then they moved to a greenhouse. Bushes are tall and strong. I tied them up, fed them 3 times a season, stepchild every week. I really liked the taste, sweet and juicy. But the flesh is thick. I use them mostly for salads and marinades. The yield is excellent. One of my favorite varieties.

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