Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

About two hundred years ago, when tomatoes came from Europe to Our Country, they were called “love apples” for their beauty and similarity in shape to a heart. The real homeland of these beautiful fruits is South America, where there is high humidity and constantly high temperatures. Therefore, tomatoes love sunlight and a warm atmosphere so much. And the North-West of Our Country does not indulge in hot summers.

But, thanks to the efforts of breeders, a way out was found, and many tomato varieties appeared that grow and bear fruit safely even in regions with an unstable climate and with a rather short summer season. So, varieties of tomatoes appeared for the Leningrad region.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Features of growing tomatoes in the Leningrad region

Of course, heated greenhouses are best for growing tomatoes in the North-West region, but not all gardeners have them. Quite successful cultivation of tomatoes is possible if the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, popularly called cold ones, are used. You can even plant seedlings of tomato varieties for the Leningrad Region immediately on an open garden bed, but then it should be well covered with greenhouse film or covering material. This design is called “film shelter”. In any of these cases, you need to choose varieties of tomatoes for the Leningrad region, intended for greenhouses.

First of all, they must be early ripe, have a short growing season, so that in a short summer the tomatoes can ripen, so to speak, on the vine. Medium-sized tomatoes should be preferred, since tomato varieties for the Leningrad Region with large fruits, even those intended specifically for greenhouses, risk not ripening before the onset of cold weather.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Tomato seedlings for the Leningrad region are grown in the usual way. But there is a moment that must be completed: hardening seedlings. To do this, about half a month before planting the plants in the ground, containers with seedlings should be taken out into the street or into a cold greenhouse for several hours every day. This develops the resistance of tomatoes to bad weather, which is important in a rather cold summer season. You also need to keep in mind that tomatoes do not grow well on heavy, clay and acidic soils. It is better to take care in advance of the looseness and airiness of the soil, using the means available for this, such as sawdust, compost, etc.

It is very important to observe the timing of planting tomato seedlings in the ground, especially in such a harsh climate as the Leningrad Region. Usually, early varieties for the Leningrad region are planted in a greenhouse on June 1 or 2, while the age of the seedlings should not be less than fifty days. If the variety is ultra-early, then planting is carried out before April 15-20, it is desirable that the greenhouse be heated.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Seven important zones where Leningradskaya is the first

The choice of variety for planting depends on the zone of zoning intended for its cultivation. A good harvest is obtained only from tomatoes that are suitable for these conditions. There are seven such zones in total, otherwise they can be called light zones, and for each of them, breeders create varieties that have a certain set of characteristics. The main difference between the zoning zones is the light season, or rather, its length, it depends on how successfully you can grow tomatoes without using additional lighting. The Leningrad region is the No. 1 light zone for growing tomatoes, in which it is simply impossible to grow tomatoes in the autumn-winter months due to a short light period, if you do not resort to additional lighting.

The Leningrad region can be attributed to the zone of risky farming, therefore, in order to get a guaranteed good harvest, it is better to use tomato varieties for the Leningrad region with early and ultra-early ripening, which are suitable not only for the greenhouse, but also for open ground. It is important not to forget about timely fertilizer and crop rotation – tomatoes should not grow in the same place for more than 3 seasons in order to prevent soil depletion.

The main characteristics of tomato varieties for the Leningrad region

  • good low light tolerance;
  • early maturation;
  • must be resistant to harmful diseases;
  • independence from low temperatures during the formation of ovaries;
  • excellent taste, thanks to the accumulation of sugars with maximum use of solar energy.

Breeders managed to bring out not so many of the best varieties of tomatoes that have these characteristics. Only about thirty are registered in the State Register. Below are just a few of these varieties.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Top Grades

northern belle

It belongs to mid-season lettuce varieties, it can grow both in a greenhouse and in the open, but with the use of covering material. The bush is tall, you definitely need a garter and timely stepsoning. Not very large pear-shaped fruit weighs from 60 to 120 grams with a pronounced tomato aroma and taste. This variety adapts well to different weather conditions. Fusarium and tobacco mosaic virus are not sick.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation


An early ripe variety for growing in a greenhouse or under film cover. In height, the bush can reach one meter, so a garter and pinching is required. Elastic, egg-shaped fruits, color – bright orange, weighing about 130 grams with dense pulp and excellent sweet taste, mass ripening occurs in the second half of July. Normally refers to temperature changes, resistant to diseases. On one square meter, up to nine kilograms of beautiful tomatoes ripen, perfect for conservation.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Mithridates F1

Tall mid-early hybrid (105-110 days). It is a modified analogue of the Evpator hybrid. This variety feels great both in the greenhouse and in the open air. On the brush, 4-6 red tomatoes of a flat-round shape with a dense pulp of a sweet taste, weighing 130-150 grams, are formed. Resistant to diseases, has a good yield – up to 10 kg / m2. Handles transportation very well.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Pharaoh F1

Indeterminate hybrid, average maturity (105-115 days). The bush is neat, medium-sized. On the brush, 4-6 red fruits of a flat-round shape are formed with dense pulp and excellent taste. The variety is extremely productive – up to 25 kg / m2. Disease resistant.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation


Indeterminate early hybrid (100-105 days). On a brush, there are usually 5-7 red tomatoes of a flat-round shape with dense sweet pulp, quite fruitful – from 5 to 7,5 kg / m2. The variety is resistant to tomato diseases.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Indeterminate varieties are usually grown in greenhouses that tolerate frosts and diseases typical of tomatoes, consistently yield, and are capable of high-quality fruiting even with a lack of sunlight. Additional illumination is recommended as compensation for such a shortage.

Leningrad precocious

Early hybrid (90-95 days) with excellent resistance to tomato diseases. The bush is medium-sized, up to 80 cm high. The fruit is red, resembling a tennis ball, smooth, medium-sized (up to 80 grams), the taste is closer to sour. Good for temperature fluctuations.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Ural multiple

Mid-season variety, tall plant, although it has small leaves. Red fruits are rounded, slightly flattened, weighing about 60 grams, the taste is sweet and sour. Resistant to major diseases, the yield is consistently high.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Leningrad autumn

Mid-late variety (115-130 days), intended only for greenhouses. The plant is tall, powerful, the leaf is large, slightly corrugated. The fruit is red, almost round, with an orange tint, slightly ribbed, the taste is sweetish, weight 80-130 grams. It tolerates bad weather, stably forms ovaries even with a lack of light. Harvest – 6-7 kg / m2. Disadvantages include susceptibility to tobacco mosaic

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

The best varieties of undersized tomatoes


Very early undersized variety (80-85 days). The bush is quite compact, does not require stepsoning, with five flower brushes, on which 5-7 fruits are placed. Red round fruit, smooth, weighing about 80 grams, pleasant taste. It is resistant to tomato diseases. The harvest is consistently high.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Dwarf 1185

Mid-early variety (110-115 days). The bush is low about 50 cm, compact, it is very convenient to grow it in open ground. The fruit is small, red, oval-rounded, weighing about 60 grams. It begins to ripen by August, the yield is 3-3,5 kg / m2. Of the shortcomings – susceptible to phytophthora.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation


Determinate early variety. The bush is small, compact with light green small leaves. The red fruit is almost round, slightly flattened, not very dense, average weight is about 150 grams, with excellent taste, well suited for salads. Phytophthora resistant. Harvest – 4-4,5 kg / m2.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

apple tree

Mid-early determinant variety (115-130 days). The bush has an average branching and small leaves, it is not necessary to tie up and stepson. Red fruit, round in shape, almost perfectly even, with a bright tomato aroma and taste, weighing about 100 grams. It is resistant to diseases, tolerates high humidity well.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Ground Gribovsky 1180

Early ripe determinate variety (95-105 days). The bush is low (from 40 to 55 cm), compact. Red, round, slightly flattened fruits, slightly ribbed, weighing up to 100 grams. Harvest – 4-4,5 kg / m2. It tolerates bad weather, suitable for cultivation in the Non-Black Earth Region. Seeds can be sown directly into the soil. Among the shortcomings – it does not tolerate excessive moisture, bacterial rot and phytophthora occur.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation


Early undersized variety (85-95 days). Red almost round fruits, medium-sized, even, weighing up to 80 grams, with excellent taste. Very good in salads and winter preserves. The variety is not prone to cracking, resistant to phytophthora. Tolerates extreme weather conditions. Harvest – 4-4,5 kg / m2. Perfectly transported.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation

Snow tale

Standard mid-season variety (100-115 days). The bush is quite low, neat, does not require a garter and pinching. The fruit is red, slightly flattened, medium-sized, weighing up to 50 grams, taste with a slight sourness. It is very unpretentious in care, tolerates bad weather well, and is resistant to major tomato diseases. The harvest is consistently high.

Tomato seeds for the Leningrad region: varieties, cultivation


In addition to the fact that tomatoes themselves are very tasty and widely used in cooking, they are also extremely useful.

  1. Restore the water-salt balance.
  2. Chromium, which is rich in tomatoes, helps regulate glucose levels in diabetic patients.
  3. The high content of chlorogenic and coumaric acids protect against carcinogens that are formed during smoking.
  4. Thanks to potassium and B vitamins, blood pressure decreases, “bad” cholesterol disappears, which has a beneficial effect on the body of hypertensive patients, etc.

You can learn how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse in this video:

5 rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to grow tomatoes at home

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