Tomato seedlings die: what to do

Many gardeners prefer to grow tomato seedlings on their own. After all, this allows you not to limit yourself both in the choice of varieties and in the number of plants grown, to adjust the planting dates for your individual conditions, and the savings are quite significant. Of course, it’s a shame when tender sprouts suddenly begin to wither, turn yellow, or even die.

Why is this happening

When looking for an answer to the question: “Why do tomato seedlings die?” one must proceed from the fact that there are at least three main factors affecting the life and health of plants in general and tomatoes in particular.

Lighting and heat

Tomatoes need a lot of light and preferably direct sun. Especially in the early spring months, when this is still a problem in the middle lane. With a lack of light, the immunity of tomato seedlings is weakened, and it is more likely to suffer from any infection or care error.

Tomato seedlings die: what to do

It must be remembered that tomatoes are by no means sissies, although they love warmth.

Attention! For good growth, tomatoes need a difference between day and night temperatures of 5-6 °.

In addition, seeds need about 20-24°C for germination, and for germinated shoots, the temperature must be reduced to 17-19°C so that they do not stretch too much. This is especially important when there is a lack of light. But tomatoes also do not like the cold. At temperatures below +15, their growth stops, and if it is below +10, then seedlings may be damaged. Usually they are expressed in the fact that the leaves curl a little and acquire a purple hue. Fresh air is also vital for tomato seedlings, ventilate the seedlings whenever possible, and in warm weather harden it outside (on the balcony).

Soil and air humidity

This is one of the most important factors, non-compliance with the regime of which can lead to the death of tomato seedlings.

Tomato seedlings die: what to do

Moreover, if the seedlings, especially those that have already matured, can still endure the drying of the soil, then waterlogging of the earth, and even in conjunction with the cold, will most likely end in failure for the plants. It must be remembered that it is always better to underfill tomatoes a little than overfill. The surface of the soil must be dry between waterings. It is the failure to comply with this condition that most often leads to the disease of tomato seedlings with the fungal disease “black leg”. It is very difficult to save plants – you can only try to transplant them into fresh soil and keep them in a semi-dry state.

Important! Tomatoes do not like too humid air, and do not tolerate moisture on the leaves especially well, so spraying the leaves is not recommended.

Soil problems

Practice shows that most often the death of tomato seedlings occurs due to problems with the soil mixture.

Tomato seedlings die: what to do

It can be, firstly, infected with bacteria, fungi or viruses, secondly, be unsuitable for its mechanical composition (too dense and heavy), and thirdly, have acidity that is not suitable for a tomato. It doesn’t matter what kind of land you use for seedlings: purchased or from your site, before planting it must be calcined in the oven or on the stove, spilled with potassium permanganate, and even better treated with phytosporin or furatsilin. For loosening, instead of sand, it is better to add vermiculite. And acidity can be checked using a special test, which is now sold in any garden store. Tomatoes love neutral soils. If the soil is acidic, then you can add wood ash.

What can be done to save seedlings

What can be done in your particular case if the tomato seedlings are already sick?

  • If the leaves of tomato seedlings begin to gradually turn pale, turn yellow, turn white in places, sometimes dry out and fall off, starting from the cotyledon leaves, then, first of all, try to water less. For the regions of the middle zone and to the north, with a lack of sunny days, these are quite common symptoms of excessive watering;

    Tomato seedlings die: what to do

  • If the leaves just turn yellow, and the problem is definitely not watering, then you can try to feed the tomato seedlings with trace elements and iron chelate. By the way, the same symptoms appear with an excess of fertilizers. Therefore, if you have regularly fed your tomato seedlings, you may have overdone it and now you need to carefully transplant your seedlings into another soil;
  • If the leaves turn yellow and at the same time the tomato seedlings become lethargic, then an infection can be suspected. In this case, processing of tomatoes with Fitosporin or Trichodermin is necessary.

A radical solution to the problem, if nothing else helps

You seem to have done everything right, but the leaves still wither or turn yellow and the seedlings die. The last way to try to save tomato seedlings remains – cut off the top of the plants, even if there is only one living leaf left and place the cuttings in water at room temperature or warmer. Only stems should be in the water, no leaves. When even the smallest roots appear on the cuttings, they can be planted in a light, disinfected substrate, preferably with the addition of vermiculite. Water moderately. The remaining “stumps” of the tomato also continue to moderately moisten, it is likely that they will release stepchildren and soon turn green, no worse than their comrades. Usually only their development is slower than the growth of “tops”.

Tomato seedlings die: what to do

If you follow all the above recommendations, you will definitely be able to grow healthy tomato seedlings, which will delight you with their delicious fruits in the future. There is only one more point – these are tomato seeds. With your seeds, you are doomed to success, but any purchased ones are always a pig in a poke. So grow and harvest tomato seeds if possible yourself.

Klimtseva LN about seedlings and mistakes in its cultivation

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