Tomato Sanka: advantages and disadvantages of a productive variety

Tomato Sanka: advantages and disadvantages of a productive variety

Tomato Sanka: advantages and disadvantages of a productive variety

Vegetables in winter, especially with the approach of spring, rise in price, so not everyone can indulge in fresh salads almost every day. Those who do not have greenhouses are forced to wait for the start of the gardening season. And the harvest of some vegetables, for example, tomatoes, sometimes has to wait a very long time. But modern breeding has not bypassed such problems, and now there are many ultra-early types of tomatoes. Many gardeners leave very good reviews about the Sanka tomato variety, which we decided to talk about in this article. In addition to describing the variety, we will deal with its advantages and ways of using it.

Characteristics of a variety

Tomato Aelita Sanka (this is exactly what the name sounds like: it includes the name of the company that produces the seed of this variety) can be called super-early: from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest, no more than 85 days pass, and often ripe tomatoes can be harvested after 65-75 days . According to the description, the Sanka tomato plant is small, about half a meter high, the fruits are bright red, round, slightly ribbed, there is no green spot near the stem, the presence of which is observed in many types of tomatoes. The mass of individual tomatoes is 80-100 g, with careful care it is possible to obtain specimens up to 150 g. Taste qualities leave good reviews, tomatoes can be sweetish or slightly sour. One brush contains about 5-6 tomatoes.

Tomato Sanka: advantages and disadvantages of a productive variety

The Sanka tomato variety is grown mainly in open ground, but nothing prevents you from doing it in a greenhouse or greenhouse. In any case, with good care, you will get a good harvest. When growing in a greenhouse, plants will have to pay a little more attention (preparing and sowing seeds, diving them, etc. requires more time and diligence). For seedlings, Sanka tomato seeds are placed in the soil in the first decade of March. In open ground, tomato seedlings of the Sanka variety are moved if there are two leaves at the age of 40-50 days, about 4-5 pieces are placed per 1 m². It is undesirable to plant after potatoes or peppers with eggplant, but legumes and cucurbits are good predecessors.

Use of fruits

If you look at the description of this variety on the Internet, then in addition to the characteristics of the tomato, you can additionally see reviews regarding the use of fruits. Possessing excellent taste, of course, first of all, Sanka goes to the preparation of salads, is consumed fresh. Other characteristics, such as small size and round shape, are convenient factors for canning tomatoes, because such fruits are easy to place in jars with any neck. An excellent option would also be to put Sanka tomatoes on other tomato products, such as juice, sauce or paste. Those who like to add fresh tomatoes when cooking borscht can safely use this variety.

Tomato Sanka: advantages and disadvantages of a productive variety


Reviews on various forums are full of descriptions of the positive characteristics of the Sanka tomato variety and, by the way, they are not without truth. Tomato Sanka has almost no negative reviews. One of the main advantages of this type of tomato is a high and stable yield (13-15 kg per square meter can be harvested), the fruiting period is quite long. Convenience in growing gives the determinism of plants (that is, limited growth), so the bushes do not require a garter (an exception may be the case when heavy fruits are formed that will pull the bush to the ground), no need to remove extra stepchildren. It can grow in various climatic conditions, steadfastly responds to changes in various conditions (lower temperature, low light levels, lack of moisture, etc.), has good immunity to diseases.

Since Sanka is not a hybrid form, you can collect plant seeds and use them later. Sanka tomato seeds, like the variety itself, receive only positive feedback from experienced gardeners.

Tomato Sanka: advantages and disadvantages of a productive variety

In addition to the usual tomato, there is also a golden Sanka, which is not very different in its qualities, and got its name because of the color of the fruit. It is also a very easy variety to grow, and many gardeners have made it an indispensable element on their site.

Video “Variety of tomatoes Sanka”

This video gives advice on planting seedlings, as well as showing mature fruits on the bushes.

The best (tomatoes) Sanka variety tomatoes!

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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