Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

The choice of tomato variety for planting depends on several determining factors. For the northern regions, hybrids with high frost resistance are suitable; for the southern regions of the country, yield indicators are taken as a basis. There are tomatoes that meet almost all the requirements. Windrose tomato is one of the species that is characterized by unpretentiousness, productivity and high adaptive abilities.

Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

Description of the tomato variety Windrose

The Windrose variety was bred by scientists in order to obtain a hybrid that can grow in the northern regions of the country. It is included in the State Register of the Federation in the spring of 2003 with recommendations for growing in any chosen way: in greenhouses, on open ground or under the film of mini-greenhouses.

  1. The bush of tomatoes of the Wind Rose variety grows up to 45 cm, it is classified as an upright species, so the formation is carried out in several stems.
  2. The leaves of the plant are narrow, light green with corrugated edges, light edge. The variety is prone to active growth of green mass, so there are always a lot of leaves on the bush.
  3. The flowers appear as the ovaries form, they are small, pale pink.
  4. The fruits of this variety have an even rounded shape with a slight indentation in the region of the stalk.

The wind rose is classified as an early ripening variety. According to the structure of the stems, the Windrose tomatoes belong to determinant hybrids.

Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

Description of fruits

The main value of the variety is smooth, without flaws, fruits. According to the description of tomatoes of the Wind Rose variety, the main characteristic is compiled:

  • average fruit weight – 130 g;
  • the skin is thin, but dense;
  • the surface is glossy, without growths;
  • the shade varies from pink to dark pink;
  • the pulp is juicy;
  • the taste is classified as sweet-spicy;
  • the number of seeds is minimal.

The Windrose hybrid is classified as a salad species: this means that their fresh consumption is considered to be the main area of ​​​​application. According to numerous reviews of the tomato variety Windrose is perfect for pickling and preparing assorted preparations, where several vegetable crops are mixed.

Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

Main characteristics

The wind rose is popular with those who grow tomatoes in seedlings in open ground, as well as those who prefer greenhouse cultivation. The yield of the variety remains stable when choosing any method. This is one of the many advantages of a hybrid.

The main characteristic features of the Windrose tomatoes are the following signs:

  • to achieve technical ripeness, tomatoes need about 95 days from the moment seedlings appear;
  • subject to the minimum requirements, the bushes stably bear fruit for several weeks;
  • the variety is resistant to low temperatures;
  • adapts to the instability of climatic conditions;
  • to be grown in the beds of greenhouses and in the open field;
  • due to the compactness of the bushes, the culture can grow in small areas.

According to summer residents, under favorable conditions and following the basic rules for caring for 1 square. m plantings harvest about 7 kg of fruit per season.

Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

Advice! When grown using the greenhouse method, it is recommended to form high ridges: this will become additional protection against frost and protect the top layer of soil from freezing.

When planting the determinant variety Windrose, no additional supports are required, since the bushes are low and able to support the weight of the fruit without the risk of sagging to the ground.

The hybrid is characterized as resistant to many major tomato diseases: this is due to high adaptive and protective performance, as well as belonging to the early ripening type. The active phase of the growing season falls on the time period when favorable conditions for the development of diseases characteristic of the culture have not come.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews of the Wind Rose tomato variety, it can be concluded that the hybrid has almost no flaws.

If we are talking about the advantages of the variety, then its main characteristics are information about high yields, resistance to changing climatic conditions and excellent taste of fruits.

If they talk about the shortcomings of the variety, then they mention the need to introduce additional mineral complexes to the bushes in order to improve the quality of the soil. This measure can increase productivity.

Rules of landing and care

Seeds for seedlings of the Windrose variety begin to be sown in late March – early April. This period is suitable for planning landings in the ground during the first week of June. Recommendations for care and planting:

  • soil disinfection;
  • step-by-step preparation of seeds;
  • additional fertilizer with mineral mixtures;
  • selection of a site with suitable culture neighbors.

Growing seedlings

Seeds of the Windrose variety must be placed in the root biostimulator. This rule applies to all early ripe varieties of tomatoes. After soaking for 12 hours, they are dried at room temperature. If necessary, the seeds are treated additionally:

  • hardening (recommended for northern regions);
  • germination (when planting a small amount of seedlings, in order to exclude the admission of unviable material to sowing);
  • calibration (for weeding out empty seeds).

The soil for sowing is hardened or calcined. It depends on the individual preferences of the summer resident. To warm up, the soil is placed in an oven and kept at a temperature of +70 ° C.

For hardening, it is frozen at -10 ° C 2 to 3 days before sowing.

The Windrose variety is usually sown in common containers, and after germination and the appearance of the 3rd – 4th leaf, a pick is carried out. Weak sprouts are left on the windowsill at a temperature of +22 – 24 ° C and a stable supply of sunlight. Strong seedlings begin to prepare for seating at a permanent place of growth.

Seedling transplant

Seedlings are transplanted as the soil is prepared:

  • for greenhouse cultivation, planting is planned for early to mid-May, provided that the soil warms up to +18 ° C;
  • for mini-greenhouses, a period is chosen when the possibility of return frosts is excluded;
  • for open ground, the terms may be shifted, depending on climatic conditions, while the open ground must be warmed up to at least +15 ° C.

Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

The soil is dug up 1 week before planting. Add organic plants. When planting lay mineral fertilizers. Those who planted the Windrose in their backyard recommend adding a bucket of hot water to the hole before planting. This method helps the sprouts to adapt faster and endure temperature changes without energy costs.

Mini-greenhouses are additionally covered with plastic wrap, since greenhouse plantings are carried out earlier than plantings on open ground, which means that the age of the seedlings implies additional care.

Information! High ridges are organized for mini-greenhouses: many summer residents, in addition to industrial structures, use barrels, tanks, containers.

For planting take into account the size of the bushes. According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, each sprout is planted at a distance of 35 – 40 cm from the other. The distance between the rows is up to 60 cm. This scheme will allow you to freely carry out garters, pinching and harvesting.

Care of tomatoes

Windrose tomatoes need regular weekly watering. They are able to tolerate periods of short-term drought and calmly react to slight waterlogging, but violation of irrigation rules immediately affects productivity.

Advice! On the 2nd week after planting, additional prophylactic treatment against late blight is carried out. Bushes are sprayed with a solution of tobacco or special chemicals.

For top dressing, mineral complexes with potassium and phosphorus are used. Liquid mixtures are applied under the root every 2 weeks. This is not a prerequisite, but can help increase yields.

To get rid of weeds and prevent the appearance of insects, tomatoes of this variety are mulched immediately after planting. Wood sawdust, coniferous needles are suitable for mulching.

Bushes do not need pinching: due to short stature, the formation of a bush is not practiced. In order for the bush to withstand the weight of the formed tomatoes, several garters are made.

Tomato Rose of the Winds: characteristics and description of the variety

Advice! Next to the tomatoes, it is advised to plant calendula or marigolds. This neighborhood protects the tomatoes from the invasion of insects.


Tomato Rose of the Winds has almost no flaws. With low demands, it gives an excellent harvest. The palatability of the fruit has made this variety especially popular in recent decades.


Reviews about the tomato Rose of the Winds

Petrova Anna Igorevna, 68 years old, Chernogorsk
Windrose chose tomatoes according to the description and photo on one of the forums. At first, I was attracted by the appearance: I love strong, even fruits of a traditional shape without additional edges. In addition, I consider one of the advantages of the color of these tomatoes. I took my first harvest at the end of June. The tomatoes did not disappoint. The taste of tomatoes is tender, sweetish. Suitable for salads and hot dishes. Now this is one of my favorite strains.
Dolmatova Alla Valentinovna, 56 years old, Chuysk
I want to share with summer residents my story of acquaintance with the Rose of the Winds tomato variety. For health reasons, last year I missed the stage of planting late varieties for seedlings. I don’t like early hybrids, but I had to plant them. I did not prepare the seeds, I sowed them somehow and did not hope for a good harvest. I also chose a variety of tomatoes from the photo, as it seemed to me, with a pretentious name: “Wind Rose”. As a result, I got a wonderful harvest, enjoyed the taste, made a lot of blanks. Now only the Rose of the Winds is what I need!

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